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EOW evaporated!! (alcohol based product from another etailer)

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Alright ladies, I am really upset right now.I have a bottle of EOW that I had set aside NOT the oil one sold here.I had set it aside.Today I went to get it and the rubber stopper had melted off and all of it is gone.The product is still sealed!! Have any of you had this happen?I paid $19.99 for it and its GONE!!!Does the oil product do the same thing?

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No, the EoW oil sold here does not evaporate. I would suggest contacting the retailer from whence you purchased this merchandise sweety.

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No, the EoW oil sold here does not evaporate. I would suggest contacting the retailer from whence you purchased this merchandise sweety.


:yeahthat: ...ya know I read about that somewhere else too...I have bottles of Mara's product and never had a problem :D

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I had posted on another forum about that happening to me but I was able to save that bottle.I thought the sealed one would be fine.I also know there was a man on maybe Pherotruth that reported this also happening to his EOW.I hope LS will work with me on this issue or I will see if I can directly contact Stone Labs.

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Thank you I will do that.I am thinking of asking them to give me a credit so I can get something else there and get my cops from you.BTW, you scented pheros are the bomb.I took a sample vail of the Extracurrlar Proclivaties you sent.I thought gee let me add them to my own oil.I only had a 10 ml roll on and I filled it with the sample and tipped my oil into the bottle.Well you guess it I tipped WAY too much filled that bottle up. The funny thing however is it STILL retained it strong scent.I am SOO happy I FINALLY took the plunge and ordered from your site. I enjoy the stronger scents and your are beautiful.

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