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Ever Been Phero-Bombed by a Man? (unknowingly)

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After having been friends for literally decades, a male friend and I found ourselves both being single at the same time. I've always enjoyed his company but never gave much thought to him in a romantic way. Recently, I found myself incredibly attracted, almost drunk feeling in my decision making with very little sense of inhibitions (though NO alcohol was involved). Fortunately, there was a part of my brain still functioning and intervened, but normally my guard would have gone up MUCH sooner.


Looking back on it and being surprised by the crazy level of attraction, I started to wonder. Was there some unknown attraction to him that surfaced or was it possible I was phero-ed?

Edited by Winnie
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I don't know, I think phero's only enhance what's already there, so I'm not sure if that's possible. Women can use cops, though, which can get a reaction out of any unsuspecting man, which is why we're supposed to use them thoughtfully and with intention. I've had situations like the one you've described where I believe my own hormones played a stronger role. And if you've been friends for decades, you're obviously already less guarded with him than a new person, and were probably just having a few moments of mutual good chemistry.

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I couldn't say in your situation, but yes I have. The only reason I knew was because I found out later - that's how I first learned about pheromones. This was a few years before Mara introduced her line. And it wasn't a pleasant experience, which is why I tend to be careful about such things. But it does sound like maybe you had a massive hormonal surge, I had that happen to me as well back in the peri-men days.

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I couldn't say in your situation, but yes I have. The only reason I knew was because I found out later - that's how I first learned about pheromones. This was a few years before Mara introduced her line. And it wasn't a pleasant experience, which is why I tend to be careful about such things. But it does sound like maybe you had a massive hormonal surge, I had that happen to me as well back in the peri-men days.


Hey Luna, would you feel comfortable elaborating on why it was not a pleasant experience? It sounds like your experience might be valuable to others to prevent another person from going through what you did in that instance. Thank you!

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Mainly because it gave me a terrible headache, whatever it was.


As I noted, this was many years ago when I was first getting into scenario play - I had gone out with some friends to a tableaux and I wasn't a participant but I started flirting with this one guy and he got all up in my space, but I was feeling him so I was okay with it. And after about half an hour or so I got that punch-drunk feeling and I thought, "Okay I'm not that into him, what is this?" and then I thought it may have just been my hormones, but then the headache came on and so nothing ever came of it anyway. So then a couple days later one of my friends was teasing me about not hooking up and I said, "Well I think he was really trying, but -" and she said, "No, I thought you would because he was wearing pheromones," and I had to have her explain that to me.


Granted, there are pheromones mixes that definitely have that effect on me - like Wanted Man does pretty much the same thing that Turn Up The Heat did, and I don't even need a man around for it to happen, no joke.


But it's mostly that thing of just hitting someone with that cloud, like you want to drug them immediately, and I don't respond well to that no matter what it is. I don't even pherobomb myself with anything because I'm afraid that is what will happen.

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If anything is going to bring on a headache, it's certainly an aggressive none/rone combo, and clearly that guy used way too much and got precisely the opposite effect of the one he desired. This is a perfect example of *more* not being better with pheromones.


Having somewhat of a trained nose myself by now, if someone is wearing pheros and they aren't well blended into a fragrance the way I blend them, I can smell them in layers. Like a drug sniffing dog in an airport....they smell the coffee AND the drugs as two separate things....that's what I smell. Cologne layered with pheros, which stand out because they smell metallic to me.


Winnie, do you recall smelling anything vaguely metallic or chemical?

If you are in your 30's or 40's, it's likely true that you are getting peri-men hormone surges.

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Shows what I know! I love that I learn new things on here all the time. And it makes sense in how some male pheros could make other males more aggressive, irregardless of the wearer's intent.

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