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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. I gave up containment and rationed it away as Christmas shopping...I am now completely content Until the next order....HA!
  2. Yes! He'll be off the weekend and I'll be working...perhaps a slathering of Balls and a heavy dose of. "I'm too preoccupied with work pay you much mind." And since he's a T&A man, I will dress appropriately to be completely contrary to my aloofness Bet he doesn't make it much past after I get home from work Fri, that is, if it takes that long
  3. You'll love it! If you don't love it, I'll be happy to give it a good home...but you're gonna love it! ^-^ Looking forward to your future posts!
  4. Well, let's see how long things go...starting today, I'll make zero advances and see how long it takes him to "miss" them The lavender is barely there on me, way in the back ground. I was scared of this on because I thought lavender is a very strong scent/ My adoration came because it's such a foodie scent though, lol.
  5. Oooo! I'm making a note of that. I'll still try to avoid it, but just in case.... Thanks for sharing that!
  6. @ aniko "Ohhhh, Beta-nol, you cruel wench." Uh-huh. Yup. Now you know, lol. I have this in the same scent and like to circle the belly button and make a line from belly to sternum and then smoosh around with my wrists. I love this scent, sooo yummy to me. I've not gotten DIHL with this one on it's own yet. I've used it combined with LAMs honeyed vanilla, LFM and Sugared Honeycomb all together and got mad crazy hits with it! While wearing it solo I have had people open up unexpectedly like you did, lol. It's kind of like TMI except the A-nol is swapped with cops So long as you're aware it can happen, it's less bizarre when it does. Nice post & Happy experimenting
  7. D'oh! You may be on to something...I may have to start playing hard to get....maaaybe it's my own fault I get nada sometimes...because he knows he can have it anytime he wants, there's no need to chase me all the time, lol! Bugger...I need to go ponder this...
  8. Keep the cougar stories coming! I don't see anyone getting tired of hearing them! It a total fav! Love all your tales!
  9. I always get confused when I get great reactions from people and then try it out on hubby and seem to get nada, and that's when we're getting along!? Sometimes they just play hard to get...it's just whether or not we really want them Sometimes a good book, hot cocoa and blankie are warmer and more cuddly
  10. Ooooh! What a great combo idea! Thank you for sharing! And YES, I'm one of those that it fades quickly on. I don't have Sugared Moondust (although I looked it up and it looks TOTALLY TUM!) but I have AIl's Voluptuous Vanilla and I have Pure Sugar on order. Do you think either of these might work well with it? Or I also have Ann's Cherried Almond & Honeyed Vanilla do you think it would work because it has the almond and vanilla? And it only took you a few dabs and it worked?! Oh I hope it works that way for me too! Thank you for posting this!
  11. Me too! On both counts. Even though I slathered on lotion after my shower (which works really well for me most times). I did order it in virgin so I should be able to just keep slathering as it fades in the future w/o phero OD, lol.
  12. I lotion up right after my shower and let my skin soak it up for 10 minutes or so before adding my perfume oil. My hope is that my skin sill suck up the moisture it needs and leave my smell goodies linger lol. The only time it didn't seem to help was with FW so I hope it works! Will cross my fingers & toes for you both! @ MrsC I thought 1000mcg seemed like e lot, was thinking it might change the scent too. All the sprays I've gotten were unscented except Passion and Desire, and I don't have that in oil to compare. Does anyone have a scent in both oil AND spray and if so, do you feel that the alcohol changes the fragrance at all?
  13. Oh Eggers! I have the fade quick problem with Fuzzy Wuzzy like that I love this one and am lucky it lasts and lasts! I would say use lotion first so your skin doesn't eat it up but I did that with FW and still...POOF! gone. Does anyone know: Has anyone ordered the spray? If we order the sprays, are they @ 1000mcg per bottle? Like the x1? I haven't ordered a fragrance in a spray form yet but I'm thinking I would like to Thanks!
  14. Wore this again today....LOOOOVE it still. I mean I LOVE this. Did I mention love? Yes. Love. I have liked SO many things from LP and this is just insanely wonderful to me. Love. Yes.
  15. Mara, Or anyone who may know... If we were to order the Balls! in the spray, is the concentration 1000mcg per bottle? Thanks -Edit:Got this answer on a different thread and it's likely 333mcg too - Thank MrsC!-
  16. Weeeeeell, I had this idea in my head about being careful with it in certain situations...this was not a situation I had thought of!
  17. WOW! Great post! I'll have to jot this one down in my notes
  18. I know Shelly B has mentioned before how effective it is to have both the oil and the spray of the same phero. Spray for the initial hit and throw and the oil for the longer lasting oomph next to the skin that will last for hours! I'm totally game to try it. I ordered some more of LPs 5ml spray bottles to give that a whirl. I'm dieing to see how it plays out! If you do the same...you better believe I'll be watching for your posts about it!
  19. Soooo, a funny thing happened to me getting ready to leave the house today.. I'm reaching for a blouse in my closet...and get a whiff of Balls! Whaaaah?! OH! It's scent is still on the scarf I have hanging in my closet that I wore yesterday so I am immediately redirected. There's a large shoe box with boots in it on the floor in front of where I keep my scarves hung so I'm leaning WAAAY in - DAYUM! THAT smells SO good! I reach for the scarf with both hands to pull it toward me and proceed to bury my face in it, huffing deeply...when suddenly - I LOSE my BALANCE! I don't want to step on the shoe box but there's nothing but clothing on their hangers to grab for...and let's face it, we all know how sturdy a support that'll be... so YUP, HEAD FIRST into the closet, through the clothes and into the wall! From the other room I hear my husband..."Everything ok back there?" I lie, "Yes! It's all good! No worries!" Sheesh...this stuff is gonna kill me! EDIT: Bad grammar today...from laughing while typing!
  20. You will definitely NOT mistake the hits on this one if you choose to wear it in public that's for sure!
  21. If he knew what he was missing, he'd behave better...is there an LP to turn a man from grouse to charming AND KEEP THEM THAT WAY? It's hard to love someone behaving unlovable. YES. Every lady should have this. I'm still learning this phero blend, but I think it's one to handle with care because it IS so effective. I don't think I'd wear it on a night out without a posse to hang with...this one will likely attract the good, bad & ugly by the effects I've seen so far! BUT definitely YES! STAT! EDIT: Just now got a smooch from the man before he left to do his workout....and a "Thank you for last night" *giggles* YES! STAT!
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