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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ohh, I was wondering as to the origin of your name - I thought it might be French! That is sooo cool! And what a clever thought - had I pix of all the lovely ladies here, I might just utilize their body parts on their labels. Heh. Our beautiful Esmeralda lent her image for a Designing August label last year. Very fun! Yeah - If anyone wants their cute little mug on a label...email me a pic! But beware what I might do to you in Photoshop! Nyehehehehe.... (Thanks for all the thanks, Lorien, and you other ladies too - I am just thrilled that you are enjoying them. They were a blast for us to make.)
  2. oooh, Katz, cool link! It's funny, the only one he colored the eyes on, was Lucille Ball, which is the only one in which I colored the eyes too! (At least I think it's her.) That's the one on the Sweet Lorien B. label. (I LOVE the name Lorien, so pretty!) Yes, I'm sure that's Audrey Hepburn on Carolyn's Vanilla, Sandalwood & Spice! (And no one ever got that Liz Taylor's eyes are behind the Lady Casanova feather mask! Danna claims her as a relative!)
  3. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - the EYES are all of famous actresses. I got the artwork from our stock sharing site and the creator didn't list who they are (since it's not 100% allowed), but I think I identified a few of them. Anyone recognize any? I can make out Audrey Hepburn, and maybe Natalie Wood, Lucille Ball, Catherine Deneuve?
  4. Ooohh, is it working now? I can see everything fine over here!
  5. I am not sure she is even a board member! Her name is Samantha, and she made it as a gift for a friend of hers that lives somewhere in the middle of the country. She said that her friend loved the smell of the air around Samantha's house when she came to visit, and wanted to send her a reminder of her visit and tempt her to come back again. Since Samantha lives kind of near here, I had a pretty good handle on the scent she was aiming for. (I made one several years ago called Magick that was an exact replica of the scent outside my window - of the Hollywood Hills after a rain. I still hoard my last bottle, amazing.) Anyway, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her story here, and I hope her friend enjoys it!
  6. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Private_Editions.html Ok, the newest are up! Many of you should have received some itty bitties of several of them by now too! A note on the available amount: Of course you know that there are only a few bottles available of each, but there's usually a bottle or two more than listed, because we hold back one or two for the creator in case they want to order more. We'll release those last a little later once the creator has decided. Also - notes to TG and Ajia - I am still working on the blends we discussed. I had to order ingredients for both of you and I'm still awaiting another shipment before I can finish them. All of the ingredients have arrived for our newest round of Bath & Body goodies. I will try to program that in for the newest update. No hoarding these products! Because they only have a six month shelf life - so only order what you intend to use during that period, k? I received a ship notice for our custom created wooden 50 bottle display racks! They should arrive any day now! YAY!
  7. Hi Quin, When I first started wearing BI I had the same reaction - it was like a popularity potion for me, people were nicer, wanted my attention more, etc. It hits people like a surprise, I think. They're noticing something new about you that they hadn't noticed before, and they're not sure how to process it. After wearing it for a while now tho, I find the reactions have turned distinctly more sexual. Give people a minute to let that sexual prescence in you sink into their consciousness, and then I bet you the reactions will start getting more overt.
  8. YAY! So happy that you love it! YAY YAY YAY!!!!
  9. This is one of cheeseburger's lovely creations - she made a BUNCH this month! Excellent ideas, she has!
  10. Oooh, it sounds like Sad Tomato is talking about Winter Solstice 2009, with notes of hot cocoa, walnut and woods. While Nightlife is talking about version 2008, with butter and winter fruit preserves. And yup, they both have patchouli. The LP variants all have the same basic recipe ingredients, with other stuff swirled into the cauldron according to season or the creator's whim!
  11. True. But here in Hollywood, it's actually become politically incorrect to use the term "actress". I've noticed that women bristle when referred to that way. It's diminutive - calling a female actor "less than" her male counterpart. All the female 'actresses' that I know refer to themselves as actors.
  12. Actually, we have an amazing popularity potion that we commissioned from Dr Stone that we will carry permanently. It's in a different form though, in an alcohol based spray, sold by the ounce. But I'm sure we can get Dr Stone to supply us some concentrate to sell our usual way. If you want a sneak peek...lookee here. It's not officially launched yet, so don't buy it!
  13. Not planning on a similar replacement for that one. We have other 'mega-attraction' phero blends from Dr. Stone, such as Blatant Invitation, which was meant to span the gap left when SS4W is gone. SS4W is only similar to Popularity Potion in that it is also in a hypo-allergenic base of CPS, and is likewise fragrance-free. Either skin absorption or the "cover fragrance" that Androtics uses could have been the source of your headaches. You might be interested in reading the right hand column at the following page about the non-absorbing base we use for the pheros: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Pheros.html
  14. Very generous, SMOOCH! Just Curious, Miss CuriousC, WHY would you have two copies of a book that isn't even up your alley? (I wonder, because CC has some pretty outrageously impressive connections to the sci-fi TV community.) Ahem, tell Tahmoh I said HAI! ::
  15. Has anyone read Peter David's Star Trek: Excalibur book series? It's AMAZING. He's the first one to be allowed to create a new captain and ship, and it so totally rocks. I'll buy you each a copy of the Vol 1-4 collection - who wants one? I challenge you not to become addicted to his world. I gobbled up those books like a junkie. Peter David is one of my favorite writers. He's written tons of Trek, but also he's a big star comic writer, (Supergirl, Spiderman, JLA, Hulk, etc.), done a stack of movie novelizations, and several of his own original series. Crazy prolific. I just finished a new book of his called, Tigerheart, which is a retelling of the Peter Pan tale. Wonderfully lyrical, I loved it. (BTW, Excalibur was the name of my first working band, when I was in junior high. Thus the name of my flagship men's fragrance, my initial attraction to this book series, and to the Vegas hotel. I'm an Arthurian geek as well. OMG, could I get anymore dorky?)
  16. Thank you, Sweetie Pie!!! Actually, I have so much stuff to do, my brain overflowed and I ended up just playing hooky with you gals most of the day. Shame on me! But it was a BLAST. You guys always make me laugh.
  17. LOL! You really did scare me. (CC, she just ordered one, but TEASED me!) I now have gotten a taste of my own medicine, karma back at me, for all the ladies who have told me over the years that their SO is addicted to them in ONE SCENT, and that I have to please please please bring it back...cripes. I don't think I could make this one again. Ail and I concocted NM over a few months, so not sure I wrote all the steps down exactly... waah! Actually, Luna, I quoted you when I tried Sexology on him last week. "Does it smell like I'm up to no good?" I read him the funny posts, he gets a kick out of all you ladies.
  18. ROTFLMAO!!!! Wow, Shelly - I hope you're planning on writing a couple of descriptions for Designing August!!! tooo tooo tooo funny.....
  19. Oh, no, Luna! What did you DO? LOL! Runs to go secure secret stash..... Ok, I just checked, we have around 15 bottles left, and I'm keeping FIVE.
  20. So far, I only have the one bottle with BI in it, but after reading this thread, I'm going to do another with Cuddle Bunny and test it on him. And I am so serious about hoarding some bottles away, because I have tried half a dozen other scents on him, and he says, "They're nice, I like them, but it's Naughty Minx that gets you woken up at 4 am."
  21. Comicon is one of the most wonderful experiences in life. That show is so perfectly organized, with free shuttles all over town from 6am to 3am, rest stations, lockers, and it's sooo inexpensive. I think it's like $60 for the whole weekend or only $25 per day (it's a non-profit event), as opposed to those HORRIBLE Creation Cons, which thieve $500 per person out of their customers, and treat them like cattle. Grrr. My favorite thing is the panels, where you get to see live and talk to the stars and producers and writers of the big shows like Galactica, Trek, Farscape, etc. Not to mention the ones with all the great fantasy writers, and of course the comic artists and writers. I have met soooo many amazing people at that show. My favorite writers, and stars of my favorite shows. I haven't gone the last 2 years, but I reallllllly want to go this year. Yeah, I read Salmon of Doubt. It made me really sad. It was his unfinished novel. I talked to him once over the net around 1995. I emailed him, and he emailed me back - business stuff about licensing his work for film. He was a doll. I had this little fantasy of one day getting to meet him in England - I would buy him drinks at his favorite pub - and then when he died a few years later, I found out that he had moved to Santa Barbara, so he was living only an hour and a half from me for the year before he died. So upsetting, he was so young. But anyway, I don't want to leave this on a sad note because he was one of funniest people ever and left such an amazing legacy that still makes me happy (and millions of other people too) even after reading each book at least 20 times....
  22. OMG, Jim West. Now that one I had no trouble with identifying as HOT, even when I was 6. LOL! I even liked that hideous remake with Will Smith (who is one of my favorite people on earth). Last week I went on youtube and watched all the different live versions of Will doing Wild, Wild West. D'oh! What is wrong with me!
  23. Yeah, we were all skeptical about TNG, but I ended up loving it. My favorite of the spin-offs is Voyager though. (I know, I'm alone there.) I just like the way it has more of a "family" atmosphere than any of the others, with Janeway being like cool, tough mom. My dad introduced me to the original Trek when I was a kid too! I always thought of Capt Kirk like a father figure. In the 80's, we used to race home from band rehearsal to catch the 11 pm showing of Trek every night, and my bass player used to say, "We have to go home and watch our boyfriend". And I couldn't understand what she was talking about, cause to me it was like watching daddy. Then one day, when I finally reached the age that Shatner was at that time, I was like OMG, he was HOT! LOL! I never thought of him that way. And George Reeves' Superman too...it didn't occur to me that these were hot guys until I was like THIRTY!
  24. It might be sold out soon - to ME. I am planning on absconding with a large supply. Heh. I wear this amped with Blatant Invitation - tis the favorite of the KSBF.
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