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Posts posted by Bella15

  1. Hearts mentioned how this one is almost commercial smelling, and I have to agree. I don't know that I've smelled a lot of lilac perfumes, although Sneaky Clean has, white lilac, right? But wow, I love this. Definitely on my bottle list.

  2. While I've enjoyed all the orange cakey scents, I've never gotten a bottle of any of them because they just were "too much" on my skin. But this one seems not quite as intense, and I could see myself wearing it. It's a light orange creamy cupcake.

  3. This reminds me of Amanda's Sweet Pink Flowers.. a little sharp when wet, but dries down to a beautiful, sweet pink scent that just catches me by surprise when I get a whiff, because it smells so amazing. It's sweeter, though, and simpler than Amanda's SPF

  4. I didn't love Orchidacious, so I was worried I wouldn't like this one. I do though. The orchid is soft and creamy, and I love it with the pink frosting. I don't know if I will get a bottle as my b/f isn't a fan of orchid perfumes, but I'll keep my sample.

  5. I love magnolias. I'm wondering if maybe we have different smelling magnolias here though.. lol. The magnolias I'm used to smell like a clean, fresh, creamy flower.

    This is a beautiful perfume, but it smells like a spicy flower. Like a cinnamon magnolia. Maybe it's my skin chemistry.. I don't see that anyone else is getting that. Haha. I will try again, in a couple weeks and see how it smells.

  6. While I do like the other honeysuckle scents, I was worried that this would be overpowering. But it's not, it's absolutely beautiful! I don't really get the cake, just a sweet lovely honeysuckle blossom hanging out on my arm.

  7. I really like this one. It's so pretty and fresh smelling. Highland Fling took awhile to grow on me, and I love it now, even though the buttercream and I went rounds at first.

    This is just super pretty, but it does fade fast on my skin.

  8. Hmm. This is pretty after drydown, but it's not really "me". I'm thinking the only reason I've like other tuberose perfumes is because there were other notes in there, lol. It's kind of sickly sweet and weirdly sharp. Giving me a headache.

  9. Yeah, I thought I'd fall for this one too. But it is too much for me. Almost headache inducing. I think I'll stick to Sugared Strawberry, that one works better on me.

    I don't get any cake, just super sweet pinkness.

  10. I have a body oil spray with gardenia, and I just don't love it. I keep trying though, because it was expensive. I thought maybe if I wore it with this, it would be tolerable. It didn't really help. I think I just am not a fan of gardenia.

  11. Welcome, Sylvian.. Glad you're joining us! I think that's a great choice, I love Eternal Sunshine, and Sandy Bottom is great too.


    For phero enhanced fragrances for men with cops, look for ones with Dirty Old Man or Heart Throb.

    Dirty Old Man comes in the UN and in a fragrance with the same name (not saying you're dirty, or old, by the way!)

    Pashazade has Heart Throb

    They both smell really good.


    I think Open Windows is a great all around phero, maybe try Lightning in a Bottle or Totem Panda as well.

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