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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. I had a crappy day at work yesterday, this am I felt the same dread, of crappiness work crap. I remembered I had this in my purse and I dabbed some on. Since then, I haven't had the anxiety and helplessness of too much work, and I feel focused. Everyone around me is chatty and complimenting me. Someone even gave me free pretzel m&m's!


    I think it make others see you as having star like qualities, some girl in the bathroom said I reminded her of Gwen Stefani, the latin version- and some guy said I looked great today. And everyone keeps asking me about my boots.

    Now I don't think I look like Gwen, but I loooove her style.

    I'm loving OW !

  2. I'm so out of it I was going to reply... OOH what about a white collared shirt, tucked in to a grey or black pencil skirt and some cute pumps?



    I have had a lot of success with PP and networking, but I'm new to the game, so I don't know, I really do like PP though, people that I don't normally speak to have stopped me at work to have conversations... so maybe that mixed with something else?

  3. Sorry to hear that, Pony. I don't do too well with green scents. It seems to annoy me somehow.



    I'm not a big fan of the greens either, but I have noticed that when I am about to regulate (period ) or those first few days ~ I want to wear clean green fresh scents, the three f's - fruity floral or fem scents will drive me over the edge.

  4. True story. So yesterday we had our monthly sales team meeting. Our director decides he wants to do a mini survey, a smaller version of the statewide sales survey we completed not too long ago.

    One of the questions asked was if we felt we were respected from our immediate managers. About 70% answered no. After the meeting I was a bit upset because I really do feel like Bosshole does not respect me.

    I felt like he respects people that are more like him, spreadsheet junkies that do not like talking to clients on the phone. I'm in sales, being in sales equals, talking to people 24/7 and being 'on'


    I feel like although, yes, I do need improvement in some areas, like being more organized etc, my awards and numbers should speak for themselves on my dedication and work ethic. Unfortunately they don't. He favors people that can punch out projects and update spreadsheets, versus the people that are making him look good to higher ups. I kept on harping on this last night and it tired me out, even this am. I felt like why do I work so hard? I don't get any respect, God forbid I forget to update my calendar ~ it will make him crazy.


    I'm super excited about this phero!

  5. I agree, I'm outgoing as well and can detect even the subtle hits, right now I have a client playing his electric guitar for me over the phone... I just asked him for some Skynyrd, currently playing Ted Nungent ~ This guy is totally rocking out for me over the phone, LOVE IT


    I'm wearing OW today and just dabbed on Flower of the Beast because I need some power.


  6. Also, you should account for the fact that some people are die-hard skeptics. They will try things, but will be dying for them to turn out to not work. Thus, they will not. Pheros are still relatively "new" to the general public, and should be tried with an open mind.


    Also, some people are non-responders.....they do not get self-effects. EVER.



    True, I think my sister is expecting rainbows to appear and shit skittles all over her face with a marching band following her down the streets of LA

  7. OMG great report! Congrats on the new baby! Mine just turned 1 ; )



    I also test drove this last night and I too was in the mommy sweats and tee with hair half on the side of my head- I didn't care I was tired from work and bloated from PMS but I still dabbed a bit on and my bf was all over it! I mean he could not keep his hands off of me all night! I really felt like a Queen the way he was fawning all over me. He kept on rubbing my legs when I was asleep and stroking my cheeks.


    I also noticed at work that I kept getting hits by older men and lots and even women! One of my co workers that is a close friend came by our corporate offices as she is in a satelite office, and she was very giggly with me and flirty. I had a great time on this.

  8. I have another question ~

    I gave my sister some PP and OW to try out this weekend and nothing happened for her.

    I know Pheros work different on everyone, I also bought her a trial of Sparkle and she says there is no difference- could this be because it's my bottle and has my intent on it? Or is it because she needs more or less of the dosage? She dabbed some PP lightly on Sat and she went out with friends and she didn't notice a difference.

  9. I am really happy that so many people have enjoyed this one. My wife has called it her favorite of the scents I've created. The orchid does really come out strong at first but then blends in later. The vanilla comes out a bit after awhile and blends nicely with the other florals. I am a big fan of orchids and wanted something specifically for our orchid fans out there. I am thrilled that it turned out close to how I envisioned it.



    You really did a beautiful job with this one, It really does remind me of an elegant wedding, and I will most likely get one for the warmer months like May

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