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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. "homeless women toe cheese" :smiley-laughing024:


    Welcome! I think Dolly and Memorare covered most everything.. definitely get the sampler!


    As far as cops go, I usually apply in my cleavage, sometimes a circle around my belly button. Then I let it dry for like 10 mins or so before I get dressed. I like using the OCCOs, it helps cover the scent.

  2. Remember The Healing Garden Green Tea body lotion and shower gel set? That was my favorite, even though I wouldn't have considered it a "me" scent. And I doubt I could even pick out what it smelled like now, lol.

    But I had a lotion at a recent hotel stay that was similar, and ever since then, have been trying to dream up a green tea PE. I don't think I really need to now, though. This perfume is so pretty! It's a light, fresh, clean smelling green tea scent, with just the right amount of sugar to sweeten it up.

  3. Hearts, she said she made it with pheros from Pheromas, so it was something she put together herself. I would like to try that too. I think this would smell good on a guy, but I like it too much to share!

  4. Mara described it best, pink and green at the same time. I'm glad it's not like the sickly sweet Sweet Pea scents I've smelled before. This is great for early Spring, it gives it that fresh blossoming feel... everything is all new and growing.

  5. I wasn't sure if I would love this one, as I've only experienced the mass market plumeria before. But this one is really pretty. I think it is a beautiful floral, not overwhelming, not pointy. I think I will keep this, to use this summer.

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