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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. Well, personally, I think everyone has their own scent, so I don't know if it's possible to create a universal "vagina scent". You could definitely create your own, though, or attempt to.


    As far as more EoW style scents, have you looked in the Pheromone section of the LP Gift Shoppe on the main website? There are several types of OCCO's (scented copulin/EoW), as well as other fragrances that have EoW added to them. We have quite a selection to choose from...

  2. So, let me set this up. Last week, Mr Perfect was at a computer geek meet up thing. Some guy comes in, and says their company (located in the Bay Area) is looking to hire people for a local office. Mr Perfect meets him for lunch the next day. On Tuesday, he does a phone interview. Today he went to their office for another interview and to check out their company. I set out a few samples for him to try. He chose Kingmaker. With Charisma.

    Their HR office called him before he even got home with a job offer.



  3. It reminds me a bit of Lina's Woodland Romance. Did you get one of those? This is like the cool morning version with a hint of the lingering fire from the cozy night before. ;)



    I did try it but it didn't quite work for me... Hmmm. Maybe I will wait and think about it some more - thanks!!!


    ETA - Well, crap. I read the reviews. BC has me wanting it again!

  4. Ive been burning my LP O with Gotcha (I think that's the one, anyway) My b/f has been blowing it out, lol. Finally I was like, WTH... he said it's just too much for him. I'll have to switch it out for something lighter <_>

  5. I like cinnamon, and I love licorice.. but I still wasn't expecting to love this. I just don't know if I want to smell like cinnamon, lol. But I really like this one. Not sure if I'll get a bottle, but will definitely use my sample.. and like katz said, maybe layer it!

    It's sweet and cinnamon-y. I want to eat it. I don't really get the pepper, unless it's just making it a bit spicier. The licorice is there and I love it..


    Please ignore the idiotic comment I made in this previous post. I WANT TO SMELL LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME!!!



    I may even need two bottles.

  6. I got this in a trade, and it was 90 degrees today. But that didn't stop me from slathering some of this on me as soon as I unwrapped it! At first, it was the plasticky vanilla of doom.. I was a little scared. But after awhile, it was a really pretty vanilla cake. I didn't get that much pink frosting, but I'm hoping it will come out more once it settles.

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