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Posts posted by LadyVictoria

  1. I dabbed on some Cougar yesterday as a refresher in the afternoon at work. One of the hot young things I work with told me I reminded him of Salma Hayek.UMMMMMM

    I'm buying a thousand bottles!!!

    This is the SHIZZzNIT I love how it smells, it makes me feel soooo goooood.

    It also relaxed me? I felt so sleepy and relaxed, or maybe I was already tired. I had to get some coffee at 4pm to stay awake. Even if it does induce narcolepsy, I don't care I'm stocking up. Hell, if it makes them think I look like Salma Hayek I don't care if it gives me conjunctivitis! GIVE ME COUGAR!


    I love the whiteness of this smell, It made me feel like a sexy pretty lady having champagne and fruit on a yacht with one of those ugly couture V front bathing suits that have all these weird cut outs and gold embelishments. I LOVE IT! Almost like Goldie Hawn in Overboard except with Carla Bruni and not as bitchy. Elegant, rich and classy.

  2. Ok, I wasn't going to dip into any others tonight but they were LOOKIN' at me all funny...so...


    I *had* to try this one being a big spice fan! Oh, it's delicious... It's like a cloved orange (I make them every year at Christmas, and every year people at work ask me "What the HECK is that?!". Hrmph. I digress)


    I love my bottle of Brown Sugared & Spiced Orange Creamy Dream (and if you like that one you'll like this one), but this is MOAR spices, still with a touch of sweet orange. I really get the chai spice here too. If you're not a fan of *wearing* spicy scents, I think this would be yummy in an oil warmer...


    I think you would love Rose of Shrewsbury, I couldn't stop smelling my elbow.

  3. Thank you, Lady V! :)


    Just a note for those that might be expecting a rose/icing type of scent, like the sold out perfumes La Fleur Cremeuse, Scandalous Intentions or Rosebud Cupcake - this is NOT similar.


    This is a spicy crispy cookie scent, with an aura of sheer rose water wafting over the top.


    I'm really loving this one, been wearing it a lot!


    It is spicy! I love how the rose floats up and teases you, pulls your hair for a bit then goes back to hide so nutmeg can finish the job.

  4. AD-RoseShrewsbury.jpg?v=7516fd43adaa


    Rose of Shrewsbury

    A favorite confection dating back to the 1500s, the town of Shrewsbury in Shropshire was famed for their delicately rose flavored cakes (which have more the consistency of what Yanks would call a cookie); and as well as being introduced to Colonial society by First Lady Louisa Catherine Adams, the delicacy was also given further fame in William Congreve's play The Way of the World. Our version is a lovely gourmand with a sheer whisper of floral...tangy light Sweetheart Roses and nutmeg are folded into distilled butter extract and coconut cream, then finished with a touch of fluffy cocoa butter.




    Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
    SWEETHEART ROSES ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.
    NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity.
    BUTTER ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
    COCOA BUTTER ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
    COCONUT CREAM ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.


    Hmmm.. on my at first application it smells like Vicks, then it turns into a soft nutmeg bathed in powdery sugar, which is probably the coconut cream.

    Will wait and see what else comes out, but for me the nutmeg is very prominent. My sister said I smelled like Christmas. Not bad. Wait there's something else that is poking through.. cocoa butter and butter.. and a small , very small hint of floral.

    My skin doesn't hang on to florals tho- but wait.. Mother May I! The floral is popping through..

    Okay here is what I am feeling. It's when I go into a bakery and they sell hot cocoa with whipped cream.
    After you drink your cocoa and eat your pastry and are out the door, you catch a sniff of the beautiful floral arrangement they have on the cake counter.

    OMG I just described my favorite cozy coffee house/bakery/ cottage/bookstore

    The Aroma Cafe and Tea Company!!
    Mara you are a GENIUS!!

  5. Me too Ishtar.

    Wet it smells like Heaven! After a few minutes it gets very apple-y and spicy. Then it just fades really fast, like those pine tress for your car that you keep after it's been hanging from your windshield wiper thingie for weeks.. but you still keep it there because you love the way it smells and if you hold your nose really close or put it up to the vents there's a little trace that lingers..

    I really love this one too.. but it just vanishes.

  6. I ordered another bottle of Lady V, Tyvey Coffee delish, LAM Sampler another bottle of Twirly, Monthly Sampler, Cougar sample, Comp Position sampler and I think that's it.


    I'm thinking of ordering Sparkle Fuschia and boosting with Lace- thoughts anyone? The cougar on Sparkel doesn't do much for me as far as effects go, but I love the smell and perhaps with the Lace maybe I'll get some effects. Thoughts anyone?

  7. I NEED Sang Real. (Anyone ever read Holy Blood, Holy Grail?) And OMG Flowers in the Moat. And Tiare Tiara and Night at the Round Table. And Rose of Shrewsbury and Alabaster Queen and Oleander the Great and Lionheart and...I've almost named all of them, haven't I. This is a really inspired set of perfumes!!! Have I mentioned that my paternal family hails from 'round the Salisbury Plain? Heh. ~~ "No, we're NOT gonna do bloody Stonehenge!!!" ~~ Maternal from France & England. ManThing is related to Henry VIII's wife Jane Seymour and also somehow related to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain. Weird, huh? Me, I'd consider emigrating to Genovia. ;)



    That's really cool. My mom's side is French/Spanish/Mexican so it always intrigues me when roots can be traced back that far to Royalty. I think I get my freckles from my mom's side :lol:



    And: LV is psychic, yes?


    :D:):) ***piggledance for all the above***


    Nah. :nanerturtle: Everyone's psychic. I just saw the lotus on the label although I do think there is some type of gardenia and peach somewhere perhaps, spearmint, maybe an apricot and a partridge in a pear tree.

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