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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I have to order more beeswax for the base. That freebie should last a while tho! I've been using mine every day for weeks and still have quite a bit! I'll be working on the butters as soon as I finish the Wax Melts, they're taking a lotta time!!!
  2. We use USPS, unless you would like to pay for a different service such as Fed Ex? We do not have DHL locally. Not sure how long it would take because you are probably our first ever customer from Russia!!!! so you will have to let us know! Some countries are quick, between 1 and 2 weeks, and some can take as long as 2 months!
  3. OMG, trialing Sugared Honeycomb with Lace in the office right now....probably the wrong place for it, this is soooooooo sexy!!!!! Honeybee, I will be offering a couple of mixed batches, but the sets are pretty small and inexpensive anyway. This whole exercise is a test. I think I'll sell them in larger batches if we continue them in the future.
  4. Oooh... B2 is good...calming and trustworthy. (I need to make something with Beta-Nol and Est, without Cops!!!!) Ummm, Lace = upbeat and maternal? Open Windows is good too..trustworthy and upbeat. Any of those, yeah? Best of success, Sweetie!!!! Hey, plotting for future...we are moving up to your neighborhood sometime this year...wanna work some hours with us once we get there?
  5. Luna gave me great advice to try Estratetraenol rather than cops or Blatant Invitation in one instance, because some guys like to be the aggressor, or knight-in-shining-armour, and EST appeals more to some of that type, rather than blatant available sexuality. And it's very true. I think all guys actually respond to copulins, but maybe do so privately. Maybe once he is YOURS, you will get the reactions from him that you are wanting out of copulins, but at this stage, perhaps trying something with EST would be a good thing to experiment with...such as Lace, or even Super Sexy for Women - neither has copulins in it, but you can always add them later. Oh, and I doubt the cops dry down to nothing. I would bet that they are still there, working their magic, but you just aren't smelling them....ask a friend!
  6. Yeah, it's soooooo amazing. I've had this one burning the last couple of hours. It's a "fresh baked" Gingerbread smell, like right out of the oven.
  7. Currently on the cooker..... Iced Gingerbread w/ Alpha-Nol happy happy happy!
  8. I made Rose Cookies with B2, I think I will try another with Teddy BB. Burning NOX right now, it is absolute HEAVEN. I am really liking how the heavier scents carry in the air.
  9. And there's a LOT of copulins in this, but the fragrance is so dense, it covers completely!
  10. Yup, I already made that one! And I was thinking of you when I made it.
  11. I'm burning that one now, w/Focus Potion. I added a touch of Frankincense and Myrrh to create a little bit of bottom for the scent. As I anticipated, the lightness of the minty ingredients is not as strong in the air as the heavier resinous ones, but there's enough in the air so that I can taste the minty-ness and feel it in my sinuses. I used organic essential oils for the Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Peppermint; the F&M, Lavender and Grass are candle oils. It smells delicate and lovely, and not as intense as Winter Woody or LP Black. I expect that the minty part will burn off faster than the resinous part of the scent.
  12. Sweety, Soul Mate is long gone, and so is Drop Your Guard. I have Woozy Floozy (that's straight Alpha-Nol, just a big dose), and I have True Confessions.
  13. Fawn, I think I will have them avail for order around the middle of the week. I'm still making them, still making labels for them, and still have to program the cart, so prob around Wednesday I'm thinking. Yup, they are in plastic containers, and if you live in a warm climate, you might want to keep them in the fridge.
  14. Oh, you mean, unscented pheromone melts? That's an interesting idea. If you were going to mix and match though, you'd have to cut them in half. In the average warmer, there's only room for one melt. TG, which pheros were you wanting in melt form?
  15. I'm burning one of the LP Black w/ Perfect Match right now, and I'm very impressed. The self effects I get from Perfect Match - that "love in the tummy" feeling - is just EVERYWHERE in the air. And it smells amazing. So far I am noticing that the deeper aromas are carrying further in the air. I am looking forward to trying our minty spa blend to see how that carries. I am going to make that one next. I just blended the oils for that one, it smells divine.
  16. That's a really interesting idea. What do you think about adding to that a little scent of fresh cut grass and maybe a drop of lavender to really create a *spa* kind of feel?
  17. Rose Cookies Rose, Lavender (drop), Sandalwood, Cedar, Pine (drop), Caramel, Maple, Brown Sugar, Vanilla, Chocolate I'm going to mix this one up with B2 right now!
  18. Testing complete. Two solid hours of the strongest scent I've ever experienced. Amazingly strong. After 2 hours, my tea light burned for another half hour and the scent was medium in strength. Most of the wax was still there, and after it hardened back up again, it popped easily out of the burner. That looks like the life of it. I won't try warming it a second time. The aroma is still present in the room 1.5 hours after the candle went out.
  19. We had a blend called Woodland Man, which is sold out. I made that one a few years ago, and that one had Turn Up the Heat in it. We no longer use AD pheromones in our products. Everything we offer now is made expressly for us.
  20. Heee! Thanks Lynn! I am making these quite a bit more saturated than the last go around, you should get a bigger blast of scent from these than from our earlier trials.
  21. I'm testing them now. They melt right away, within the first few minutes, and they're really strongly scented. I'm hoping the scent lasts as long as the tea light does. Will keep you posted!
  22. Oooh, Focus Potion is a good idea! What kind of scent would you like that in? I can't do Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla exactly, because I am not using my perfume oils. I'm using candle oils, there's fewer of them to choose from. I am reconstructing my perfume scents using only the candle oils, and blending new ones from scratch, such as Winter Woody - for which we have no corresponding perfume. Next up, Sugared Honeycomb, and NOX!
  23. Need to limit how much cinnamon you put into the air. It can be like pepper spray, really. I haven't made an LP RED candle oil for that reason, but I can try, going light on the cinnamon and heavier on the resins and sugar. Anyone else have an opinion about adding Popularity Potion? I'm thinking this is more for personal charisma enhancement, rather than a general mood elevator for everyone in a room. Thoughts?
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