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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Nope, it's oil based. I purchased the aroma chemicals that are soluble in oil and alcohol. (There are also water soluble ones, didn't get any of those.) Just like our regular offerings, I can turn it into an alcohol spray too. Yup, there are two phero offerings this month, and Rainbow Falls is in cologne spray form. I'm sniffing my application spot from this morning, Still going strong and smells lovely - a sheer light musky scent. I'm surprised how much I like it!
  2. I blended it softer, on my second attempt. The original was like a cacophony, so my retry is much more subtle. I'm wearing it now. I am interested to see if it remains the same from dawn til dusk (like aldehydes are wont to do) or if it morphs like the more nature based scents do. I did add a little bit of my expensive fragrance oils to this to properly balance everything. So it's a hybrid.
  3. Hmmm, really, we only used Chanel #5 as a comparison because it was the first all-aldehyde perfume ever offered....and it was the tail end of the industrial revolution era, so it worked with our fun theme. If I remember correctly, I think that I consciously tried to make Silk & Fur (Soie et Fourrure) along the lines of Chanel #5 according to their list of aroma chemicals, but using more natural ingredients. Here's a link: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SilkFur/ So, that one may be closer to #5 than Gallimaufry...or not...I didn't have any #5 to compare it to, I just went by their list of ingredients and added a few more according to my taste. I'm comparing the two of them side by side right now, and Silk & Fur is a lot more "serious" smelling. It comes off very sophisticated, elegant, and regal. More wintery in weight, too. Gallimaufry is more light-hearted than that. Although, I have a feeling that if you like one, you would like the other, because they both have musk at their base. In the case of Gallimaufry, it's a lighter white musk, with hints of woodiness, floral, and fruit. It's more a summer-weight elegance, and not as "serious" smelling. It's like they are seasonal cousins, with Gallimaufry being Summer. Truth be told, I dumped my first attempt at making Gallimaufry and started over from scratch. On my first attempt, having never used these type of materials before, I didn't realize how strong the aroma chemicals were and used too much...the balance of ingredients was totally off and it was headache inducing. I glared at the bottle for a week trying to figure out how to fix it, then realized I couldn't fix it. I threw it out and started over. With that education behind me, with a better understanding of how they needed to be used, my current attempt is something I am really happy with now. It's...diamonds worn to a pool party - if you know what I mean. It smells rich, but casual at the same time. Like an artfully ripped pair of jeans that cost $300. Like a $400 rock & roll haircut. Casual chic. So, in closing, I guess yeah, it would probably appeal to people who like Chanel #5, but I did not make any attempt to make it smell like #5.
  4. Downstairs! No spilling drinks on the instrumentation! Won't the net catch confused gulls? This is so FUN! Hey, Elizabeth...go look in this thread...I would like your opinion: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5715
  5. Elizabeth, you are sooo amazing. I wanna ride on the swings! And view from the tower! I get to drive! Where's my cock pit?
  6. Thanks Dolly! xoxoxox Hardest lesson to get through to people.... MORE IS NOT BETTER when it comes to pheros! With just a drop, you can convey an aura of authority or inspire a mood of sexual aggressiveness. Too much androstenone = headaches, crankiness, irritability, and the in-your-face fight-instigating kind of aggressiveness, from both sexes. Not pleasant.
  7. Agrajag in his "Revenge Body"...the funniest thing I have ever read in my entire life.
  8. Hi Lain, If we make a mistake, we always fix it. John and I will look into the issue on Monday morning when we are back in the studio, ok? Thanks honey, and sorry for the disappointment.
  9. And... Do we have any illustrators amongst us? We really need to design our private blimp. I can just imagine us floating all over the country to pick everyone up, for the party that never ends.... (Douglas Adams described something of the like...what book was that?)
  10. Ahhhhh, it's all up. I did it! 4 AM, done! YAY! Sorry about the wait, kids. My adorable landlord came over with his entire brood this (I mean yesterday) AM and stayed until almost 4 pm, hanging and chatting and perusing the wares. I couldn't get down to serious work until they'd gone. But we're all up now. Heavy sigh. Luna worked like The Flash to get everything written up too...didn't she do a FABULOUS job? I LMAO at her Rapturous Raptors! Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend! SUNSHINE FOR EVERYBODY!!!! :sunnysmile:
  11. Out of everyone, it seems that Lady V had the most SPOT ON responses to it. Really fascinating. Was also very intrigued with Beccah's son's overwhelming feelings of empathy when she wore it near him.
  12. I think this one is probably best dosed at 1x strength. And used only occasionally, because one can get emotionally exhausted if used too many days in a row. Several of you clearly experienced this phenomenon. It's tiring to be intensely emotionally focused ALL THE TIME. Ail chimed in that she feels this blend works best with an alcohol spray base, as it really needs to be diffused up in the air for best effect. I imagine that this would work wonders for therapists, like Therapy Girl, in her daily work, or with especially difficult teens. So, knowing what this is actually for now....how would you imagine using this is your life? WOULD you use it at all? Special circumstances only? Do you think this is something we should carry as part of our regular line, or should we just sell what we have as a limited edition? After making the test bottles, what I have left is only enough for around 26 bottles. And I want to thank Ail & Dolly for helping me create this. This emerged from discussions I have had with them about the combination of ingredients for over 2 years now. Chris finally acquired for me the last of the ingredients I needed to make this only a few weeks ago - so thanks to Chris for working so hard to get them for me too. HUGZ!
  13. Ok, here's the unveiling! Heart 2 Heart * Empathy Potion for Women This blend was crafted to create empathy between people. It is designed so that those who are exposed to it become more deeply communicative and open, more sympathetic, more emotionally attuned to each other. We crafted this blend with pheros that inspire caring and nurturing feelings, trust, deep communication, and emotional bonding. You will find that people will likely be more open to hearing what you have to say, and make more of an effort to understand your position or situation. The wearer will likely experience the same thing - a deeper appreciation for the viewpoint of the other person. ********************************* Expected Responses: * Heightened emotion. I expected a few people to report that there were some tear-filled moments here and there. * Deeper, more honest communication and trust. * Feelings of empathy and sympathy for others. * Nurturing behavior. * Bonding feelings, increased intimacy. * Calmer interaction with people you usually have a hard time communicating with. (Had a tester here try this to see if it improved interaction with a rage-filled teen, and it did.) * Reduction of frustration on the part of the wearer toward other people or irritating situations. Also expected this not to necessarily work on people who really do not want to have an emotionally intimate exchange with the other person. Expected a sort of "rebellious" response in that kind of case, that might manifest in a display of anger as a distancing mechanism. Also thought that people who are unaccustomed or unable to employ empathy towards others might find this blend discomfiting. ********************************* Unexpected Responses: Did not expect the "heightened senses" reports. Although, upon reflection, I can understand why this may happen. One of the ingredients is a naturally occurring hormone in both women & men which is likely the one responsible for the synching up of women's cycles. We used this, because it is believed to act as a "bonding" pheromone. It is produced in the body in greatest amount in people aged 24 and younger, at which point it tapers off dramatically. As such, it is part of the cocktail of "HGH" (Human Growth Hormones) that are sold as "fountain of youth" supplements in the nutritional/vitamin stores. Our senses dull as we age. Our hearing, eyesight and sense of smell are not as acute as they once were, and since the change happens so gradually, we do not really notice it. It makes sense that exposing oneself to a "youth" pheromone may heighten our perceptions to a more youthful state in our lives. For those who experienced this effect, I would be interested in hearing how old you are. As far as the appetite suppression for some of you, I can't see any obvious connection to the ingredients, but might be a side effect of the heightened senses aspect. ********************************* Ok, that's all I can think of for now. I want to extend giant mega hugs and kisses to all those that volunteered to be testers and for your magnificent reporting. We shall do this again soon! Love you all!!!!! xoxoxox Mara
  14. Ladies, I deleted the business transactions. Please keep your trades confined to the Trading Post area. Thank you!
  15. Eeep! I have all the jewelry turned OFF at the moment because we are in the middle of building a whole new jewelry shop. It won't be open for another month or so. Sorry!
  16. Sample sizes are available for each, but we also have a discount if you buy the whole set of a month's new releases. Individually, they are $5, so $50. But the monthly collection set is $29.95, so a huge $20 discount! The monthly sampler collection is the first entry on this page, and the individual samples are below that. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html I should have everything up and orderable by Friday night. But you can order a sample collection now.
  17. Luna - Confirm receipt of email? Thank You, Loved One!
  18. Oh, yes. And everyone must bring a Cat. It's your entry ticket! Plus a list of favorite songs for Eliz OSP to jam. I'll be melted in a puddle of kittens at her feet....when I'm not piloting the blimp, of course.
  19. I sooo want one of those. Wouldn't it just be totally really cool to have your own....and have dinner parties in it...floating over the city. Ahhhh... (ETA: Black tie only...and all the girls get to wear tiaras.)
  20. Bwaha! Well, that's like one of three references balled up in there. The woman has a window into my head. Slightly frightening sometimes.
  21. Hope to have them up by Friday or Saturday, with full descripts and Luna's brilliance.
  22. Mayyyybeeeee.... We'd have to adjust the ingredients though, to make it a perfume. In it's present form it's perfect for the tub!
  23. Was thinking of you when I made it. You'll see why.....
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