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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Happy Water was the big hit at our holiday party/sale last night - it outsold everything else by triple! Wow!
  2. LOL! That is one baaaad review! I'm so sorry it didn't work with your chemistry. I'm thinking it's probably the lemony note - it skunks on some people's skin. I just put some on me and it smells great. A clean businesslike floral with an undertone of fresh tea. Have you tried using coffee grounds to help get rid of a stubborn perfume smell? We make hard soap with it, but you can probably just mix some up with liquid soap and it should help.
  3. What I wore on my vacation.... 1. Rocket Fuel 2. LP Green w/ Treasured Hearts pheros added 3. Sugared Magi 4. Plenty ...and surprisingly, what did the KSBF like BEST?!! I only threw it in my bag at the very last minute as an afterthought, and didn't wear it until half the trip was over. He commented on it 10 times the first day I wore it, so that's all I wore for the rest of the time - heh. 5. Naughty Minx with Blatant Invitation pheros added!!
  4. Thanks for the heads up, Jo Anna! Everything is indeed up now, and the Private Editions page updated too. Next, an inventory so we can update the low stock thread...
  5. LOL! Yip. I mean, really - consider the source. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  6. Oh, Karmiel, thank you so much for the kind words! I am glad that you are enjoying it! Thank you for your order! Here's the label and notes for others who are interested. I am out of town until 12/1/08, but Danna is in the studio, filling orders in a dervish. I didn't have time to post the new Customs available before I left, but they're bottled, labeled, and ready to go out the door. More HERE. Karmiel's Silken Moonlight White Amber, Powdered Sugar, white powdery Vanilla - similar feel to LP White
  7. And then there's this one...MY custom sugared. Mara's Rocket Fuel I made this one for my personal use! The strongest note is brown sugar, followed by an intensely edible warm vanilla, a dab of sweet Indonesian amber for depth and stamina, then drops of pink sugar and sugar cane to round it out, a delicate sprinkling of cinnamon, a drop of honey, and TONS of Super Sexy for Women Pheromones (The pheromone dose in this potion equals over 225 mcg per spray.) Price for this one is $49.95 per bottle, and there are around 14 available.
  8. Yup, made a bunch of extra of Jo Anna's Shades of warmth, and also of Karmiel's Silken Moonlight. I have been out of town so haven't had time to post them...but you can order it like a custom sugared, and specify in the notes that you want this blend. Here's what the labels look like: Jo Anna's Shades of Warmth Honey, Honeycomb, Brown Sugar, Rose, Cinnamon Karmiel's Silken Moonlight White Amber, Powdered Sugar, white powdery Vanilla - similar feel to LP White Suki's Boy Bait a.k.a. Celrynnya's Custom Sugar Scent White Sugar, Honey, Cinnamon
  9. Coeur de L'amour - Enhanced with our "Treasured Hearts" Pheromone Blend! It's the time of year for visiting loved ones - yay! Sometimes it's enough to drive you right out of your family tree. But, wait! This may help! A floral and herb potion for getting along, empathy and compassion, enhanced with our exclusive pheromone formula for spreading that loving feeling - Treasured Hearts! Sugared Magi Frankincense, Myrrh and Fig! Someone suggested this a few months ago and it was just toooo good not to release at this apropos time of year. Crimson Black Dark, sexy, wicked - a thick, musky aroma that'll inspire the bad girl in you to come out and play. Fab artwork courtesy of Tone Rodriguez! (www.ToneRod.com) Warrior Heart A potent Personal Power Potion for Women - Woody and Sweet, based around a May Apple spell. Marley's Ghost What was the message from the sad, enchained ghost of Jacob Marley....? Well, it's the time of year for raises and bonuses, and you want your boss feeling extra generous... so don this blend of seasonal oats and nuts and unScrooge 'em in a flash!
  10. These are "November for December": Sogni Incantati A spell for enchanted dreams, crafted of Marshmallow and a hint of Anisette! WANT And what is it that you want for Christmas, little girl? Whether you've been naughty or nice, this potion is crafted to help you get what you want. This recipe is said to work particularly well when dealing with business associates and people who have authority over you. Intoxicating florals, sweets, and boozy notes, make it difficult for those around you to say, 'no'! Stealing Xmas I'z undr yor tree, stealin yor sugar plums! Siberian Lust Based on a Russian love spell, crafted of Tea and Spices. Fairest You asked for it, you got it! Pink, pink and more pink! So girlie...you'll feel like the fairest little Princess of them all!
  11. His4Her Don't you love wearing his shirt, or when his cologne rubs off on you? Hmmm, that's what this scent smells like. It's made for you, but he can wear it too. Plenty Crafted of ingredients with bazillions of seeds...magically associated with abundance, fertility, wealth - and a reminder to feel gratitude for all the good things that you have. A Thanksgiving, harvest-time blend. Blood Martini 2008 Danna's tending bar, and she's blended us a fresh batch of her notorious Blood Martini! A succulent concoction of all things dark and intoxicating. Lunantishee A Fae holiday (November 11th), celebrated in order to procure good favor and avert the mischief they can cause - an ode and scented treat for the Fae! Label artwork courtesy of Lisa Iris! Phero Girl™: Wildflower - A Pheromone Enhanced Popularity Potion for Women Be a wallflower no more! This potion will turn you into a Wildflower! Ingredients for confidence, glamour and personal power, enhanced with our exclusive pheromone mixture, Popularity Potion!
  12. In case you missed the news posted elsewhere... since we got irretrievably behind schedule due to weddings, funerals, and tour dates as of late, we decided to release two months at once in order to get back on schedule. That means 20 new potions! - but no worries, special discount for the Trial Collections if you grab both of them at once - (both months for $44.95). Ok, here we go! These are "October for November": Wheat Siren The first fragrance from our wonderful baker chick, Marcy Goldman! (www.BetterBaking.com) Wheat Siren combines the scents of Autumn Harvest with the heady aromas produced by the expert Wheat Siren in her kitchen. The way to a man's heart? Flour and Flowers, and kisses of Honey & Spice. Flower & Flame Vivica helped with this one! Fiery south-of-the-border Spices teamed with deeply sensuous, rarified Florals. Fabulous! Happy Water Liberally infused with the attraction and mood elevating pheromone Alpha-Androstenol, this potion is based on the legend of the Fountain of Youth, and the 200 year old recipe for "Florida Water" which was supposedly derived therefrom. Label artwork courtesy of Lisa Iris! Autumn Mist A dewy aquatic scent reminiscent of crisp Autumn air! Spectre Potion Uh, oh...Danna's conjuring creepy things again....
  13. YEAH, WHERE'S THE NEW RELEASES?! Sorry for the discombobulation this month - we've had so much going on - wedding, funeral, tour dates...waaaah! So anyway, please be patient with us a few more days. What we're going to do is release both months at once in order to get back on schedule. We'll do a special discount if ordering both months so it won't be so hard on the purses. Sorry once again for the wait - just a couple more days, pleeze. Thank you, loved ones! Happy Halloween! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
  14. Hey RMC, Well...a convincing Cream note is reeeally hard to blend. When we did Sugared Cream, the trick of it was in duplicating the smell of hydrogenated coconut oil found in those treats with the cream filling. I have yet to find a source for an authentic cream note. We still have a coupla bottles of Sugared Cream left, and I can't do that one again - perhaps try layering them?
  15. Sending invoices to those who asked for bottles...no rush, pay when you can. Let me know if you change your mind and don't want it anymore!
  16. She goes by the handle of Celrynnya, but she doesn't post much, so I'm not sure you'd know her.
  17. Oh, and I am just about to whip up a custom sugared for someone else that sounds soooo gooood, I might as well offer reservations for it now... White Sugar, Honey, Cinnamon. Any takers? I'll make enough for all of us if I know how much to brew.
  18. One never knows if customs is going to hold a package for inspection. There's no way to give exact times for international orders. The USPS tells us to say 21 days, just to be safe.
  19. Yes, I'm sending invoices for these, and the rest have been posted in the Private Editions area. I'm sending the invoices now, but pay when you are able. k? Aura Armor: *1) Ajia *2) ivy_fiddlefox *3) Sultry Brunette *4) sweet4533 5) Lifesgood 6) liz 7) Therapygirl First Bite: *1) ivy_fiddlefox 2) seamonkey 3) Jo Anna *4) Sultry Brunette 5) for_love_of_him 6) Lifesgood 7) luna65 8) Ail )O(
  20. Ok, now that the descriptions and pix are up - how about a signup sheet for who wants them? I've numbered as many as I estimate will be available, but will add more numbers after I pour and know for sure. Copy and paste, and add your name to the list if you want one, k? Aura Armor: 1) Ajia 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) First Bite: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
  21. Our class at Mikomicon crafted this potion for Protection (gentle, nurturing, loving protection) and attracting Good Luck. It is based around Oak Moss, Bamboo and Heather, rounded out with notes of Sandalwood, Amber, Vanilla and Honey. It does indeed have a soft rainwater-like scent. Gentle and beautiful, it will certainly inspire people to treat the wearer with gentleness and inspire protective feelings. This potion can be worn by both males and females. Oak Moss: Luck, success, protection, power. Bamboo: Protection, luck, wishes, water magic. Heather: Protection, peace. Sandalwood: Love, protection, calming. Amber: Luck, love, success. Vanilla: Nurturing love, comfort. Honey: Happiness, fulfillment, wealth. We whipped up a second potion at the end of class, which is right up our alley here. An edible-smelling yummy, based around Currants and Chocolate, Vanilla, Honey, and tiny drops of Amber and Orris Root. Those of you who enjoyed Esmeralda's Pink Emerald and Sea Monkey's Fae blends will like this one too! It's youthful, happy, flirty and fun - not to mention delicious!
  22. Our class at Mikomicon crafted this potion for Protection (gentle, nurturing, loving protection) and attracting Good Luck. It is based around Oak Moss, Bamboo and Heather, rounded out with notes of Sandalwood, Amber, Vanilla and Honey. It does indeed have a soft rainwater-like scent. Gentle and beautiful, it will certainly inspire people to treat the wearer with gentleness and inspire protective feelings. This potion can be worn by both males and females. Oak Moss: Luck, success, protection, power. Bamboo: Protection, luck, wishes, water magic. Heather: Protection, peace. Sandalwood: Love, protection, calming. Amber: Luck, love, success. Vanilla: Nurturing love, comfort. Honey: Happiness, fulfillment, wealth. We whipped up a second potion at the end of class, which is right up our alley here. An edible-smelling yummy, based around Currants and Chocolate, Vanilla, Honey, and tiny drops of Amber and Orris Root. Those of you who enjoyed Esmeralda's Pink Emerald and Sea Monkey's Fae blends will like this one too! It's youthful, happy, flirty and fun - not to mention delicious!
  23. An incensey blend of Sweet Sandalwood, Aged Parchment and Resins ~ a traditional ode to feed the Souls of one's departed ancestors, who may grant their children favors if properly fed in the afterworld. Everyone's Mummy makes them ~ well not like THESE! Warm super chocolate chunk cookies paired with a glass of milk ~ an amazing scent that truly smells like cookies right out of the tomb, I mean oven! Great for adults who like foodie scents, and kids will LOVE it too! Mmmmm, gooey peanut butter swirled with slightly fermented fruit jelly, with a dollop of vanilla and brown sugar - you'll want to gobble it up! A fiery tincture of ginger roots, leaves, and other secret treasures of the Earth...its powers of healing and renewal, prosperity and proliferation, known only to the town wise woman, who brews her concoctions under the light of the full moon... La Vie De Boheme - The Bohemian Life! A complimentary pair for both Women and Men, spiked with our exclusive "Intellectual Man" and "Intellectual Woman" pheromone blends! Captures the ambiance of the artistic coffee house crowd...conversation overflowing with poetry, music, new ideas...tables filled with warm biscotti, hot cappuccino, books and the occassional black beret...
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