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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. So it's not the same thing as the BB...I like the way you describe it, ""okay, everything's under control and I am totally competent " vibe". BB has helped me relax before bed the last few days...BONUS...but I'll have to read up more on MLH. That could be good for work...Hmm.... Thanks Raq On
  2. NuTrix


    I'm totally making some of this into a spray tonight! This is SUCH a yummy scent SO huff worthy!
  3. aniko ~ that's a toughie! SS4W or Cougar...Hmmm. I suppose Cougar may squeak by on the "attracting the attention of your guy" by a hair as SS4W doesn't have cops...but that could be remedied by layering any OCCO with SS4W
  4. Mmm! Can't wait to order my fb this month! skayna you're making me drool all over again for this and my sniffy is all used up - WHA! Great post though
  5. Great Post!!! And, yes, I find a good romp improves the rested feeling you wake up with as well! Now that you mention about the pooches...we have large and small breeds. The little ones claim me completely, as they are allowed on the furniture and will drape themselves across my lap, but the larger dogs accumulate underfoot, lol. It's not the only blend they react like that to. The boys all love Fuzzy Wuzzy too, and there are a handful of others. Haven't noticed any aggression from any of them though. I have found they will try to lick off my lovely LPs from my wrists if I give them half a chance!
  6. Tehehe...wore this over the weekend to the grocery store on Sat. It was strange, the girl at the register just kept staring at me, kinda bashful and smiling, lol. Cute. Hubby likes this one too. He's always sweet when I have it on, but then, he was sweet to me all weekend I just LOVE the smell
  7. It's GOT to be something to do with making the exterior match the interior feminine vibe...our inner sex kittens perhaps?
  8. Had Cougar on yesterday and it never fails! I was singing along to my music on the way to work before I even realized it and I'm just not usually that coherent in the a.m. I have to admit though, that since beginning to use/take pheros seriously, I've been paying better attention to my surroundings, the people in them and their behavior. I've always been and "encourager" of sorts but now I'm taking more initiative in actively getting the social ball rolling. When I see people now I ask more than a yes or no question or inquire about things that allow them to actually share rather than a quick "hey good ta see ya" and pheros seem to crack that door all the wider to initiate more interesting conversations. I had a really interesting time with one of our reviewers yesterday that I've only met once before outside of emails. Granted that Cougar's da bomb...would it still be if we didn't light and keep the fuse lit? Things that make me go, Hmm?
  9. Keep it in the men's....my 2c...sometimes the mere mention of unisex is enough to drive the mental decision for a man to not try it because women could be wearing it. I don't understand WHY it works that way, I just know there seems to be some ingrained primal reaction to shy away. But like QG said, in their section they may actually at least look at it. As women, we're tend to be clusterers (real word?) and we'll find them no matter what...we'll research...then we'll ask each other...you can't hide 'em from us lol we'll ferret out anything
  10. @ AC - Oh, it chilled me out FOR SURE. Completely chillaxin' Tranquility Potion, that's the mysterious Stone labs blend. Interesting. Thanks for info. Cougar is from Stone labs to and is the bomb so I'm not surprised when you say TP is really good too. @ Calii - Oh! I got the Teddy BB in the 10 for 10 too! I like B2 and was just curious how different TBB might be. Gosh that Jubilee sounds YUMMY! @ Halo - Hmm. Well, I wasn't cranky In spite of feeling like my insides were twisted in a knot...that's a pretty impressive feat! I was incredibly uncomfortable but I didn't have a miserable attitude so I (and probably my husband too) would call that a plus ^-~ Thanks everyone!
  11. I didn't see a review for this one unscented and I was hoping to get more intel on it, lol. I got this in the spray in the 10 for 10 and just broke it out over the weekend. I'd heard some say that it's good for PMS so I DEFINITELY put that aspect of it to the test. What led up to this...Prepare for TMI - apologies - For anyone who thinks that what you eat DOESN'T effect your body: I eat healthy (lots of raw foods, love to juice, very little meat, intermittent fasting kind of stuff) so when the holidays rolled around this time I decided not to worry about what I had...but I think I just changed my mind about that. I ate A LOT of crap over vacation and a lot of meat too, but I wasn't worried about it, just looked at it as a splurge. Sorry for any guys reading this...you may wish to skip ahead...but I got hit with a wave of cramps like I've never experienced before - ever - this month...I'm talking curled into the fetal position, woken out of my sleep at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning cramps. I don't suffer from PMS normally. No headaches, no anger management issues, NO CRAMPS (my worst experience is feeling a little tired and simply sleeping in a little fixes that!) These past 2 holidays were the first ones that I just decided to go ahead and jump in like everyone else...great experiment...solidified why I do what I do and love it! Maybe part of it is that my body isn't used to all the processed foods anymore - or the quantities - or just the lack of nutrition in general, lol, but this cycle was hell and I cannot imagine how women go through this regularly each month! I would dread it! Even hubby was sympathetic. I even resorted to medication and I RARELY, IF EVER, USE MEDICATION and even then I only use aspirin. SO. All I'm saying is NUTRITION MATTERS. So back to Balm Bomb....I was one the fence about this phero blend FOREVER because, like I mentioned above, I just don't have PMS issues (which is what I was thinking I'd need it for - go figure!). Of course I thought of it immediately and felt this could be the BEST DAY EVER to test it out, lol. Unscented has a very strong smell of mones...cover required. From the 5ml spray, I spritzed 2 on wrists and 3 to neck/chest area so I would be dosed very well by it. It made me relaxed and sleepy...didn't do anything for the cramps but it may not have been a strong enough dose to but it did relax me and the rest was welcome. I almost never take naps but I took an aspirin and curled up on the couch and although I didn't really sleep I did rest, dozing in and out. My husband's never seen me like that so I don't know that the BB is what made him so attentive and sweet. I put some BB on again last night before bed and may do so tonight just for good measure, but Sunday was the worst and that was the only day I wore it all day. I would think I'd feel too drowsy to wear it during the day for work. It made me feel super chill...wonder if I used too much? But at that point, I was cool with that It didn't make me unfocused or spacey, just really relaxed. So now I have BB and I'm thinking if I don't get my body sorted out by next month I may need it again, lol, but what I'd like to know from other members is: I haven't got kids, don't usually have PMS and don't stress much about anything (yeah, I'm one of those...don't sweat the small stuff...all stuff is small stuff...I know for some reason this can irritate the hell out of some people I've been through my share of fires and came out crispy but in tact...build and grow, right?) What do all of you use BB for? Sorry this turned out to be such a long post! Thanks All!
  12. I'm having a hard time feeling this one out. I don't get noticeable self effects but I do see it effecting others. Ladies have been chatty and sweet and some of the guys I work with were unusually attentive to whether I had what I needed for my latest project. I'm liking it, but need more experimentation. Going to try it on hubby this coming weekend me thinks...
  13. Always good to meet fellow addicts!
  14. Gave OW a go over New Year's Day dinner..with a smidgen of Woozy Floozy...my mom and my MIL, hubs & I. It was like opening the gate and letting the chatter boxes loose, lol! Our mom's talked each others ears off...I bet they BOTH slept well that night. It was a light, fun time and we let them do most of the chit chat. So much so that we barely spoke all the way home because the quiet was just so...nice I love pheros...it's like setting off a silent happy bomb..kaBOOM!
  15. Welcome! LOL! Crazy right?! If ever one needed proof that there's something to this phero thing, LP surely does its job! ^_~ LOVE your choices so far, can't wait for you to test them and share your reviews! We would NEVER laugh at you...maybe when we get to know you better we'll poke fun but never in a mean spirited way Um, I've found that ANYTHING can go to work, lol, maaaybe not everything should....but I had to see just for fun
  16. Boy am I late! Welcome!Welcome! Great first choices, and so the addiction ensues But what a lovely addiction to have... I'm going to get in line with the others about SWS and future possibilities of Dom and/or Leather for work. I'm thinking you may want to go in the Dom direction. Being as you're working with self absorbed males I would be concerned that anything with Est may make them feel like you could be pushed around or see you as weak (it's a very feminine phero). I think it might take a high amount of Est to bring that out though. In a personal relationship, Est in our house brings out the cuddle lubbins from my hubby, but with macho guys at work who already think they rule the roost I'm not so sure. I would like to see how they would interact with Dom though for sure! If you're alpha, then that blend should be congruent with who you already are and play off well. Another fav for making friends and influencing people on a more subtle approach is La Femme Mystere...LOOOOVE its effects on others in my workplace. I also work with a fair number of latinos ^_~ PP and Cougar are always great socials...if your "guys" are just inconsiderate these could bump them into a more favorable disposition to deal with. Perfect Match is favored in our house. My hubs is always a sweetie when I where it. Since it's designed to be unisex, I find adding something with cops for us gals really revs up his attention in the romance department (any OCCO flavor you find appealing would be great...White Shield would totally compliment Unisexy and just about everything else you might want to layer it with!) Pheros may not be the end all - cure all for all that ails you, but you already know that. They surely can enhance what is already there and take it to more interesting places with a bit of work on your end. Remember - you ARE beautiful! You ARE worth the time and attention AND a bit of pampering to boot! You ARE a goddess, you carry yourself like one and you are a commanding force to be reckoned with...and the well behaved will be justly rewarded by your graces So glad you've joined us and look forward to your future adventures! Many blessings!
  17. MissH what an awesome post!LOL! Way to go super sensual powers!
  18. NuTrix


    Mmmm! Wearing this over Cuddle bunny today and I LOVE it still! This is such a favorite!
  19. That's SO interesting to me how so many get floral where it goes all sweet and fruity on me...NOT a complaint!
  21. So far I've only added it to Balls! to make a boosted spray...still total YUM! But I still have a whole bottle of un to play with....and I lurv Ail's VV. Maybe I'll make Spray just to see how much Sexpionage Ail's can take...love that one sooo much! Will re post when I do
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