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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. LOL, hearts, glad you found Lumina to be "an equal opportunity" attractor I can't believe I didn't get this one sooner myself. Great post and I'll have to give it a whirl w/Topper...bet that added extra sparkle!
  2. I had a VERY entertaining day today thanks to Balls! I had tons of hugs...and was even dipped! At WORK. It was by someone I know very well and don't get the chance to see often because of us both transferring to other departments but it was still completely unexpected and I'm glad I didn't drop my paperwork! I swear he's my brother from another mother! I did have an older gentleman ask what I was wearing...swearing he'd smelled it somewhere before, lol, which I thought was unlikely unless it was me the last time I wore it to work HA! I said it was called "espionage" from a company called Love Potion. This fella is in his sixties and I just couldn't fess up - sorry Mara LOL - the whole time I'm giggling wildly in my head of course! There were a ton of little things all throughout the day to keep me entertained. I wouldn't bomb everyone at work with this often...but it was way too much fun NOT to do it again sometime *EDIT* Balls! was a hit later later at home with hubby too. I think MrsC was right about it increasing our pleasure AND heightening our *O*s as well as stimulating the SO in our lives ^_~
  3. I'm going to wear this one tomorrow/ I haven't given it much of a fair run around hubby. If I can get out of work at a decent hour, he's talking going out someplace nice for dinner...good stomping ground for LFN I should think...
  4. @ perfumesniffer : Lumina does seem to act like Cougar as a great social, but I have no idea how much A-nol it may have. When I wore it at thanksgiving, everyone had a blast, but not super goofy silly, just a lot of fun...but then I had on a bit of Woozy Floozy too so the results from that day were a definate combo of the two. That could be a good question for Mara? @ maiea : Congrats on Lumina! Sounds like you're finding what youve been looking for
  5. I agree! They tend to be, completely by accident, insulting to a perfectly delightful scent! The trick is figuring out if what they say they're associating it to is complimantary or not I always follow my husband's statements with, "And what exactly does that mean to you?" I want to find things we both like but it's a constant, though entertaining, riddle LOL!
  6. FluffyGirl! Good to see you here! Yes, addiction coooould be more appropiate, lol. I second BB's suggestion of Cuddle Bunny...and add to that Perfect Match spiked with cops ^-^. My hubby's a macho scorpio too and he loves the more girlie feminine blends on me, though the more sexual ones haven't failed either, lol, maybe something naughty with an extra spike of Est in the future for you? GrrRuff! So glad you came over...you'll be a life-r in no time Welcome to the forum!
  7. I love PM for cuddle nights with hubs. He responds really well to it. @ Raq that suck about dropping your vial! At least you got a taste of it and it wasn't a complete wash... @ Caracia I never even thought to wear this one to work...forming thoughts...future plans...lol
  8. I don't think pheros turn people into ridiculously bad drivers, JOC, so I wouldn't blame the mones or believe that had anything to do with you. I'm glad he didn't get the 2 of you into an accident! Good to hear the rest of your time was so much better!
  9. Sweet maiea! I LOVE it when a yummy scent like this one just seems to last and last!
  10. YesYes! Write them down! And don't forget if you come to a point where you're looking for that special "something" you could even work with Mara to create your own unique PE Hehe. Maybe not...but I've allowed EVERYthing from LP to 2nd base! and even some very near the treasure box... They have "caressed" arms, thighs, abdomen, neck...nibbled my ears, fondled my....
  11. No, no, no...you're looking at it all wrong, lol. It's more like someone coming into your life and bringing you great joy, loving you as you need to be loved in that moment, and then, before you fall into complacency, you are handed off to another, equally wonderful, but new and exciting lover. You will never grow bored and you will remember them all with fondness and affection Isn't this SO much better?
  12. Uuu, NOOOO..it's not a tantrum, it's passion...you're just passionate about LP...nothing wrong with that
  13. Wow. That's a first for me. Good to know though...scary, but good
  14. Intense. Good descriptive word! He was an is THAT for sure, lol. I like that, "Me man, you woman - mine!" thing he does though He certainly gives the "mated for life" vibe...GrrRuff!
  15. OUI! My guy's a scorpio, but I know nothing about these things. I've been told virgos are analytical because I am one but that's my limit. It sounds like him as far as how he is with others, but he pursued me from the start....what went wrong there? Are scorpios wildly attracted to virgos or something? Ok, I don't ALWAYS say that, lol, but I DO act it out
  16. Ewe! Pee?! Ick! Wonder how THAT happened?!?!
  17. Hoarded all I'm going to, lol, leaving what's left, barely grudgingly, to other fans
  18. Great job! We must guide their delicate footsteps and help them along the paths of discovery
  19. HAHAHA! That's a good lil addict lol. No, kidding...it's called budgeting....food/clothes/shelter/LPs = needs
  20. I have quite a few that the self effects don't stand out, then it's more interesting for me to figure how they are impacting others. I used to worry that if I didn't get anything others may not be either...WAY WRONG LOL...THAT has never been a problem Yeah maiea - for selfies!
  21. Ordering full bottles of Merry! & Indecent Exposure and samples of Glitter Kissed & Naughty Naughty.
  22. BWAHAHA! I know him SO well, lol! No. He didn't make it past Fri evening. It's NOT my fault, lol, ok...maybe I didn't try hard enough to get. Soooo maaaybe my shirt was a lil tight and short. Maaaaybe my jeans were a lil too low and maaaybe I leaned over a lil too often... But HONEST...I wasn't chasin him I came home from work, got into my comfy clothes and was in the restroom freshening up and he just wouldn't leave me be! A girl can only play hard to get for so long hahaha! I wanted chasing, I got it. I promise, in spite of my attire, I practiced aloofness and disinterest but it's actually good to know that sometimes he WON'T take no for an answer!
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