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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. You're very welcome! It does work, that's for sure!!
  2. Exactly. It fits my personality so well.....I make a statement, and BI amplifies it......love it.....
  3. I also find this to be the case.....the oil-based version doesn't bleed through like the original version....
  4. OK, so some of you will probably say.....WHY is she posting this story? Has she gone insane while on vacation? No, this is just something that interested me when it happened.....you know how all of us ladies talk about copulins, covering them, how much they stink, do our "targets" conciously detect and/or recognize them, etc etc etc etc..... Since I started using pheros (almost 5 years now), I never EVER told any of my husbands, boyfriends, or whatever about them. The only person who knew was my mother, who is hilarious when I tell her my "hit stories"..... Anywhoooo.....it just so happened that, when LP started selling pheros, I was sending an email to the lovely Mara, asking some details about the phero add-ins......well, I accidentally sent it to my sweetie's email address instead......OOOOPS! He got the email, and what had ensued were several phero conversations, and I got him started wearing Super, which he really has fun with. But, he is still skeptical, and thinks that 90% of the phero "hits" are coincidence.... Well, so he knows I wear them, but he has no idea WHICH pheros I wear, or WHEN. While we were on vacation, we decided that we were going to go out loaded with pheros, just for fun. He slathered himself with Super for Men, and I decided to go with the Blatant Invitation/CFM combo. So, he walks by as I'm applying the BI, and he says....."GEEEEEZ, that smells like BUTT!!!" I said, "Just be patient......you won't even smell it when I'm done." He says....."No, you're going to ruin the smell of the CFM." (he puts on the big pout-face, because he LOVES CFM, and doesn't realize that I have worn it layered with BI practically everytime I have worn it around him). So after the BI dried down, I put on CFM.....he comes over and smells me....then he smells my arm where I had purposely put NO BI. He says....."Hey, I smell the difference. Your neck has this skunky thing going on"....I had a horrified look on my face.....SKUNKY THING?????? He noticed the look on my face, and so he says...."Let me try to explain it. I think there is something to these pheromones. I can detect them under the perfume, and they don't smell good......BUT they do turn me on. And, isn't that the point?" So, here I have a realization, from a phero NEWBIE and total SKEPTIC. While his concious mind apparently recognizes them, the subconcious effects that he gets from them are exactly what they are supposed to be...... I think what I have drawn from this is that while we may detect the pheros and cops, think that they are foul, and covering them is generally necessary, I am now realizing that we may not have to be quite so adamant about TOTALLY covering them to the point that they are undetectable.....the copulins are MEANT to be detected by males, after all..... So, those of you who are looking for a sexual reaction and not seeming to get it with BI, Essence Oil, or any of the other potions with cops, try not covering the quite so completely, and see what happens..... BTW, we had a WILD night that evening......
  5. You're gonna love it......I now have two full-sized bottles, and a third on order.....
  6. Vacation was fabulous!! In Destin, the only effects from Ike were actually pretty neat.....the waves and swells grew to where they swallowed up the beach.....they closed down the beaches for swimming Thur-Sat, but that was ok.......we spent the better part of one whole day at a little park that had gazebos where you could just sit and watch the waves..... And we had a room at a killer resort.....so, even though we lost some "beach time", we occupied our time in other ways....teehee We both needed the time away.....we both love our kids very much, but sometimes, you just have to take a break from caring for everybvody else and take care of yourself, you know? But yes, I'm back and had a great time......thanks for asking!!
  7. I tried this one on myself first, and like many of you, I think I actually like this blend better than the women's on me.....I love the women's version too, though.....while they are complimentary, they are also quite different from each other. On my man, OMG.....Super is still my favorite, but this runs a very close second. My sweetie's skin turns it into an even richer, deeper, darker, "manly-man" scent. I may pick him up a back-up bottle.....we may need it.....and I can borrow it occassionally, just like I do with his "UN"..... He wore it one evening while we were on vacation in Florida.....we were out at this little partially open-air dockside bar......and I got to see the reactions.....no pheros, just this scent. As the little breezes would blow through, you would hear comments from the ladies, like "something smells so sexy"......and when he would walk past one and they would get a whiff, they looked like they were going to start salivating..... I do love this one....a DEFINITE winner!
  8. Note on this one......both my bottle and trial vial of this cloud up if you shake it......shake before applying.....it makes it a little different......
  9. Well, I like turtlenecks in the winter, so when I apply my pheros, I just wear them higher up on my neck. Instead of applying to my frontal neck pulses, I will stroke them right along the underside of my jaw bone.....the backs of the hands are also good.....
  10. Yeah, I have worn it layered with Unscented Blatant Invitation, also.....and that works REALLY WELL......killer combo! Can't wait to try my "turbo boosted" version.....
  11. OK.....wearing this tomorrow on our road trip to FL.....by the time we get there, my man most surely WILL be ready to CFM......I swear, this one spins him like a top!!
  12. The review section is a wealth of information....there are reviews of phero and non-phero scents there.....you can use the search function to find out what others have thought about particular scents. There are many here that could be worn by either a man or a woman.....and that includes pheros and non-pheros. Many of us have and use some of the "unisex" blends.....and some of us have even crossed over the gender lines.....for instance, I love Rajah on me, even though it is originally designed for a man......and some men can pull off wearing some of the women's scents also......so, be sure to be open!! And, be sure to let us all know what you think!!
  13. It is a good one, isn't it CC ? I just KNEW you'd like it!!
  14. I wouldn't say that one is more "potent" than the other. I have used both, and they are both VERY good. BUT, Blatant Invitation is my personal favorite! I literally STRUT when I wear it.....
  15. OH MY!! You go girl !!!! I am going to surely take my bottle on vacation.....
  16. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A girl after my own heart!!
  17. Don't you LOVE it when that happens?!
  18. I love musks! To me, they can really "make" a scent...... BTW, the one in Down and Dirty for Women is intensely sexy.......
  19. Ok, I decided to swipe on a little bit of this one just to test it out...... Very melon-y when wet......VERY melon-y. YUM. As it starts to dry down, it reminds me of one of my favorite fruity scents, Mermaids of Atlantis......but without the seaweedy notes. Very nice, very fruity, very juicy smelling.....
  20. Now see, your response was better than mine....I posted it, but when I did, you had beat me to it, so I just deleted mine.... Thank you for the props ladies....I just do it because I am on here a lot, and I know that Mara and Danna are often very busy, and don't have time to field every question......so, I try to help out when I can!!
  21. You know, you should send Angelina a bottle.....she might like it.....
  22. You're very welcome! We look forward to reading your reviews! Also, since you are now an active forum member.....if you post within 2 weeks of an order, and you order $20 or more, you get to choose 2 free trial vials. You can do this once monthly.
  23. When I referred to a "scented limited edition", I was referring to a scented phero blend that goes through the normal process of most of the other scents here, and sells out. The majority of LP scents are indeed "limited editions", some of which are re-brewed, and some of which are not. I think that the August clearance is still going on.....if you buy 2 full-sized bottles, you receive a free one from the list at the beginning of the clearance sale thread.
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