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Claudia's Honey Vanilla Musk


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Wow. This is just....wow. Sexy, smutty, and foody all rolled together in one. If you're into any of these types of fragrances, or all three, you need this. Right. Now. It's absolutely the dirtiest and sexiest honey I've ever tried, and combining that with a rich cake-batter-y vanilla and a veil of come-hither white musk that warms it up even further is just pure scentgasm. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co If your man of choice doesn't want to eat you alive after this...his nose isn't working.

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Heh, looks like someone else has moved into the Fuckable Gourmand arena. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co


I've decided that's become my #1 FAVORITE category of all time.


Seriously, though I don't buy perfumes from Sephora I would probably fall off my chair laughing if I looked on the website one day and it listed Fuckable Gourmand under fragrance categories.

Edited by Invidiana
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I really want to try this one, but honey scents and my skin chemistry just don't seem to mix. Maybe I'll try a sample anyway, just on the off chance that it might be ok.

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Omg. - this has has the feel and weight of HAM - the original SLF. Everything Invi said plus I want to lick myself. Right up my most delicious smelling wrist.


If you liked HAM or hate you missed it - score this. It's majick from M&D.

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  • 1 month later...
If you liked HAM or hate you missed it - score this. It's majick from M&D.


Yes, a thousand times yes! This is pretty much exactly like Honeyed Amber & Musk except with a very sheer veil of vanilla, IMO. Anyone who loved SLF and burned through their bottle(s) in record time needs to get this. 'Cause if you don't, I just might buy up what's left and lust after myself for years to come.


What am I...crazy? Why am I telling you this? You guys are lucky I like you. :001_tt2:

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  • 1 year later...

Not really, IMO. This is like a heavier version of Sugared Honeycomb, whereas Sexology is, to me, primarily brown sugar and dirty musk.

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