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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. *hands imaginary flowers & crowns with invisible crown*



    Omg beccah you don't even know.. I've been dreaming and scheming up ways to wear a real tiara somewhere,anywhere and get away with it.. well my super powers convinced all the women in my office to wear them to work on 5/23 Victoria Day in Canada. Ages range from 29-49 and we are also going to get one for BossHole because he's a big Queen

  2. I love love love Cougar. I love how it gives me energy and makes me happy. I love the self effects of this. I love the Magickal properties of this.. I love this ONE and AM SO GONNA STOCK UP!!!

    See when you are happy and feel good, magick happens. OMG I love this stuff what happened to bitch girl from yesterday?


    I feel dirty today because I didn't wash my hair. In the parking lot I saw a guy I used to do happy hour with.. I walked super fast to try and lose him.. um didnt work he must have sprinted to make sure we walked in to work at the same time. I mean he was literally on top of me.


    I got a call from the front desk. I had a visitor. FUCK! My heart started beating because I knew this would happen I knew someone was coming, I had no idea who or when but I knew I would have a visitor at work soon.. but no not today GOD please no I look like CRAP.. she told me the name and I could have died- it was a total hot broker coming to drop off a gift for me. He said he was in the neighborhood and wanted to drop off some tequila for me. HELLO HE WORKS IN ONTARIO! AN HOUR AWAY!


    I was daydreaming and wishing good would come to my family.. especially my cousin, who has been depressed lately and whom I love dearly and in the middle of a nasty divorce, she is due a whole lotta clams.. ummm I get a text from her, her ex called her and wants to be fair and give her what is due..


    Cougar I love you. Mara this is some potent stuff~ what's in here placentas? spleens? the cream of some young fool?

  3. Dolce Far Niente is basically Tres Leches without a cake accord, IMO.



    So funny I knew you were going to say that! I thought so too as well, but I thought of that delicious strawberry cake at Vallarta.

  4. That's pretty amazing, Mara. You are a gem of many facets.

    Have you ever tried making a tres leches potion ?


    Have you ever been inside any of the Vallarta stores? In the bakery section they have the yummiest tres leches cake with strawberries.


    My bf will buy surprise me with a slice from there every once in a while or from the Viktor Benes bakery in Gelson's. I adore their little peanut butter cheesecake cups.


    Oh man I am PMSing!

  5. I was really really really hoping that this would smell like a scent that I used to love from back in the day it was BBW's Gardenia.. it was my fav sceent before they started selling dirt in a bottle. This smells like LAUSD hand soap on me. The powdery kind. I'm going to let it sit for a while and retest in a few weeks.

  6. LOL LadyV, that's awesome.


    I do have a sample of this but I'm already pretty alpha (read: one of the guys) so I don't know where I would I ever wear this. I don't really need to dominate the guys I work with, just have them pause long enough to listen to me and SWS and Treasured Hearts seem to give me better results.


    I think it's time for a swap page.



    ooh will read.

    I have yet to try SWS. I do love this though.

  7. WOW I love this!! I smell raspberries and it smells delish not only that though ,the Leather in this is SUPERB! I work with brokers, mostly males every so often there'll be a female with lots of testostorone. So anyhow, first off the self effects do something to my voice. It makes people SCARED OF ME! First client of the day, some twat that was yelling about this and that, she said she was going to hang up on me.. Oh hell to the no!! I immediately told her what she needed to do. and she said.. ok.


    Next I told bosshole what he needed to do. Umm he didn't question me.

    Next I got a call from a jerk off that I absolutely loathe, umm his voice got really really low!


    Next my assistant just told me I am scaring him today

    Here are his exact words from our office chat about a client that was waiting to speak with me.. OMG I LOVE THIS BLEND!! I am going to copy and paste because this is too awesome


    dont scare her


    Michael Sangal... because you scared me






  8. I tried this one and decided to let it sit before I try it again.

    What does Cassia smell like ? I smelled something strong like metal that I didn't recognize. Like metal and strong cleaning detergent they use in hospitals.

  9. I wore this on Saturday to the Rennaissance Pleasure Faire. It's about 45 minutes to an hour drive from where I live. In the car it was 3 females, my bf and my son. It was so much fun! The drive there was entertaining, with upbeat conversation. The Faire was so much fun! As soon as we got there I wanted to buy a rose garland to wear.


    Within seconds of entering the vendor's tent one of the gals places one on my head and said she had to select mine. She had seen me walking to the tent and saw the perfect one for me. It was a beautiful garland with large purple flowers that matched my blouse. They even asked if they could take a picture of me for their portfolio!


    The rest of the day was amazing. We all had so much fun and laughed alot and no one got cranky because of the heat!

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