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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. BWAHAHA! *wipes tears from laughter from eyes* I'm afraid I haven't had to go to a x2 in anything yet *desperately tries to catch breathe one for time...rubs cheeks because they are sore from laughing* but I will love you forever just for this post alone
  2. I agree. I ordered the fb right off the bat, scent unsniffed, and it was instantly true love at first sniff when it arrived and I finally opened it Hence the other bottles of it I ordered I'm sure Mara will create something equally delectable at some point that will give me the same shivers LOL! We'll just have to wait....
  3. Great post intertwining! The self effects sound nice...hope I get them one of these times, lol, but I do really like how it affects others...will have to experiment more with hubby after reading your post though
  4. Yes! So happy I chose this one for today! I love how the scent just lasts and lasts on me. No reapplication necessary. A would almost swear that everybody wants to talk with mw when I wear this and they don't want me to leave either...sad to see me go Had an unusual occurrence with a person on the production floor. You know how when someone socially awkward says something out of sorts but you know that they meant it as a compliment? Yeah. One of those, lol. Very quiet, keeps mostly to himself...took me a while to figure out if he was angry all the time or just looks it...(kinda like how my husband must look to other people at work now that I think of it!LOL!!!) Well this fella pays me a compliment and was kind of looking at me out of the side of his eye, not sure how I would respond I suppose. And I kid you not...he almost smiled...there was the beginning of a smirk there! Win another round for AHE w/Lumina! I do have the spray I made spiked with a bit of Woozy Floozy but that would have evaporated away much earlier in the day so I think this one was all AHE & Lumina. Shazam! That's all I gotta say about that.
  5. To me, Odalisque is divine! I missed my opportunity for an unphero'd version...had great plans for it, lol. SO I will have to find venues for the bottles of it I have. Forces me to think even more creatively! I think the scent would have been fantastic with LFM, Gotcha!, & SS4W for starters....
  6. Nice post. Audacious was SO perfect for that experiment, lol
  7. LOL. Yes, stay away from adding too many extra cops while wearing LFM and it's perfect work/social ^_~
  8. NuTrix


    Mmmm...yes, this one is delish! What you said makes perfect sense! I converted some into a spray and had worn it several days in a row before realizing that I don't think I've ever worn the same scent more than 2 days, but usually I switch up everyday. I can see how this could become addictive!
  9. I would think vanilla would be neutral enough. LFM lends an "I'm open and approachable but be respectful of me" vibe. Make sure to post!
  10. Love those selfies! You go GURL! So....winner? I know this has always gone over very well at work for me. Men and women respond positively to this. LFM became a favorite for work almost immediately. I'd say give it a run.
  11. For me, they are both sexy, but BANG! is the extrovert where LFN seems more social/sensual. The self effect were polar opposites for me. If BANG! is a big smile then LFN is a naughty grin ^_~ The one I have I got in the 10 for 10 in alcohol spray but I'm planning to order my fb in oil. Pungent or potent? It DOES need a cover fo sho
  12. Nice! I pulled this one out thinking, maybe for tomorrow? Reading your post sealed the deal!
  13. BB, I do not have ENOUGH words to describe HOW incredible. I have never worn anything more than 2 days in a row...and I wore this 5! I couldn't stop myself. Wore LFN today and talk about a 180 vibe LOL. I will always be my naughty self, but I was a more sedate and well behaved naughty It's a hit like BANG! that makes me start talking myself down with my addiction here...1 bottle is a fine start...I do not need to buy out the entire stock...do i?
  14. Welcome to the forum! That's an AWESOME selection to start out with...so many samples and only so many hours in a day! Ug!
  15. OK. This one just blew Cougar out of the water as far as response from hubby is concerned! BANG! may just be my new best bud...for realz! Tonight was all about what it was that he could do to....eh-hem,,,for, me! It was goooood. Reeeeeal Goooood. I'm "tender" and lovin' it. GrrRuff! So kicking myself for not getting this sooner! It's got to be the Est...he SO responds HUGELY well to Est blends...must.... order... at... least... one.... full.... bottle!
  16. Yes, on it's own it's like that for us too! And my guy's more of a chatter than a deep conversationist most days, lol, so this is golden!
  17. I know, right?! You would not believe how many times I have kicked myself already for overlooking this one! I may have to pour over ALL the phero blends now to see which other ones I may have possibly foolishly dismissed for similar reasons. Gads..just when I thought my wish list would stay affordable!
  18. Oh Eggers! Thank you! I've been watching...with my finger over the order button, lol...waiting for the new releases before I ordered When you heard the 15th, did you mean of this month or next? I KNOW I will want fbs of something, so I'm waiting...but I must truly be an addict because it is so VERY hard to wait! So this mean 2 months worth of choices at once?! Squeeeeeeeal!
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