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Been using pheromones since about 2006.  Anyone remember Alter Ego from Stone Labs? Ahhhhh. Frankincense, citrus and pine and something I can't identify... Maybe oak moss.  Didn't find anything that smelled as good until I found this place several months ago. Blam's self effects are every bit as good as Alter Ego's were. 


Occo black is my fave, followed by samples I got of Ghost Dust and Argent w/Cougar. My hubs reacts most to the Argent, out of those three. Contrary to many people's experience, I've found the cops in Occo are great in the workplace. Not in any kinky way or anything. Men seem to treat me like I have authority (I'm female, late 30s) while women seem slightly intimidated. I do get irritable from the self effects if I do more than a dab, though. 


What I'm writing about mainly, though, is the fascinating "hits" from estratetraenol I finally tried today and yesterday after ordering months ago. It definitely makes my husband calm. In the workplace, most of my male coworkers have been particularly chivalrous and agreeable, while my female boss has been absolutely nurturing. She's always great, but today and yesterday she's been particularly patient and caring with much more focused eye contact. 


The super interesting part is that the estratetraenol is seeming to have the opposite effect on one young guy (like 25) that I work closely with. I've never seen him pissy or dismissive with me before-- just today and yesterday. He's usually very polite and good humored. Isn't that fascinating? 



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Thanks for sharing your experiences!


I'm new to pheromones and have only used LPMP's phero blends and un pheros and Alkemia's pheros. I only got interested in pheros about a year ago, so I love hearing from others with more experience. For me, the most important part of using pheros is how they make me feel. It's great when others have a good reaction to them, but unless they also make me feel good, I won't wear them.


OCCO is definitely one that I go light on and never wear alone. Cops tend to make me feel icky, like I need a bath, if I wear them alone but are fine if I add another phero and a strong spicy/woody perfume for cover. Sweet perfumes plus cops make me feel even grosser than cops alone. 

I also agree that a lot of the "not for work" pheros have worked out well for me in public and workplaces. The only one that really messed me up was Sexpionage and not because of others' reactions but because of what it does to me. Even a hint of being flirted with and suddenly I'm spouting innuendos. I'm too dangerous for the general public when I wear that un phero. 😈


Anyhow, welcome and looking forward to hearing more!

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2 hours ago, AsclepiasSpeciosa said:

The super interesting part is that the estratetraenol is seeming to have the opposite effect on one young guy (like 25) that I work closely with. I've never seen him pissy or dismissive with me before-- just today and yesterday. He's usually very polite and good humored. Isn't that fascinating? 



It blows my mind lol But apparently it's a thing. I did research on it when I realized it affected my partner the OPPOSITE of everything I read. It seemed to me more dominant men react negatively. I read as many posts on as many forums as I could find and that's what most of them have in common. I'm curious if under his polite personality he is more of a dominant kind of guy?

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2 hours ago, Vixy mixy said:

I also agree that a lot of the "not for work" pheros have worked out well for me in public and workplaces. The only one that really messed me up was Sexpionage and not because of others' reactions but because of what it does to me. Even a hint of being flirted with and suddenly I'm spouting innuendos. I'm too dangerous for the general public when I wear that un phero. 

I 3rd on the 'not for work pheros'. I couldn't get thru my day sometimes without an energizing un. La Femme Noire, Blatant Invitation, Audacious... Dom and Leather sometimes, but it makes me a little too irritable. 


The first time I wore Sexpionage I got ENRAGED. It was crazy. It seems like the first time I wear a phero it affects me the strongest. Anyone ever notice that?

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@AsclepiasSpeciosa 🙂 Hi!  I love estratetraenol (did I spell that right? 😶). It works wonders with most guys. But there is a small number of men that react badly. In my experience it’s not necessarily just the dominate, alpha ones who react badly. I wear it to work around alpha, dominate type guys and mostly it turns them to sweet little piles of mush. It’s kind of a mystery, but I’m theorizing that maybe it’s men with some “mommy issues” (overly dominate or super controlling mothers) who react badly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Keep the experiments coming! 

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@RosesArePink Interesting theory!  I haven't had any noticeably terrible reactions to EST heavy blends, but I have noticed that "family men" react really well to EST. You know the kind of guy who's always talking about his wife and kids and all their milestones and trips and it's super sweet? Or the ones that might be more aggressive at work but are really gentle and protective with their kids.  I feel like that kind of guy is extra nice and cheerful with EST. 

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@hedgehog  Yeah, mostly I’ve had great results with it. There has only been a couple of men who reacted poorly. One was the (adult) son of one of my mother’s friends. Normally, he is quite mellow and polite, but EST pushes his buttons. Now, I know his mother and she is the poster child of domineering mothers. That’s kind of what got me thinking about it. But who knows! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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