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Posts posted by Calii

  1. I wore this blend LFN last night on my pulse points and had LFM beta spray under my perfume on the rest of me. My honey was SHAKING. We went to the movies and dinner and he could not keep his hands off of me!!! At the movies he had trouble breathing and could not stop grabbing my arm.


    Ive NEVER seen him react to any blend this intensely. Our nightime activity became almost violent.


    Did you meant the new release Because The Night? or unscented LFN ...this sounds like an overdose maybe,the shaking /breathing part ? ...oops,just saw your other post,ok the LFN,alone sounds about right...yep just the right touch of none ;)

  2. excerts from journal... :)


    Because The Night...goes to the flea market :lol:


    Anywho,went to check mail and see what was going on at the local swap meet now that the weather has cooled and it is growing in size...thought I might run into Mr. TD&T but found out he is out of town,ummm,found this out from a *friend* of his, who might be a former friend if word gets back how he behaved around me :001_302: Was slathered in BTN w/La Femme Noire and had a spritz of LFM in my hair ...oh my ladies,this is a FUN combo,ummm who cares that it was 9 AM,eep,I felt like playing and it must have showed ,does anyone get a little flushed in the face from this ????


    I found a, looks like new,Have-A-Heart trap,for $10,and had been looking at a small cut glass candy dish,that would place nicely on my altar table,sooo,he said,oh and take that too,no charge,while grinning and blushing.


    So many *hits*... LOL, had this older gentleman and his little dog follow me all over :o ...lots of flirting,some quite on the heavy side,I was not really looking for anything else but sure felt I could pretty much...well :lol: ...and walking away to the parking lot, felt that similar Cougar strut and that all eyes were on me...gotta love that touch of 'none :P

  3. First,welcome here :) ...IMO...mixing the two would give you too much B-Nol,which could lead to over sharing,or even overly emotional feelings on your part,but see it depends on how *you* react to it,everyone is different. Now I like PM with cops,quite a lot :D but I add the cops in the form of one of the OCCO's <I favor White,Red,Pink,SLF, & Ambrosia> or Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, a beautiful vanilla :wub:

  4. This one . . . is growing on me. It sends out a vibe like a homing beacon to all the Bad Boys I run into. Dark-haired, five-o'clock shadowed Bad Boys with soul-searing eyes and sensuous mouths begging to be kissed. They seem to lock right on to the smell of S&V and not let go.


    Good Boys, however, seem to run from it. Weak little Good Boys can't handle the intensity of S&V.


    Gotta get me a boat load of this stuff.


    Drool ... LUV IT! :001_302:


    ...hmmm kinda like OCCO SLF is on me,think I might just boost one with Dom :666:

  5. ...fingering her vintage Hermes scarf she has wrapped around her head, in her Katherine Hepburn pants and blouse.

    But no shoes. She 's not wearing shoes... because Q is coming to town this weekend and she has a special pair of shoes she's going to wear just for him..


    :lol: ... have I told you lately that I luv you !




    but who is this who is telling you that you "Need" to be anything? fuck them.


    Oh hell yeah,I'm with Tyvey :lol: ...who is advising you,and just what it their stake in it,hmmm :P


    ...alluring is as alluring does,depends on what makes *you* feel that way. All women have allure :) Daring? dare to be,dare to play,dare to do something different? ...well sure,that is what keeps life interesting! But if you don't like a scent,don't wear it for someone else.


    LOL Ok,that being said I am wearing Glistening Buttons right now w/Leather and feel pretty damn alluring....and daring! :smiley-sex010:


  7. he was just doing it. No hesitating, no blabbing for 10 minutes until he forgot to do it. He just did whatever I asked. :huh: (Can't wait to see how it fares in the bedroom! :lol: ). I didn't feel bossy. I didn't feel bitchy, (like I really expected to). I just felt a wee bit sassy. Kind of like, "you're going to do this, and you're going to like it."


    Oh Hell Yeah :001_302:


    ...mmmm,luvs me some Leather :P



    Hee! Definitely my inside voice. I didn't even have time to think, "Gotcha!". It was more like, "What the HELL?". :lol:


    LMAO!!! Are we to conclude that Phinnius can light UNscented candles? Because I have. :D




    ...Aloha,loved it!...ummm yeah a full kiss is what you would expect wearing something called Gotcha!,no ? ... but hey,the no tongue showed respect :001_302:


    I had outstanding selfies too. I never used/tried Sexpionage so I don't have anything to compare.

    Good Grief Gurl ,you have not tried Compromising Positions yet ???? :w00t::w00t:


    The thing that boggles my mind is that the fragrances are only 1/3 the strength of the unscented blends...


    yep...yep...and yep...scent with intent,it takes the package! :D



    I just used this quote to bring up the question that's all. I'm not saying I think they aren't just selling something. But I read an excerpt from a book that a doctor wrote about this subject but I can't find the book.


    Let us know when you find it,it would be interesting to see what kind of a doctor made that statement,ie, doctor of what,credentials etc ...and his affiliation.


    One thing I completely agree with is the scent/emotions,irregardless of pheros :)

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