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Another Newbie


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Luna: I got it now. I think I misunderstood you. Thank you for all your help. You're so patient.

Katz: thanks for the feedback on Milkmaid cops. I don't know why, but the description of the scent is really appealing to me. I figured it might be a good blender. Vanilla-scented things usually are. In my every day I wear jasmine, sandalwood, sometimes ylang ylang. In the right amounts, they can all be complemeneted by vanilla. Cool. It's going on the list!


Ooh! One more Q: would Super Sexy be too much for that kind of situation?

Just for reference, he and I both work in the restaurant industry. So when I'm talking about his workplace, it's not like he's in an office! But often, especially in summer, (because we're in a tourist town), a lot of restaurant workers gather in pubs & stuff to unwind, the two of us included - and often people from his work. I don't want to come across all slutty. I just want to *sparkle* a bit more than the others! Haha! Cheesy, I know.

Edited by Eggers
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In a social situation, sure, Super Sexy might be helpful especially if you're afraid that someone might make a move on him. But still maybe try PP first which would likely help with attention in general.

Edited by luna65
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Yeah! Luna, that's just what I was getting at. I don't want to be all skanky and 'get off my man'. That kind of behaviour grosses me out, and I would die if anyone thought that of me. I effect I'm going for, (from him), is more of a beaming 'that's my girlfriend' thing. You know, I want him to be kind of chuffed to be with me. You're awesome! Thank you! :^)

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I like all your questions Eggers...I've been here for over a year but I still learn from others questions and it gives me new ideas of what to try, so don't feel bad about all the phero confusion.

Luna is giving valuable advice that I am filing away in my head too! I am sure a lot of people are learning from your discussion.

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Well good, Missdarlyncherie! I'm glad someone's finding this useful besides just me. Thank you! Whenever I get an idea in my head, I get very singluar about it. It's as if I have to cram everything into my head all at once, or some of it's gonna slip back out again! I was probably a very annoying child. Yup...


I'm really digging all the advice everyone's given today. I've gotten myself a notebook to keep it all straight, (see? that's to keep it all from sliding back out of my head!). It's like a pheromone cram-study session for me today. All very useful stuff. And so interesting and entertaining! I've been reading the reviews of different blends, and those are hillarious! Such a fun place!

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Hi Halo,

I don't think I realized that DHEA is already in Perfect Match, (it's hard to keep the all straight!). I thought she meant to add it myself. I'd rather not start mixing stuff up - these ladies are the pros, so I'll just find what I'm looking for amongst the things they've already made available.

It's so fun looking at all the blends, perfumes included. I was up forever last night reading reviews of products. So much fun. I can't wait to try some stuff!

I've already found about fifty perfumes that I think I need to have! I need to exercise some caution here, or I'll be broke soon. Broke and smelling pretty!

After reading everything, and talking to all of you lovely ladies, I feel much better than I did when I first posted yesterday. I feel more relaxed. And trust me, it's really something to get me to relax when I'm all wound up about something. I've got to say: good job everyone!

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I've already found about fifty perfumes that I think I need to have! I need to exercise some caution here, or I'll be broke soon. Broke and smelling pretty!


...lol join the crowd! We're all planning on joining a senior home for indigent-awesome-smelling-crones!

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That will work....we will be the best smelling bag ladies on the beach!!!

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After reading everything, and talking to all of you lovely ladies, I feel much better than I did when I first posted yesterday. I feel more relaxed. And trust me, it's really something to get me to relax when I'm all wound up about something. I've got to say: good job everyone!


And Eggers, we are a very frank and open bunch here.....if you haven't noticed already! LOL but, I will tell you what I have told some of the other newbies.....if you have an issue with pheros that you don't feel comfortable speaking about on an open forum, grab the email addy that is in my profile. Just be aware that I only check that email about once a week, so if it is something that you need to know quickly, it may not be of much use.....but, I am around if you need help!!!

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We can open our own home. Since our ages are pretty well staggered there should always be someone to take care of us. As long as someone changes my diapers and helps me put on my LPs I am good. Or we could open a beach old ladies' home. Then you can just set me on the beach with my LP, the tide will do the rest.




Welcome Eggers!

Edited by BlueBear
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Welcome to the forum! Besides my hubby, my friend who helps me bring my LPs here & my sister (back home), no one knows that I use pheros and I intend to keep it this way. I don't see a need to let anyone know.

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