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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Thank you very much. Haha - sure beats some of the names I have been called in the past! I may have to run with that for a while when I reach 6500!
  2. Just please make sure there is no gas flowing through the system. There is a business here - several miles away - that specializes in gas fireplaces, stoves, etc. The pilot light went out on one of their systems and the business filled with gas until the pilot light from another system set it off. It shook our house. Luckily it was late at night so no one was in the store. And nor was there any damages or injuries at the nearby gas station. @Luna: Wonderful job with the stories again! You have a great gift!
  3. Yes, yes you are. We will ship you bottles of water if needs be so you can keep scribing!
  4. So - did you use the cats to chase away the internet leprechauns?
  5. Yes - I hear Marines enjoy storming all kinds of things. And I bet in that case you will stay plenty warm.
  6. Her ISP only thinks it is the snow. My guess is that the leprechauns are playing tricks with her computer/internet as a way of saying "thank you" for doing a St Patrick's Day scent haha! We are fine - they are up when they are up. We are just hanging out as usual! I think most people have already made up their minds based on the labels alone and are just waiting for the descriptions to confirm their impressions lol.
  7. Nice try haha!! Either that or just list descriptions on the side and you have to match them to the perfume haha. Or have a program that rotates the descriptions on the perfume pages every 10 minutes. That would be a good April Fool's joke!!
  8. That part (kinky and naughty) is up to you haha - but certainly congratulations!
  9. Maybe they are kidding - no descriptions this month - you just have to use your intuition haha!
  10. Haha - yeah - that is pretty much the difference between myself (ala Tyvey) and Mrs. QG (ala Hearts)!
  11. Buy away!! On the odd chance you don't like something - well, that is what the trade threads are for lol!
  12. Awwww shucks, ma'm. Just doin' my job. Glad to be of service.
  13. Stalk no more ... until next month lol.
  14. LOL - no I did not understand what you meant until Mara posted. ETA: Until you mentioned it above, I had forgotten that you had said before you were married to a guy in the Navy. So few people now have any connection to the military, much less actual military service themselves, I tend to default to that. Which means I do not really discuss my service much IRL. When most peoples' ideas of military service come from Hollywood movies or TV sitcoms, well ... My apologies for explaining the obvious (to you) to you. I had joked about never wearing a red shirt with my kids but they had never really watched the old Star Trek so they did not really understand what I meant. My son watched all the old episodes on Netflix this summer and finally got the joke.
  15. Haha - OK - to put it in Star Trek terms just remember Ensign Wesley Crusher was outranked by LT Worf who was outranked by LT Commander LaForge who was outranked by Commander Riker who was outranked by Captain Picard.
  16. Haha - better recheck your ranks - a Captain is an 06 and a Commander is an 05 - she still has you beat!
  17. And here I thought you would do anything for your Commander. Seriously though, I know the feeling. Work made me so photo adverse it unfortunately even carried over to home.
  18. 12 years old already? Why that would mean that you are ... getting old hahahaha! We've been waiting for you ....
  19. Or rum ... Haha - are you stalking next month's releases already?
  20. Wearing nothing but their Carnivale masks. There we go ladies - you heard the PM!! Surely you don't want to disappoint her now do you?
  21. Hahahaha - I have not listened to that in a while! *crickets chirping*
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