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Sugared Pine Needles


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Sugared Pine Needles

* Mmmmm, fresh piney wintery goodness! Pine oils have a fair bit of sweetness to them already, and I wanted to keep the cool nature-y vibe, so I lightly dusted my collection of assorted pines with just powdered and white sugars.

  • SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  • PINE NEEDLES~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I put this one on and it was air freshener like whoa! That kind of pine. After my experience with how Sugared Myrrh changed, I put more on and waited for the magic to happen. And a few minutes later, it did! Sugared Pine Needles turns into a very low key, fresh, green, piney scent. The sugar keeps it from smelling like a tree. This also would layer beautifully with a lot of other sugared scents. I am really looking forward to playing mad scientist with these!

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  • 1 month later...

I think Gale gave it a great description above - a low key, fresh, green outdoorsy pine scent. And she is right - the "sugared" keeps the scent from going into that sharp pine sap scent when you are right next to a tree.



This layers very well with Sugared Green Musk, Woods, Greenery, Oak Moss, & Smoke for that outdoorsy (& with Smoke) campfire-side feel.

Edited by quietguy
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  • 4 months later...

I got this to try to make my own Stocking Stuffer.. I haven't figured out exactly how to do this yet though.. I love this scent and will keep experimenting! It's a beautifully wintery, walk-through-the-woods kind of pine.

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  • 6 months later...

This reminds me of LP Winter Variant 2011, bit more obviously green, but I feel that the pine and sugar is the same soft, gentle and somehow edible Christmas tree scent. I like it alot! Its obviously not as complex as Winter Variant, but I like how its more pine-y. This is what I had wanted the old Sugared Forest to smell like. I have a small bottle from Bella,bout half full. This does end up being one of the more sheer ones on me, throw going down to a skin scent pretty rapidly, so I probably won't get more of this,as that's the same problem I had with Winter Variant. I'll definitely keep what I have though, and enjoy it! I still have Odinclause for when I desire a stronger pine scent..might layer this over it to girl it up a bit.

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