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Posts posted by Eggers

  1. 17 minutes ago, FlowerPower said:

    Hi Eggers!! No I haven't. I can try. I have a PM sample at home, but I don't really care for the fragrance. But I can try it and boost it with cops. This will inspire him to feel all loving towards me, and want to be my night in shining armour without the bossiness? 😍

    I've always had great luck and a great time wearing PM around my BF. "Flutters" of first love. It's a very sweet bonding blend. 


    5 minutes ago, tyvey said:

    I’ll tell you what I *wouldn't* wear: BI.  In my experience it makes alpha dudes cross and sometimes downright rude. 

    This. 100%.

  2. 3 hours ago, StacyK said:

     Eggers I waited tables in the early 90's at a very popular waterside place in Los Angeles. 

     The money was great (most of the time)! Man those were the days. I wish I knew that then. lol. 

    I will say I have litterally had that same exact experience and I never knew about cosmetic pheros then. So I can see that whole scene. I can feel you running your ass off and being totally aware of what's happening.  Flashback city to the nasty, jealous unsupportive Non-sister-bitches. Fuck them, even if you were wearing pheros.

    Boy, the stories we could tell.


    Honestly I have heard a few others say LFM holds people back.  It definately has it right and wrong places. I have not had that. Definately get the good service from retailers and men in general. It is the first pheromone blend I ever tried here. That night people (friends and a couple i didn't know) were so nice. Everyone thought I looked better than I think I actually did. Maybe because I needed a big boost  of confidence and it gave me one. :)

    The only place I dont wear it is to work

     It challenges the female boss, so no. We get on well and its her hive. I am fine with that.

    I'm looking to move on soon anyway. 


    More recently I had a similiar experieance with Heart & Soul (Ikr?) and cops. This one woman whom I did not know. It was weird, like there was an invisable force field keep her back from me. It was a neighborhood social event. I had just a circle of COCO pink on my belly, well dried down, with a spray of H&S and Spinnerette. Most people were friendly and chatty (mostly women, the men who were there were married. It was not a "scene". I just wanted to feel happy and confident in a group of people only about 20% of them I knew. So its all good. And this one woman who a friend introduced me to, barely looked at me and as if someone phyiscally pushed her (she did mumble a pretense) and backed away. It happened 2 more times during the evening when she saw me. Like there was this invisible barrier around me that bothered her and kept her back. oh well. I was intresting. Im think the youthfulness of H&S plus that bit of cops just freaked her out. 


    I wish had pheros back when I was waiting that would have been a fun experiment. I think I would lean on Levitation, OW & MLH quite a bit. I wouldn't think cops a idea great for tables with women. But, more often than not you seem to make it work. 


    LFM is a weird phero for me. It definitely has the "attention and respect" thing going for it - I get good service, and people seem extra polite and helpful - but it definitely has something about it that makes people stand back from me, stare at me, and refrain from interacting with me verbally. In some cases it seems like they're awed, (I've noticed this most with older men), and in some cases it seems as though people are intimidated or even a little afraid of me. It makes me wonder if LFM gives me the aura of a hard-ass or a full-of-myself bitch. Lol! It's a weird, weird phero for me. But given that I definitely get too much face-to-face people interaction (I'm introverted and get overwhelmed and exhausted by having to interact with so many people), it's also turning out to be kinda useful in keeping "active" face-time, (as in having to converse when I don't want to), to a minimum. So I guess that it kind of turned out that the thing I disliked about LFM turned into something pretty handy to have in my back pocket when I need it. 


    It's funny you mention having the same kind of reaction with H&S. That happened with me, too! I went to a BBQ at one of BF's new bandmates homes a few years ago, and knowing that he was married, I thought it might be nice to wear H&S so that maybe his wife and I would have a leg-up in getting comfortable with each other, getting to know each other. Because generally, H&S tends to do that between females, (I find, anyway). But she had almost exactly the same kind of reaction as you mentioned. She and I had a few really uncomfortable interactions, and that was it. It was such an awkward afternoon, because BF thought that she and I would really hit it off, since we have a lot of the same interests. Thank goodness that BF is so in tune with me. He noticed how stilted our interaction was, and spent the rest of the afternoon kinda stuck to my side as a comforting buffer, bless his big, fat heart! And when he got up for any reason, I spent time goofing off with their dog, in order to avoid interacting with her any more than I had to! :lol: I was wearing H&S, OCCO: Pink and Double O, I think? Or it might have been Baby Chicks... It was one of those two, anyway. So weird we had the same kind of experience with such an innocuous-seeming phero! 


    I've tried Levitation at work. I love that phero. I really do. But not for work. It helps me make great big tips consistently, so it's awesome for that. But it also makes customers want to hug me! LOL! I don't mind so much when it's a customer I've known for years and years. But it's not just regulars, (though they do it too). It's tourists. People who are just passing through. It's really cute that they want to hug me. I know it is. But it's also weird being that physically close to people I don't know, and it tends to draw a lot of extra attention to me that I don't particularly want, especially from my coworkers, who can't help but tease me about being a friggin' Teddy bear for my customers. Not to mention that it's also kind of time-consuming (think lots of oddly inappropriate gushing while customers have an arm draped round my shoulders, or are gripping my hand like my Grama used to), and tends to happen at "crunch time", when I'm trying to get people out of the restaurant in time to get to whatever play they happen to be going to. The Hug Factor makes me opt to wear Levitation in situations where I already know everyone. It's just too weird being hugged by half my friggin' section! Can you imagine ever wanting to hug your server?! I mean, unless my server is Alexander Skarsgard, Mike Ness or Jason Cruz, I'm not hugging a stranger because she didn't screw up my order! :lol:  


    OW works beautifully though, and Super Sexy worked wonders, too. Cuddle Bunny's good, Balm Bomb's good. LAM worked surprisingly well, (I tried that recently). Popularity Potion works really well, and so does Lumina. I know there are others... I can't think of them off the top of my head. And I think that MLH will be VERY useful. But no Levitation at work. 


    Edited to add that I wear cops almost every day now. I don't even really think about it anymore. Especially at this job, because it's such a laid back place. I didn't wear them as often at my old job for 2 reasons - one being that I didn't want to accidentally cause our chef to flip out with a testosterone boost, and secondly because my old Manager Dude and I were clearly attracted to each other but we got along so wonderfully that I didn't want to make the physical attraction seem even more in our faces. It would have felt weird and rude somehow. 


    At this newer place, most of my coworkers are people who have been friends of mine for years, or at least long-term acquaintances, and the others are all young'uns. Our customer demographic is wider, too. It's not all octo and nonogenarians. It's everything from teenagers up to people with walkers. Wearing cops in this environment feels more organic, natural. I don't feel as though I'm going to trigger anyone's bad side. And mostly, people's reactions seem pretty normal, too. Well, there's that one regular who occasionally yells out in the bar as I'm walking away, "Eggers, why won't you LOVE me?", but I've known him for ages and he's a goofy fella so he doesn't count! 😂 I think the situation/place is just more fitting. Nobody looks at me weirdly. And off reactions from random women are surprisingly rare... although they DO happen. But when they do, it doesn't seem any different than when I was a young hottie getting the side eye from a wife or girlfriend who's just irritated that the server for her Big Date Night is an attractive one. 

  3. 19 hours ago, halo0073 said:

    Omg yeah that could be a total disaster. It might end up being great and getting you outrageous tips but so risky to try to find out. And I agree you’d be too worried about self monitoring for it to work beautifully if it was going to. You’d really have to put it on by accident and not realize it until after work to be able to truly test it and that’s unlikely knowing you.

    Yeah, I'm pretty good about planning which pheros I wear to work since it does make quite an impact on my work day, and my income! 


    I do remember wearing Leather or Dominance to work one night, to "tame" our new female bartender's tendency to try to dominate the people she thought she should be "over". I don't remember what it did to my customers, if anything. But with the bartender it wound up having a dramatic and lasting effect. Rather than trying to assert her own dominance, she very quickly started to confide in me. Personal stuff. And I very quickly realized that she's not a dominant person by nature but by threat. She was feeling threatened, I Dommed or Leathered her, ONCE, and she gave in to my "dominance"? I'm not a person who generally tries to dominate others. I like things to be fair across the board. Once she recognized that she calmed right the eff down. And oddly, she's become one of my closest friends. All that out of one dose - and a really light one at that! 


    But I don't think I would try Dom or Leather at work for any other reason. Or on a busy night because yes, it could be disastrous for me. I run the risk of blowing someone's head off their shoulders! 😂


    And yeah, I'd be too aware of having it on to really let it do its thing. 

    4 hours ago, Honeycake said:

    Thanks Greenappletart.  I missed your post.  That is a pretty good idea.  I will try that and I can maybe try it in a neighborhood that is not my own. 


    Thanks Eggers.  I appreciate the feedback and you sharing your experience.  :)

    No problem. 😉

  4. 5 hours ago, halo0073 said:

    Lol I can totally picture that. I wear it to GET great service but you flipped it. I’m not surprised you got the side eye last night given the queenly, respect and cater to me vibe of LFM. They were all shitty getting that vibe because that’s what they thought they were going to get at your restaurant. I can see how the confusion would lead to bitterness.

    Omg. It was so totally weird. I'm so used to having one specific vibe/experience wearing LFM, and it's generally so predictable that I can depend on it happening every time I wear it. Normally when I wear it, people tend to stare at me, and talk about me, but not TO me. And yeah, there's that queenly (I always think of it as "swanny"), respect vibe that tends to keep people sort of behind an invisible barrier, almost like they're afraid or too nervous to talk to me. And I really wanted people to NOT want to chit-chat with me last night, so I chose LFM. 


    I was laughing so hard because the chef could see the one girl's face in the mirror - she was sitting with her back to the kitchen, but facing a mirror that goes along the banquette on the other side of the table. (This is the one who'd asked for the cheque before everyone was finished). The chef kept asking me if there was something wrong with her, because she WAS okay when they first got there, and she was okay all the way through their appetizers. But I'd taken the table over from another server whom I'd sent home for the evening, just after they'd finished their apps, and the chef noticed her very sudden scrunched up, frowning face and was like, "WTF is with that chick?". He even came all the way over to the bar side of the restaurant at one point, to ask AGAIN, if I was sure she was okay. LOL! 


    I guess all in all, it was pretty humorous, but I don't think I'll be wearing quite that much LFM in the future, and especially not with such a heavy dose of cops. 


  5. Just now, StacyK said:

    Yes. The cherry is not much there. Which is a bummer because that note was so awsome and I dont think its around anymore. IMO the fruits always fade off first. But, that delicate creamy thing is still there. Its never been heavy foody on me is what I am trying to say. I better use mine up. ;)

    It was a nice cherry. I remember that. 

    I still have a whole bottle to get through! :o 

  6. 1 hour ago, StacyK said:

    KN has always smellsd like that to me.  I remember going back to look at the notes and thinking, ok this is my kind of foody scent. Its foody but not overwhelming. 

    It doesn't smell like it used to on me. The cherry has sort of melted & disappeared into the blend. You're right: it's foody but not overwhelming. It smells really subtle and like, skin-sexy. I think I'll be wearing a lot of it this summer. It smells so beautiful, how can I not? And I think the phero has great potential at work. I've not worn MLH a lot, so I suppose I'll have to test it for dosage... Should be fun! I'm glad you reminded me of it! 

  7. 1 hour ago, Eastwood22 said:

    There's a certain type of tinkly piano in relaxation music that I cannot do. 


    That reminds me of Jai Jagdeesh, she has a gorgeous voice but I was so sad when I was listening to it, I have to change it now. I've added more female vocalists over the years, I prefer a deeper voice like Tori Amos, but I always need the male baritones to calm me down.

    Yeah. Piano type tinklies. Can't do it. Makes me cry. 


    I like strong female voices. Ones that are maybe not typically "feminine". Grace Slick, Joan Jett, Stevie Nicks, Janis Joplin... Cyndi Lauper. I love Billie Holiday. Aretha Franklin. There are others... 


    I'm not familiar with Jai Jagdeesh. But I totally get not being able to listen to something that you listened to when you were sad. I've got a few of those myself. 




  8. Hmm... so I wore LFM to work tonight - a good slather and more than I would normally wear. Oops. Paired it with Tropical Musk and OCCO: Ambrosia - also a good slather. I chose it because normally it keeps people from getting too chatty with me, and I didn't feel particularly social tonight. 


    I felt fine. Normal. 


    But OMG the eye daggers and attitude from 2 of my 3 female customers! 😬 😂 And not just my own customers but 3 women the female bartender was serving too! Their attitudes were so noticeable that the poor bartender was stressed out and all wtf about her ladies, (although she pulled it together and killed them with kindness), and the chef actually asked what was up all these ladies asses. 😂  They all appeared to have resting bitch face. 


    I know I should probably feel at least a little bit bad, but it was such a striking result, probably from using such a heavy hand with the phero AND the cops, that I'm currently just amused. 


    What made it funnier was that the dudes at the table were intent on being really chatty and friendly with me. One of the women at the table was fine. As I was setting down dessert menus, the other woman asked, in a very snarky tone I might add, if I would just bring the cheques. The others at the table were like, "wtf, we're not finished!". 😂 And Miss Resting Bitch Face got all huffy about having to sit while the rest of them had fancy special coffees. 


    The lesson to be learned is NOT to mindlessly roll Unscented pheros and cops while yakking with your BF. I definitely over-applied. And it didn't have any affect on me (except some amusement), it most definitely had an effect on the peeps around me. 


    Honestly, for me it was pretty fun - I haven't had other women react that way around me in a long time. Made me feel 27 again!  😂😂😂  


    I feel a bit like an a-hole about all of this... but it was an absent minded mistake, and a pretty funny one at that. 


    Thank goodness we weren't busy, and thank goodness the men all paid!!! 😂

  9. 3 hours ago, halo0073 said:

    Yep B2.2 will be around as long as Mara wants it to be. It’s our own slightly reworked made in house version of Diane’s B2 which is what was discontinued years back.


    I am jealous of anyone who gets any help around the house. I get zero. I’m naturally bad at cleaning due to my ADHD and I now have a ton of other chronic health conditions That make it super hard. I get NO help which is bad enough but I also get shamed about it all the time so it’s become probably the biggest stressor in my life. I don’t get shamed every day or anything but I shame myself constantly so it gives me awful anxiety 


    B2.2. That is just freakin' SWEET! I told my Mum way back that I couldn't get her a bottle 'cause it had been discontinued. Whoops! I'll have to get one for each of us now. 


    I don't get a whole lot of help around the house, either. We're kinda sorta starting to figure it out, but it's still an uphill battle. I get really anxious about shit not getting done, too. I try not to, but can't seem to help myself. 


    Maybe we both need to get ourselves UN LFN in oil? Didn't that work for both of us at one point? Do you remember me posting about that day I wore UN LFN, and thought I was gonna get SO LAID, and instead I wound up cleaning the whole entire house and cooking everything I could get my hands on? (And then I still got laid! :lol2:). 

    2 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    I also have the ADHD, it's really easy to get overwhelmed and just give up. And I'm also constantly self-shaming. If my BF didn't keep a basic structure of dishes cleaned and fighting his constant uphill battle of a few flat surfaces cleared, there would be no "outline" for me to follow. I do have a FlyLady app on my phone that has morning, afternoon, and evening/before bed checklists for me to follow. (Her suggestions and like 10 more of my own.) I rarely complete them, but at least it gives me a logical list to follow without having to make decisions. 


    My daybed in living/dining room is almost always covered with laundry that needs to be folded and put away. Once a month, my BIL comes for a 4 day weekend and it's always clear then and maybe a few days afterwards. On my FlyLady routines lists, I have to put away 5 pieces of laundry morning, noon, and night. Way less commitment then "fold laundry," and makes magical dents in the pile with no pressure to finish. It's the exact opposite of "doing all the dishes," but keeps things moving along.

    Oh, I know. Just causes me a little anxiety/shame now and again. Like right now, I'm watching some silly LOL Surprise dollhouse Youtube videos on giant TV with my kids (my daughter is LOL crazy and has the dollhouse) and my man is at work. I know I should get up and make myself useful around here....

    I don't have ADHD, but I do get easily overwhelmed, and give up, (partly because I feel that there's a proper order in which I need to do things, otherwise I don't get it done right - which is why my Mum thinks I might have OCD. She might have a point...). There's just SO MUCH to do sometimes. I'm starting to get into a bit of a groove, now that my work schedule has improved, but it doesn't take much to knock me right out of my groove. 


    I've actually gotten into the habit of writing down what I want to accomplish, WITHOUT the expectation that I'll get through all of it, because I KNOW that I won't, so I can cross it off my list, and choose the things that I feel are gonna make my life easiest if I do get them done. The rest can wait. (I wanna stop killing myself trying to keep a spic'n'span house, 'cause there are just so many other things I'd rather be doing). I've also gotten into the habit of talking out loud - yes, I have gone slightly insane - to my dishes, and the toilet, and the vacuum and the floor, and the whatever-else-is-gonna-get-cleaned-or-help-me-clean. I make a big pile of laundry and set it aside while I start the dishes, (because I need the stupid kitchen sink empty before I can start laundry), and say, "Okay, so I'm gonna wash YOU, clothes, but first I'm gonna wash YOU, dishes and get you outta the effin' way, and then, Vacuum, you and I have a date on the stairs..." :lol: I know it sounds monstrously insane, but it works for me. I get a few things done, and then I lounge around, eat, have a coffee, listen to some tunes, blah-whatever-blah. And then I go for another little round. If I can get a few "rounds" of stuff in every day, the house stays pretty clean. CLEAN. Not tidy. But clean is the part that feels most important and pressing. Untidy is just annoying. Unclean freaks me out. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    Oh, if you were here, you'd be taking it! I wouldn't offer you a choice. 


    That's not a lot to choose from! Hot yoga is for weight loss, kundalini is awesome but not for everyone, and ashtanga is great for young people and people with a lot of nervous energy, but it's the same sequence everyday. And you're not supposed to advance to next pose if you can't do preceding one. I prefer to gear the yoga to the person instead of the other way around!


    Do you know what music you've heard in yoga videos that makes you emotional or anxious? You prob don't have that memorized, just curious. 

    The music that makes me most emotional is classical music - especially if I'm alone. Music that's really soft and has a "tinkly" kind of sound makes me overly emotional too, (the opening credits of Yoga with Adriene's Revolution program has this kind of music, and I think I must have cried almost every day the first time I did that month-long practice!). Actually, the two kind of emotions go hand-in-hand for me. If I feel too emotional, I begin to feel anxious, because after having spent a few years suffering untreated depression, sadness is anxiety-producing in that I feel like the sadness will never stop, and I begin to panic. It's kind of a "depression hangover", I guess? 


    The other kind of music that feels "yogically" counter-productive is soft female voices over soft music. I don't know why, but it's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me, and makes me feel irritable. Stuff like Adele or Loreena McKennitt. I know they're supposed to be soothing in some way, and probably romantic and emotionally evocative. But they make me feel like pounding my head against a wall. 


    I'm starting to think that maybe I should wear Lace to work tomorrow. It's a holiday Monday and I suspect we could be busy, but nobody's going anywhere, (not to theater or anything like that), so it could be a nice, fun holiday Monday at work... keep my coworkers and me in giggles, anyway! Lol! 

  11. On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 12:27 AM, greenappletart said:

    I like to test pheros like that out shopping. You won't get as many nuances with strangers as with people you know, but it will still give you some general ideas. Do people seem intimidated? Are they extra friendly and chatty? Go out of their way to help and seem eager to please? Avoid you entirely? Stuff like that. It's also a good way to see what self effects there are and how they change your behavior before throwing pheros into the dynamics of an already existing relationship. For example, I've discovered I am far more comfortable in Dominance than Leather, but for some people it's the exact opposite.  With stores I go to often, like the grocery store or Target, while the individuals at any given moment are different, I still have a baseline of how trips generally go and what interactions there tend to be like so am able to get some good comparisons. 

    I like to test pheros when I'm shopping, too. For some reason it seems like a very good gauge. I think, for one, the fact that I have to be out and about, driving with tourists on the road, I can easily test my patience level while wearing more "dominant" pheros. I can turn into quite the unreasonable bitch with too high a dose. So driving with tourists on the road is a good way to see if I'm feeling more aggravated than usual. And for two, I shop at all the same places throughout the week, so I deal with a lot of the same shopkeepers who are familiar with me, but who don't really know me, and it seems to help determine what the general vibe of a phero is while I, specifically, am wearing it, (as opposed to the general description of a particular blend). 


    I like to test pheros at work, too, sometimes. Though generally not the more sexual blends. Sometimes though, if it's something like LAM. Being that my workplace is a social place, I get to deal with people I work with, and with whom I'm very familiar, and it's interesting to see their reactions to me while wearing different blends. Similarly, it's always kind of intriguing to see how our regulars relate to me while I'm wearing different blends. And finally, there are loads and loads of tourists with whom I must interact, and being that they're mostly strangers, it's kind of interesting to see their initial reactions to me when I approach their table, or chat with them at the front desk or the bar. 


    I haven't worked up the courage to test Leather or Dominance at work. The possibility of my becoming too irritable and impatient with the tourists is way too high. I run the risk of losing my job! :lol:   I have worn Leather to work a few times, in a very low dose. But because I sometimes get the bitchies while I'm wearing it, I'm hyper-aware that I have it on at work, and tend to over-analyze my own reactions, and those of others. 

  12. Yesterday I opened my bottle of Kitten Nip after who knows how long, and I just have to say that it smells just gorgeous. Like, sexy gorgeous. I don't know what the hell happened to the ice cream sundae in it, but it has that Sparkle Fuchsia kind of sparkly smell to it now. Just for the record, I am not complaining! 


    I'm not sure what the phero did for me at work. I think it might require more testing. I like the possibilities though. It has workplace potential for my line of work. 

  13. I don't know why, but I always forget about Leather. I guess I'll be using it more often now that SS4W had gone by the wayside. 


    @halo0073 I like the suggestion of wearing DHEAS with it, or a little extra EST. I wonder if those would help keep the bitchies away? I'm adding these to my list of things to try soon. Thanks! 


    ... actually, I think I've tried it with extra DHEAS. I think I liked it... 🤔 I'll try it again just to be sure. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    @Eggers agreed. Laughter is the only glue left in this crazy world!


    Right? Plus, it's healthy. I think laughter stimulates the vagus nerve, which is also stimulated by yoga practice and meditation. I don't believe that there's anything wrong with some giggles during yoga practice. I laugh all the time when I fall out of a pose, so, pretty often! :lol:  


    Are there Lace wax melts? Maybe you should get one of those going, and get a few of those people on "the Lace page"! LOL! Kidding... sorta. ;)

    2 hours ago, halo0073 said:

    You might be the only yogi alive who could get me to do a public yoga class. Lol

    YES. I think a slightly unorthodox approach would make me a little more inclined to take a public class. For instance, a lot of the music that I hear played in yoga videos, (for example), is music that I find either aggravating because it's too soft, or music that makes me too emotional/anxious, and therefore distracting and counterproductive. I personally would appreciate the more upbeat approach. I know a lot of people don't care for Adriene's chatty, humorous, approach, but I love it, because she's funny, and while she takes her yoga seriously, she's not so reverent that yoga seems too unapproachable or "elevated" for the average person. 


    It's probably pretty great that there are so many yoga "flavours" to choose from in your area, as it would be much simpler to find something that "fits" what people are looking for, and what makes them comfortable. We currently have 3 choices in town, and they're all pretty basic: hot yoga, kundalini yoga, and I think there's still an ashtanga yoga place as well. 


    Anyway... I'm running low on Unscented Lace, and the mention of Muppet toes singing the Carpenters to me in yoga class is making me want to get some more. Soon! 



  15. 19 hours ago, StacyK said:


    B2.2 Is still here. Plenty in the store.


    AW Eggers I always love seeing you here. :)

    Yes. I think thats right. Kitten Nip had an ice cream sunday thing. I love it because it is a tasty, pretty, creamy blend. But, its not overwhelming.  


    @Eastwood22I love a guy that cleans. I would not even mind if he reminded me to use a plate as long as he didn't harp on. lol 

    Wow. Cleaning the walls.  Impressive.


    What?! No!!! B2.2 is still there??? :w00t:   Omg, that's exciting! Why did I think it had been "canceled". (Sorry, I just woke up & know that's not the right word! Lol). 


    And thank you. I really, really needed distraction yesterday. 

    18 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

    I understand the cleaning to alleviate stress, I wish that I'd catch that bug soon! For me, it's more like a random inspiration than the daily maintenance required. I hate that when I do have the inspiration my man feels need to jump up alongside me and pitch in when he does so much more than me, but he gets very uncomfortable if I'm cleaning and he's not. I've asked him to just stay seated and he says he just cannot.

    I'm so not domestic, and he is, so I know he appreciates when I try. It's funny because he's a Gemini on the outside but all touchy-feely sensitive cancer underneath. You know that thing from the 50's thats circulated around, about how a woman should pick up house and freshen up and make the kids presentable right before the all powerful breadwinner returns to his palace? It's never been a total joke to me, the feel of it seems somewhat reasonable, if you remove the gender roles. If one person has worked hard all day, why not want them to feel a sense of peace and relief upon returning home?

    When I'm in between teaching a morning class and picking up kids and taxiing them around and making dinner and then going back to work, I like to lay around on the sofa watching tv, eating, and drinking coffee. Sometimes I craft, sometimes I open packages, whatever I'm doing, I'm making a mess. The coffee table, kitchen cutting board, stove, and sink can always tell stories about my day. I try to sit with kids when I feed them instead of running around cleaning the kitchen, so there's often that mess, too. So sometimes when my man is on his way home, I set a timer for 5 min of pickup for each room that I'd been messing up. Five minutes per room doesn't seem like a lot, but it makes quite the dent!

    I'm wondering about this Kitten Nip. Ice Cream and cozy pheros sounds like a win-win.

    That's the part that's crazy making. He never harps, he speaks slowly and patiently, carefully measuring his words. My best guess is that he's thinking, "it's not her fault, this is all new information to her. She just fell from space and she doesn't understand normal human behavior. I must make sure not to shame her or tell her she did something wrong, I'll just make it sound like a friendly request. If I say it wrong, I know she'll lose her shit and start throwing plates and knives at my head and then everyone will die." That's what makes me feel bad. I swear I've never beaten him or even belittled him. 


    My cleaning binges are more of a sporadic kind of thing, and they mostly happen when I'm restless in mind and body and need something to distract me from my thoughts. I'm trying very hard to at least maintain the everyday kind of stuff, because over the last couple of years, (since Nuts was so sick), I've come to realize that life is just much easier when those jobs are done. I'm way less anxious when I'm not fretting about the most basic things being done. And quite honestly, I get so distracted by the details of things, or the order that they ought to be done in, that when I go on big cleaning binges, I rarely get all the stuff done that I wanted to. My Mum is convinced that I have OCD tendencies, because it's such a production for me to actually get these things done. And I think she might be right... 


    Ah... I see the issue with BF. He's all Gemini - no squishy Cancer stuff underneath. :lol:   He's getting better about helping. But it still takes a lot of convincing sometimes. Although now that we've had SO MANY conversations in which I've explained that I actually DO need help with stuff and that I shouldn't be responsible for every "adult" thing in our relationship/lives, sometimes it just comes down to my asking him straight out: "do you mind whipping up those dishes while I'm at work?". He'll wait until the very last moment before I get home to do them, but they do get done. I've had enough meltdowns, I guess, about being completely overwhelmed with stuff, that he's finally paying attention and taking me seriously. But really: Gemini Sun, Moon & Mars, (Sun & Mars conjunct). I do have to be careful about how I talk to him about it, because he's really had no instruction in this area of life. I can hurt his feelings pretty easily if I'm too blunt or angry with him about it. And it doesn't feel very nice to hurt the feelings of a big Teddy bear like him. 


    I make the same kinds of messes as you do every single day. I have books and papers piled up, the kitchen is forever a shambles because I'm always cooking and experimenting and making smoothies and blah blah blah. I am not what you would call a tidy person. At present, there are 4 laundry baskets full of clean clothes in my living room. No joke. There are also two piles of books that I'm currently reading, sitting both on top of and below our coffee table. There are also two empty Amazon boxes lying around, and an open reusable shopping bag that crinkles, because cats. :lol:   


    Okay, well now I know I've got some phero replenishment to do, (of the ones that I wear most often), and I can add B2.2 to the list!!! WOOT! This is very exciting news to me. :D  


    I'm thinking about hitting a little more Teddy BB for work tonight. I'm gonna give it a test run, but in Jubilee this time. I may just start experimenting with these calming pheros, (rather than the more social ones) for work. I think they could be pretty useful for me at the moment. Well, maybe not B2.2 - I don't need to fall asleep while taking orders. :lol:  



  16. 17 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

    You know what? You're pretty. And cool. They maybe putting off the "important" vibe, but it might be because "cool" was never an option. Don't take it like they needed a male vibe, they just needed you to be less gorgeous and beyond their hiding-behind-their-matching-uniforms reach. Guys who wear navy blazers with gold buttons know they can't ever get the cool girls! Every one of those guys would bet their life that your boyfriend is in a band, and they'd be right! The "boy vibe" just gave them a place to connect. If they can't connect and you make them feel uncool, they have to ignore you. Who wants to be reminded that they're not cool? 


    Well, my man is always cleaning anyway. He bums me out because I'll be waiting for him to get home and he won't sit down until all the dishes are done. (I guess I could make sure they're all done before he walks in, but sometimes I need a break and I want him to just STFD already.) The other day he defrosted and scrubbed out our little beverage fridge, which is great, and I felt bad this morning when he said "from now on, with something like this, please put it on a plate before you put it in the fridge so it stays nice and clean." Duh. It was a half watermelon, face up, but I didn't think to put it on a plate. I'm always making more work for him, or the potential for more work. This week he's going to take down all the art on the walls and clean the walls. So the last thing I need is him cleaning and thinking I'm making him do it and acting resentful. It's important that he remembers he's the one who took every single DVD and cd out of the cabinet to dust and organize them, not me! 

    Seems we were typing simultaneously....


    Regarding the phero, my man goes through a lot of Teddy Man but never mentions when it's on. The only FB that lives on my nightstand is the 2014 Unisexy with B2.2. I don't know all the subtle differences, but I know these pheros calm me the fuck down. I don't like to go to sleep before my man gets home, which is dumb, since sometimes it's 3am when I need to get up at 6:30am. It's one of the ways I'll force myself to sleep.

    Haha! I never thought about that being a factor with those dudes. I don't necessarily think of myself as "pretty" or "cool". :lol:   But I suppose that could have been part of the issue... Thank you for the vote of confidence! ;)  


    I think BF reacts to my cleaning in the same way that you do to your BF. He always wants me to just sit down, take a load off, stop working so hard - relax and enjoy. I've never been much of a cleaner. I hate it, in fact. But in the last two years, it's becoming increasingly clear that cleaning, while something loathe doing, is really, really calming for me. There are certain things that I pretty much NEED done before I can fully relax. I'm such a neurotic, nervous person, cleaning is something mindless that helps me stop my brain from focusing too much on stressful things. I think BF is kind of hitting the same place as you are, where he's suddenly concerned not only that he doesn't do enough, but where he's suddenly realizing that he makes a lot more work for me. So he gets up to help a little more often. Not a lot. A little. But quite honestly, at the moment, if he's making a little more work for me, it's just a few more moments of literally mind-numbing cleaning for me, and those extra few moments of distraction are, ironically, sort of appreciated right now. Under normal conditions I do resent his non-help. Under stressful conditions, like now, I appreciate the extra crap he throws my way. I know: I'm a total weirdo. :lol:   


    BF wears Teddy BB sometimes. I think that aside from Charisma, it's his favorite men's phero. But I think he already puts out this Teddy BB kind of vibe. Not only does he seem to have this kind of effect on me just by being around, he also very obviously exerts this kind of calming, comforting effect on other women, and men, too at times. I've always been kind of fascinated that his natural signature so closely matches the description of Teddy BB! He doesn't like to be hugged, (except by me, and sometimes my Mum, who knows he's an awkward hugger and loves teasing him by giving him big, long hugs - HA! My Mum... LOL!), but he really does have a big Teddy bear kind of feel about him. 


    I wish B2.2 was still around. I freakin' LOVED that phero. Always meant to get a few bottles for myself because it has that sleepy affect on me, too. In fact, I gave a sample to my Mum, and it had exactly the same sleep-inducing effect on her, too. So handy to have such calming pheros available. 


    I should say thank you to you, @Eastwood22 and you, @StacyK, for keeping my brain occupied with this thread this aft! :lol: I've been feeling very restless, and unable to focus on anything (unless BF is home, waving around his Teddy BB "scented" self around the house LOL!), or unless I'm at work. So it was nice to have something else to think about. Kisses and hugs to both of you! 


    I'm waiting for my cops to dry down right now, and will be testing Kitten Nip/MLH at work tonight. Just opened the bottle, which hasn't been opened for about 2 years, I think? SWOON!!! Isn't it supposed to smell like ice cream? How does ice cream smell so freakin' SEXY? OMG. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, StacyK said:

    @Eastwood22 That's funny. Whatever it takes. Yes, might be the name. But, it works for me. It was the intent of my MILFY PE a couple of years ago. I wanted something with some subtle sex appeal. Soft and pretty for the summer and would go well with MLH. 


    @Eggers Try it out and let us know. Hang in there. Just turn & burn those tables and get home. I remember those summers. 😉

    I think it's the name for me, too. I always forget about it. I was thinking about your PE, actually. And on that note, I'll probably be wearing cops with it. I have to wonder what effect that combo will have on the regulars tonight. :lol:  


    @Eastwood22 I can see how Teddy BB would have such an effect on your student. It's very soothing. It's been a while since I've read the write-up for the phero itself, so I can't remember exactly what it says. But I think I remember something about it feeling like there's a calm, capable male presence? It does feel like that, a little bit. I used to wear it when I was home alone for the night, and especially when BF is away for the night at gigs. It's not exactly a stand-in for him, but it's calming to me in a similar way to the way he's calming to me. Of course, the handsome, grinning face and warm body make BF worlds and worlds more calming. But wearing Teddy BB when he's away kinda gives the house the feel that he's just nipped out for a carton of milk or something, and will be right back. I don't know if that makes sense. Lol. I think maybe you'll get what I'm talking about.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Now that I'm sitting here thinking about that "calm male presence" Teddy BB thing, it's got me wondering if it might be a very fitting phero for me to wear to work on Sunday & Monday nights, when I work with two younger women... There's a man who comes in to harass us those two nights sometimes, because he knows there's no male there. He's obnoxious, and not exactly harmless. I wonder if my wearing Teddy BB might give me a little more "oomph" when trying to oust him from the bar? Hmm...      

  18. 17 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

    Yea! I'm so glad it worked! About the chattiness, I have one student who always wants to bitch A LOT after class. Like enough that I think I've lost a few students on that night due to her negativity. But last week I had Nox on. She needed my undivided attention after class, but was in a WAY better mood. I think the phero calmed her down.


    I've worn this to work a few times for this reason. I do think it's the name that makes me forget to grab for it with adults. Also because it makes my man start cleaning, but in a grumpy fashion. It's almost as it I told him to grab the mop and get to work, except I never have. I'd rather he do the hard work of letting me kick his ass in a game of cards.

    I was surprised by the chattiness. I've worn Teddy BB to work before, but in a much stuffier atmosphere, and because I knew I had a table full of full-of-themselves, "important" businessmen who always ignored me at the table. It worked on them, (didn't make them chatty though), made them pay attention, kinda like I was a buddy or just one of the guys, which was a weird reaction from these dudes in particular, (so snobby and self-important). But it worked and made serving them a lot easier in the future. Although I have to say that it's kind of annoying to me that it took a "boy vibe" phero in order to get them to pay me any attention/respect. 


    I had 2 women last night, at two separate tables, who were both really friendly, and neither of them would just STFU. :lol:  I kept backing up from the table because the chef was dinging the bell harder and harder to get my attention. I think he figured it out after a while. I'm usually like Pavlov's dog with that stupid bell. 


    If MLF would get BF start cleaning, even if he was cleaning angrily, I don't think I'd ever wear any other phero! OMG. TH sometimes makes him feel like he needs to get up and cook something for me - usually right after I've cleaned the kitchen.   :lol: 


    I might try MLH/Kitten Nip at work tonight. I don't need gabby (will be too busy for me to be tied to overly-chatty people), I need well-behaved customers who come in, order, eat, pay and GTFO quickly so I can come home early enough to spend the night at home with all of my boys. 


    ETA, I think the best effect of Teddy BB was on our regulars at the bar. They're usually a pretty damned funny bunch to begin with. And remember how I said I needed "boy humor"? Just silly, goofy, off-the-wall, completely irreverent humor. They delivered. And then some. I REALLY appreciated that. Every time I went behind the bar to pour a pint or whatever, one of them made me belly laugh. I need to wear Teddy BB around them more often, I think... 


  19. 2 minutes ago, StacyK said:

    Oh wow. Get that sucker out and put it to work. 😁

    I feel like MLH is one of the more underappreciated blends. Maybe its the name? Though once you use it, you GET the name. It's a great phero for dealing with people and staying even and on task. The hits are always positive. 

    I carefully hoard whats left of my KN. I think I was the person to buy the last 2 bottles.  ;)



    Maybe I'll give that one a go tonight or tomorrow. It's starting to pick up at work now, and I'm just not in the frame of mind or heart to deal with people. I need all the help I can get! I usually reach for Balm Bomb when I feel shitty like this, because one of the effects of that one is that it really does make people behave a little more nicely around me. But Teddy BB worked well too. Just in a different way. Tonight and tomorrow are pretty much guaranteed to be busy nights at work - good nights to test out MLH again. I think I'll be using a lot of those 3 blends in the next little while...  

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