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Posts posted by Calii

  1. SS4W is a good choice,and Cougar would be too!! ...would be young,sparkly,& sexy :lolipop: ...an extra boost of cops would be good with either...just sayin :P

  2. This is going to drive me crazy :o ... is smelling now exactly[i/] like the filling of an uber delicous Xmas hard candy I use to get for my husband,but dang if I can remember what kind it was :w00t:

  3. You're welcome ;) Mara just told me about the CPS a few days ago. It's technical name is D5. The industry standard is a mix of D4 and D5 aka silkbase. It's not as safe as D5 which is pure silicone, so LP prefers it and spends more to be able to offer it.


    :yeahthat: ...I remember reading, and being impressed by Mara's post somewhere about the D5,and that was after I had ordered it :) ...and it lasts forever!

  4. Ack...sorry this one is not for your Honey KK,hope you get plenty of use time with the self-effects,cause hoo-ya,they are really good for me too :) !


    ...just another example how different things can effect different people.While reading reviews,and advice,is fun,the only way to know what works for you,and yours,is to experiment...the only way.



  5. Welome to our home,welcome to the adventure! :) mmmm,Baskery is a personal fav of mine :wub: Definitely try OCCO White,and Beth's BMM,altho BBBM is on the sweet side <on me> I love it and so do many! ... BB beat me to suggesting Perfect Match with cops,oh and Gotcha is a strong one in 1x :o just sayin :lol:

  6. This is so yummeh and I have to finish my naughty drunken fae debauchery vignette that I was going to write for it originally (and I don't have to censor myself now. hee!).

    ...tappity tappity tappity :P


    Ok,I get teh pink yumz,teh creamy light eggnoggy drydown,not as much spice as I like...yet...this will age into perfection! :hearts09793:

  7. This is as good as it gets for a Xmas scent that everyone can love with a phero blend that everyone can love :):) ... Makes me smile,like Unwrapped,but with more brown sugar/maple richness...thicker? ...not too sweet but like Da Mawa said , "rounder" :D


    For those that don't go the cookie/eggnog route *ahem* this is the one !!!!

  8. LOL...ok maybe the power of suggestion,maybe just because it is so different than the other five,so far,NR's I have on at the same time,but I get a truly edible sweet weed :rofl222: ...oh boy am I going to have some grand fun with this around a certain someone :001_302:

  9. Gish Katz,I get lots of peppermint and I luv it :wub: ...ohh this will be awesome with Festival of Lights for any who would want more chocolate,but it is beautiful on it's own...glad I tried this first before adding most of the other NR's as usual,my nose is timing out :lol: but this still comes through...YUMMY :) :)

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