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Posts posted by Bella15


    If this was reddit I would upvote this.

    HAHA, I love Reddit...


    I also love Audacious... I get great selfies (one of the few pheros that I get them with) and my b/f is seriously all over me with this. He really responds to pheros with a more alpha vibe, and this makes me feel sexy too, so it's definitely a winner!

  2. I hear you QG. I don't think I have missed anything I really wanted in the past year and I've stocked up on so many favorites I seriously would not be surprised if I was able to sit this one out!


    Eta: *LP lies we tell ourselves?....time will tell...*

    haha, yep!!


    Last year I went cold turkey, was bad timing. It will be interesting to see the sale list this year, I love when Mara reveals her personal favorites. Other than a couple of sugareds I never really went thru the list and reviews to narrow down a great selection, the sale mght be a good time to do this. Once the online store goes up which I 'm guessing will be timed w the sale there might be a few things I'll need. I won't be diving head first into this sale (like my first one) but will check it out.

    Oh my gosh, I remember that! I was so jealous of your sale orders that year!

  3. I love Mara's white musk.. this is really pretty, it smells like Pure Sugar with just a hint of white musk. It stays pretty close to the skin, and is one of those great "I just smell good naturally" kind of scents. I had a bottle and traded it away, but I may end up getting another one, lol

  4. I have Dom and Leather in both silicone and spray. In spray, as long as it doesn't have cops, I will put it in my hair or on the front of my shirt as well as cleavage and backs of hands even. I apply where it can really get out there.....I will also put on wrists, cleavage and neck.....depending on what clothes I am wearing and how covered or uncovered I am......


    I wouldn't turn the BI into a spray, but the Leather and Dom should be fine in a spray.

    Thanks, Dolly!

  5. So I always seem to forget how well my guy responds to the more dominant pheros.. and then I'm like, OMG I need to wear these more often!!


    I have Leather in a roll on. Should I convert it to a spray?


    I have Dom in a trial dropper, from last Pheromas. I will have to experiment with dosage. Apply to torso/cleavage? Wrists? Inner elbow?


    I also have LFN in a trial dropper. Dosage and application advice?


    Are there other ones I should be trying? I have BI in Odalisque. He responds really well to that one, too.


    Say I want to add some of these to my existing bottles. Would I use a 1/3 ratio? Would using a smaller ratio be ineffective?



    Edited for a stray apostrophe. Stupid kindle autocorrect

  6. Welcome, ivysaur!


    As far as I know, that's not something that a pheromone would be able to do. :hug:


    It's important to remember that past relationships don't take away from what you have now - unless you let them. Our previous experiences help us to learn and grow. Each person that we love is different, and each relationship is different. If you feel that your boyfriend is not fully over his ex-girlfriend, though, talk to him about it. Although if he doesn't mention her often, I wouldn't worry about it :)


    You could try some other pheros to see if they might be helpful - DHEAS, Heart & Soul, Treasured Hearts, Empathy Potion.. check out the review threads and see if any of those sound good to you.. they are helpful for bonding (each in its own way)

  7. Mmmm, this is pretty!! I don't remember what GOTBM smelled like, I traded it away too quickly. But this does kind of have the feel of Hanagumori... a light sophisticated floral... I like it, but I have Hanagumori, which I love, so I don't know that I need a bottle. I'll keep my sample though!



    Halo, like you, lotus sometimes bites me. Glad to hear this is a softened version. I lllllove bamboo, so this might just work.

    HAHA, I read this as Halo sometimes bites you...



    Edited for spelling

  8. I was surprised to find (back with Leprechaun Luck) that I love honeysuckle scents. I just never knew they could be so pretty! This one is fab, sharing the spotlight with the rose (another of my floral loves) and the woods are there to really ground it.

  9. Wet, this was super sweet watermelon yumminess - I wanted to drink it!! But after about 15 mins, it became TOO sweet. Like the kind that makes me feel ill. SO I had to wash it off. But if you can handle the sweetness, it's pretty yummy!

  10. In the vial, I can smell the rose, but on my skin, after drydown, it's mostly strawberry lemonade. The tartness stays in there, and it actually makes my mouth water when I sniff it - I must be thirsty, lol.

  11. Hmmm.. I don't even know how to describe this. It keeps calling me to sniff it again, so I'm pretty sure I like it.. LOL. It doesn't smell like Pherodise to me ( I love that one too) I think I'm getting the Aja over the hydrangea, because it almost smells like honeysuckle to me. The cocoa butter is super soft and not overpowering at all.

  12. I'm not usually a jasmine girl, but this is a very clean, pretty jasmine scent. I don't need a bottle of it, but I will probably keep and enjoy my sample :) It dried down into a beautiful, just-out-of-the-shower weekend-morning kind of scent.

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