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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Velvet Moss For both Ladies & Gents to wear! Pot of Gold Creamy vanilla fans are going to LOVE this one! Orchidacious Liquid Moonbeams and the Private Editions..... Ann's Tea Party Beccah's Secret
  2. Brigid's Amber Artwork by Lisa Iris! Lovers in the Clovers Lucky in Love Potion #7 LP Green lovers will definitely want to try this! Drunken Cake The Tea-less Strumpet Shangri-La
  3. I used up all of my Sug Resins w Tranquility the fastest. And Sug Honeycomb w Lace is FAB for an evening for two!
  4. I'm sorry if I made that initial post confusing - I posted the article for you to read, but I was discussing the documentaries below that. If you look up the docu there's a lot of sites that are offering it for download or viewing, but I am not sure if those are bootleg sites or not, so I won't post the links.
  5. Lynne, Is there something you wanted from this experimental lot that I still have?
  6. Ack! Def only need to use ONE at a time, these are mega-strong!
  7. I do have Goddess of Abundance in stock. Check again, I fixed the cart issue on that. (Sorry for the inconvenience!) For shower use, how about choosing one of the potions with the intent you are seeking and adding it to a shower gel or sugar scrub? - we have that option here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Bat..._Body_Care.html I can make a purification Bath Bomb, but def try Peppermint Pep for cleansing and rejuvenating!
  8. Ah, you probably have a sensitive sniffer to be able to pull those animalic notes from the perfumes! Pheromones ARE synthetic body secretions remember, and they do have an animalic aroma - that's how they work. Most people perceive them subconsciously, some people can smell them more acutely than others. If everyone around you seems to be smelling them and reacting negatively, you might be wearing too much, or you might be producing enough of your own that the addition of the pheros is overkill. From what I understand, one of the things that groomers do is express the gland in the dog's bottom, which makes for a increased scent of musk on the animal for a few days...which is indeed pheromonal. Various musks once used in perfumes, from civit cats and deer etc., were derived the same way. Many natural substances, even vegetable derived, have evolved with pheromonal qualities. Honey is one, and musk ambrette is a plant seed that mimics deer musk. We've heard quite a few reports over the years from people saying that older woman are rude to younger women who wear a lot of pheromones. It seems to me, that it's a reaction of offense or disapproval for a "display" of perceived blatant sexuality. Or...you just might call it jealousy.
  9. Oh, totally! I was just irritated at my sisters' behavior in the "before" experiment, weren't you? I protest that my behavior is (almost) always that of tending toward being helpful anyway...could you walk past a person needing assistance like that?....it was embarrassing to see that NONE of those young women responded favorably until the "stimulus" was introduced!!!
  10. A lot of fun treats to read and view this month of the Valentine.... Yesterday in the New York Times: The Threatening Scent of Fertile Women http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/22/science/...r.html?emc=eta1 The Discovery Channel aired a number of documentaries this month - The Science of Lust (2011), The Science of Attraction, The Science of Sex, etc., and it looks like these can still be found for online viewing. Fun as well as informative, highly recommended! There's footage of an experiment in (I believe it was) The Science of Attraction which I saw a couple of years ago which is amazing. They took 10 male subjects, put them in a room alone with a computer screen on which they flashed head shots of 10 females. The men were asked to rate the attractiveness of the women on a scale of 1-10. Most rated the women a 5 or lower. Then they asked the men to put on an oxygen mask - a drop of copulins had been added to the oxygen - and they ran the test again. Same 10 female head shots, but now the men rated the women 9 or above. The new docu, The Science of Lust, has fabulous studies on behavioral changes in men and women when they are exposed to attractive individuals of the opposite sex, or even a suggestion of sex. The peacock factor in men you probably would have guessed, but that women become more helpful and kind was not something I expected to see. Veddddyy interesting! Catch these shows if you can!
  11. I made linen sprays out of this one for both myself and Catherine. Sprayed my whole bedroom down with it on Friday. Gorgeous. It's perfect for that but also a different take on the usual lavender linen spray you can tell right away, because instead of the typical lavender herbally sharpness, you get a soft, smooth, silky sheen. Me likey. BTW, Ravenwing, I LOVE your Tribble avatar. We watched that ep last night on DVD.
  12. I'm stunned at the variety of scents coming out with each different skin chemistry! Hey Isa, MOISTURIZE then try it again!
  13. When I was researching on the web, I came across all these candle makers talking about how they had made early mistakes not using a double boiler...scorching and flame ups, etc...
  14. Totally, we do that all the time. When we put them in the warmer, we put 50% perfume/ 50% DPG oil (cut - you can use any unscented oil or even water), but you can use it full strength too...it's just an expensive treat that way.
  15. Nooo, careful how you improvise!!! Just FYI: Wax cannot be put directly on the stove - you have to use a double boiler, because it can scorch and flame. Calii, you can find the candle-powered ceramic ones everywhere, really inexpensive too. Please check your local shops before improvising. Please not to be worrying da Mawa!
  16. Yay, glad you got them already! Anyone else try yet? Tyvey, Are you using the electric warmer or a candle-powered warmer? My electric warmer doesn't get hot enough for the waxes!...doesn't even melt them all the way, but with a candle-powered warmer it works perfectly - tons of scent in the air.
  17. It's perfectly fine for moisturizing. I coated my body from head to toe with it this morning. I tipped the extra flavoring out into the sink, but John suggested that we might try just mixing the stuff up in the tin, and that's not a bad idea either. It's pooled at the very bottom of the tin. Prob take you a while to get down there anyway. I did notice a little granulation too, but if warmed in your hands for a moment as instructed, it melts and applies perfectly.
  18. Ok, well, drat. The FLAVORED Butterstuff is not an entirely successful experiment. I burrowed to the bottom of my container today, and found a little pool of flavoring at the bottom. I was hoping that the melted butters would absorb all the flavoring, but apparently it only absorbed a bit of it and separated when it cooled. I realize now, that no matter the heating and blending, that water soluble flavors and oil soluble butters will ultimately separate when cooled again. Unless I can find oil soluble flavorings, this isn't going to work. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with using what you have, it's not dangerous or anything, but I am going to issue a $5 credit to anyone who wants to keep their flavored butterstuff, or, you may return it and I will send you a scented one instead. Please let me know, ok?
  19. IMO, you haven't given yourself a proper chance to try this yet. First of all, the environment - instead of a school day around other females, try a night out on the town when you are dressed up! Secondly, the amount - You're probably getting closer to the right amount on your third trial. I doubt the headache/exhaustion you felt were related to the use of the phero blend, but if you believe that to be the case, you might want to try not applying to your hands and just apply to back of neck and your torso. Give it another shot! It's possible it is not the phero blend for your chemistry, but I think you have to give it a real chance before you decide. Good luck!
  20. Invoiced/completed thus far - just my list, to help keep me sane and organized. Luna - shipped Ail - shipped Liz - shipped Ravenwing Tyvey - shipped GoddessLynne - shipped Beccah - shipped July Girl - shipped Dimitra TDN44 Fawn Calii - shipped Therapy Girl - shipped Honeybee - shipped Rosebud - shipped KBlazin Two Mittens ElizabethOSP - shipped Katz, waiting on yours per your note - LMK when you're ready! Bumbob, waiting on yours to ship along with your next order. Thank you everyone! HUGZ!!!
  21. I would prefer that we do it all together if you don't mind, because it saves us on repeated paypal fees. When you are ready, let me know what you want to add to your invoice and I will amend it for you, k? Or, you can tell me now if you already know, and just pay it when you are ready. Just FYI, I have put the melts into the box with your previous items - for which we are still awaiting a couple of clearances from PP. Thank you for asking!
  22. I'm invoicing on these now, so any future orders should be done thru the cart. Will have the cart items up in a few days. Thanks everyone!
  23. I'm invoicing on these now, so any future orders should be done thru the cart. Will have the cart items up in a few days. Thanks everyone!
  24. Actually, as I shared the recipe with Diane for B2 for the exclusive use of LPMP, she shouldn't be selling it under ANY name, it's exclusively our blend. I would be surprised if she did such a thing, so I would guess that it is NOT the same recipe. Teddy BB and B2 have the same ingredients. However, I am aware that B2 is balanced differently, in that the first ingredient is weighted more heavily in that version.
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