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Sexology, Open Windows, Stone Cougar

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I have all three of these in spray. I know I need to test them separately, but for purposes of gaining more information, can anyone tell me if you've used any of these together; and if so, what were the results? Overkill or great combo? Thanks.

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wish I knew,but let me know how it goes


Ow - social phero - use by self in work or family setting. Lay it on heavy - watch eveyonebbe cheerful and helpful.


Sexology and Cougar are a quarter of the way down the sexy continuum. Chipper, upbeat -with a hip swish.


BI and OCCO are all sex. BI most particularly. If you don't get bite marks and soreness from BI - you are with the wrong man.


Just sayin'

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Ow - social phero - use by self in work or family setting. Lay it on heavy - watch eveyonebbe cheerful and helpful.


Sexology and Cougar are a quarter of the way down the sexy continuum. Chipper, upbeat -with a hip swish.


BI and OCCO are all sex. BI most particularly. If you don't get bite marks and soreness from BI - you are with the wrong man.


Just sayin'



I agree with Shelly.....Open Windows puts me in a happy, friendly place.....Cougar gives me a sparkly "I'm hot" vibe.....Sexology is more sexual to me than Cougar....I can't say that I have ever worn the three together, but would love to hear what happens when you do!!

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Thank you ladies. I will let you know what happens when I combine. I have a party coming up next Sat. night and I want to get a good idea of what to use beforehand. Want to create a fun, but fairly sexual vibe. I have a week to try different things and then decide what will work best. Ordered B/I and was going to use a little of that but I don't think it will arrive in time. (I think for the party I will add just a little bit of OCCO to anything I decide to use just for good measure -- that will probably be ok cause I'm in my 40s, right?).


Oh, one more thing: if I wear more alpha-nol at the party (like in OW) I'll get chattiness by people; if I wear more beta-nol (like in sexology) I'll get more one on one, deeper conversations? Do you get a little of both when you combine the two? :)

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Disclaimer - I have never combined them. I don't usually combine the mixes here with anything but cops or a touch of extra alpha androstenol, neat.


For a party, I'd do Open Windows and Cougar. Nix the Sexology - waste of a good phero. IMHO it's a more intimate thing - a sexy dinner date or the like. If you want a party atmosphere, chat/flirt/shake ass, go with Open Windows for the feel-good, and Cougar for the strut.


What scent are you covering with???


Sounds like fun! Let us know how the social engineering goes!

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Disclaimer - I have never combined them. I don't usually combine the mixes here with anything but cops or a touch of extra alpha androstenol, neat.


For a party, I'd do Open Windows and Cougar. Nix the Sexology - waste of a good phero. IMHO it's a more intimate thing - a sexy dinner date or the like. If you want a party atmosphere, chat/flirt/shake ass, go with Open Windows for the feel-good, and Cougar for the strut.


What scent are you covering with???


Sounds like fun! Let us know how the social engineering goes!



Yeah, I wouldn't do sexology for a party....I'd go with OW and Cougar....you can add OCCO for cops if you want.....do NOT put the OCCO in your hair, though! Never never never put cops in the hair!!!

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Disclaimer - I have never combined them. I don't usually combine the mixes here with anything but cops or a touch of extra alpha androstenol, neat.


For a party, I'd do Open Windows and Cougar. Nix the Sexology - waste of a good phero. IMHO it's a more intimate thing - a sexy dinner date or the like. If you want a party atmosphere, chat/flirt/shake ass, go with Open Windows for the feel-good, and Cougar for the strut.


What scent are you covering with???


Sounds like fun! Let us know how the social engineering goes!



Echoing this...actually - I just pasted on the Cougar for a dinner party. You will be sparkly and HOT which is all good. OW is great for work and family parties...but a dinner party? I want to be SEXY, SPARKLY FUN. Pony is right - Cougar gives you a STRUT. I will say - if there is someone I'm trying to attract in particular at the dinner party - I'll OCCO underneath.


For a date/date - sexy dinner date - assuming I ever had one - I'd swim in some BI close to the skin and Cougar out in the atmosphere. Sparkly and then WHAMMO - DAYUM GIRL.


Of course - Heart and Soul is making me really chipper and loving these days - works like a champ and helping me dial down the aggression - and my Lace is not here yet. I so have my fingers crossed for the Lace. Woozy plus Est? Can't WAIT to get it. And I hope someone get's an early order soon so we can get a review already.


I didn't go for the Leather as I have a full spray of Dom - and it seemed a bit overkill to have both.


I don't mind combining two blends - but I tend to agree that you start to wash them out if you get more than two going...unless - again - agree with Pony - it's EOW or A-Nol. Either is a great boost to a blend - to either pump up the HOOYA or the raw silly fun.

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Thanks Pony, Dolly, Shelly B. Cougar it is, with some OCCO added. :lol: Tee, as for the cover scent, you know what? Mara and Danna (thank you again) sent me a bunch of little samples, among which was a PE named "Joanne's Christmas Candy". Do you guys remember that one? I couldn't find a review, but it is cinnamon and vanilla goodness; a yummy Christmas scent. Very uplifting. I put some on to try it out on my skin and my son even said, "Mom that really smells good". I very much like Red, but I might have to go with this one for the party. And I remember reading a post (I think it was one of yours Shelly) that talked about congruence. This one might be just the thing for a fun Christmas party with Cougar.


Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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