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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Welcome, K9rara! Come on in and visit!! The mark of a Love Potion customer......the wrist permanently affixed to the nose, or the head stuck down in the cleavage (thats my personal favorite....talk about the strange looks you get!!)......
  2. Yes, each person's individual skin chemistry makes each scent here smell different. You will pick up on that by reading more of the reviews......everybody gets a different impression. Also, since the scents here are not stabilized by chemicals, they go through a natural "morphing" process on your skin. They will smell different on application than they do as time passes......it can take from 30 min to several hours for a scent to fully develop......BUT, that's the fun part..... Also, hun.....luna is absolutely correct. Pheromones will NOT make someone fall in love with you. Period. It may HELP to initially attract them to you, but keeping them there is your job. AND, she is also correct that Pheros will not make someone who is NOT turned on by you start lusting after you. It doesnt work that way. They have to be "into you" to begin with. The pheros help to amplify that. For example......imagine that you are wearing pheros and you walk into a party. There are some men there who find you attractive and some who don't. The pheros are not going to change the minds of the ones who do not find you attractive. But, it will enhance the feelings of the ones who already find you attractive. It can also help to tip the scales in your favor if someone is "on the fence"......
  3. Dolly

    La BOOM!

    Well, I got this one (boosted with Blatant Invitation) in trade, and it is definitely NOT what I expected (in a good way). I expected it to be quite foody, and although I am not a big fan of foody scents (my man really doesn't like them either), I love raspberries, so I was hoping it would make for a nice change-up scent for those occassions when I want something a little different. Well, I tried it and got what I expected at first, raspberries and chocolate. OK, nice.....different......I get the same thing that scourger gets after drydown.....the chocolate comes to the forefront and the raspberry just pokes through every now and then. Very nice..... I also agree that this is not an overly foody smelling scent.....there is quite a "purfumey" feel to it......I like! My man really likes it too.....
  4. Dolly

    Top Five

    Mine hasn't changed a whole lot.....BUT in no particular order.....this will probably change when I get my latest package: 1) Dark Seductions (big surprise) 2) Dirty Sexy 3) Lady Casanova 4) PG II 5) Naughty Minx And of course, my number one of all time......Messalina, never to be brewed again.....
  5. Yeah, I got the same reaction last night, BTW.....I used BI, put on some additional EoW, and then covered with Dirty Sexy.....KABOOM!
  6. I have had a Stephen King obsession since I was a kid......he has such a warped mind.....just like me......
  7. People aren't even kind enough to call me "quirky".....they just go straight to STRANGE.....
  8. It doesn't show in the product listing.....I always wear some Essence Oil with it......I wear Essence Oil with practically everything.....
  9. That's exactly what I meant, and why I never told my boyfriends....thankfully, my fiancee is rather open-minded about such things..... THAT would be a very good test to do.....I dated one man who SAID that he liked strong women, but as soon as I would wear TAL, he would turn to stone.....he was all over me when I wore TAH......my current sweetie is just the opposite.....TAL lights him up..... JUST DON'T TELL HIM.......
  10. Hey Vivica.....read here....this may answer some of your questions.... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=801
  11. WELL.....this is an unsolicited opinion.....BUT, your BF may have been picking up the TAL vibe that a lot of men don't like.....some men are intimidated/don't like a "take charge" type of female (thankfully, my man loves it). I had some that I dated who became very cold/aloof when I would wear TAL. Anyhoo.....your problem is precisely why I never (until recently) told any man that I was involved with that I was using pheros. They would have thought nothing good about it. However, my current sweetie knows I use them, and I have gotten him to wear Super for men, himself. I won't let him take the bottle out of my house though.....not letting him out of my sight with that one on..... To keep things exciting though, unless I specify, my darlin' never knows IF or WHEN I am wearing, or WHAT pheros I am using.....keeps my testing more objective......
  12. Dolly

    Sultry Afternoon

    Glad it doesn't do that on me.....I'm wearing it now, as a matter of fact.....ANYBODY WANNA SMELL ME?????
  13. Dolly

    Lady Casanova

    OK, so this one actually made it to my "multiple bottle list".....I burned through a sample vial and half of a full-sized bottle in record time.....bought a second bottle when it hit the "almost endangered" list......
  14. Dolly

    Naughty Minx

    I like this one more each time I wear it.....it is unusual, classy, and sexy.....
  15. Dolly

    Sultry Afternoon

    Well, this has been one of my "bedtime scents" occassionally lately, and I really do enjoy it....my honey has said its ok, but that it "pinches his nose"......what that means, I have no clue.....oh well, I just wear it when he isn't around.....goodness knows I have enough that I can wear others when he IS around......
  16. OK, but before I try it, I need a cold shower...... You know, I thought of you the other day.....I was watching "Interview with the Vampire", and I got in a giggling fit when Antonio Banderas came on.....I thought about you, Antonio, and your Sugared Chrysanthemums......my sweetie couldn't figure out why I couldn't stop laughing......
  17. May, you just hit 1400 posts! YAY!! Ok, sorry.....
  18. As soon as I get my package with CFM in it, I will.....I think I still have some scented Cougar.....I had 2 or 3 sample vials at one time.....
  19. Hmmmmmm.....I bet that is a nice combination......
  20. I actually have some extra cash on the way, and since I want to partake of the clearance sale, I am feeling some full bottles coming on.....unsniffed..... I can say, however, that I have bought LPs unsniffed before, and I have never been disappointed! If one of them doesn't work with my skin chemistry, I have plenty of female relatives and friends who love me forever for gifting them with LP's......
  21. Yes, you are! It is very nice, indeed.....
  22. Dolly

    Slave to Sin

    This is one that I am so looking forward to trying.....from the descriptions, it will probably end up immediately on my full bottle list!!
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