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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. And welcome back to Dolly! We missed you, Baby! Wanna hear all about your trip. xoxoxoxoxx
  2. Interesting! I found one yesterday too - a fun and informative read - HERE. Darbla - we're in the process of making our own library too. It's amazing that there doesn't seem to be any single coherent comprehensive list of what all the chemicals are supposed to do, anywhere on the web. If anyone knows of one, I'd be thrilled to see it.
  3. Just popping my head in - the bottles are $40 each (well, $39.95), and are 10 mLs each, so 1ml would be $4 each. No?
  4. Welcome everyone! A head's up for newbies - we run a trivia contest the first weekend of every month for a free bottle of perfume, so make sure you check in on Sunday, that'll be our contest day!
  5. No immediate plans - but maybe in the future. I think we went through all of the stock of Androtics proprietary formulas we have on hand, but I've still got a bunch of individual ingredients to play with that we bought from Stone, Pharmacom and Androtics when we were building our library and knowledge about the different phero ingredients - so I think I will make some blends up with those ingredients and offer them soon. Wanna know what I got? Those of you who are more knowledgable about phero combos, feel free to suggest recipe ideas and I'll see what I can whip up. Here's the individual pheros we have on hand: Alpha-Androstenol Beta-Androstenol Estratetraenol Copulins (EoW) Androstadienone AndrosteRone AndrostAnone Thoughts?
  6. It's in there. We were asked to remove it from the online ingredient list.
  7. Treasured Hearts is for Women to attract Men. It makes men act committment minded - makes them want to nest with you. However, it makes other women act extremely warmly towards the wearer as well.
  8. Yeah, Cuddle Bunny would be good - and also Treasured Hearts and maybe even Intellectual Woman, because that one is for attraction and communication, but not a 'one night stand' kind of blend. What do the rest of you gals think?
  9. That's not as strange as it sounds on the surface, actually. The person who said that may not have realized it consciously, but she was having a sense memory from the smell. I have heard people say in the past that my original LP reminds them of mother's milk, or baby formula, and indeed, mother's milk is said to have a vaguely vanilla flavoring to it. (RED is the same formula as original with just a few extra ingredients - like cinnamon, etc). It's part of the 'magic' of this potion - that note is in there to make people feel nurtured and loved, it can evoke a sense memory of being a baby snuggling at the breast, and usually inspires a lustful oral fixation kind of feeling. Like they want to eat you alive. If you wear this potion in your cleavage, guys can barely help themselves from burying their faces there and wanting to kiss your breasts.
  10. Ooops! Sorry about that! Ok, they've been put aside with your name on them. Thank you!
  11. Always happy to hold anything you want. After 6 weeks or so, I put unclaimed items back into general stock if I don't hear anything from them. I'll put aside two bottles of IS/RED now. When you're ready for them, email me because I removed those from the shopping cart inventory, so you'll buy them via invoice instead. And no worries if you change your mind - that doesn't bother me at all. That's leaves 3 in general stock.
  12. I've updated the page: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Private_Editions.html Added a couple of more options with Mystery Boy (UN & Bubble), and added 1 bottle of Liz's gorgeous Sugared Dark Patchouli and Rose Otto blend. Also wanted to mention - the Sultry Afternoon and Beta-Nol combo - that Beta-Nol is 4x the strength of the formula that we sell in the big bottles. It's "truth serum" strength, if anyone is looking for that kind of thing, just a head's up.
  13. Ooooh, Dolly - excellent report! You little trouble maker, you! Hey Vivica - this is what I see in the GIRL/GIRL blend: happiness, empathy/nurturing, bonding, sexual comfort. We've had several girls buy it to get along better with other women in work situations, but I haven't gotten any reports back yet.
  14. Well, I have read that one shouldn't wear pheros around kids in general, but the whole point of the BOY/BOY mix is that it doesn't contain the aggressive alpha-male pheros. It's pleasing to both men and women because it doesn't contain any of the 'challenging for supremacy' messages that are in the macho blends. It's a comraderie blend with a (naturally occurring in females) bonding hormone in it as a predominate ingredient.
  15. To me, it smells like soft sweet musk and alcohol (the solvent). No pee smell in that one. It's a specific phero that smells like that, (I think it's Androstenone - and BOY/BOY doesn't contain any of that). Dr. Stone said Androstenone gets an unfair bad rap, because it's really a byproduct of the manufacturing process that creates the pee smell. He said the higher the quality of the phero solution, the less it will smell like that. He said the cheaper Asian imports have the strongest pee smell. From what little I understand about the language of pheros, what I can see in the BOY/BOY ingredients is calming, bonding and mood elevating.
  16. If you're looking for something that makes you feel good, I noticed that the BOY/BOY blend made me really happy when I was pouring it. I added it to one of my bottles and find it a real mood elevator.
  17. Blatant Invitiation works like a popularity potion on me. Every time I wear it, I end up with a dozen people all vying for my attention at once!
  18. Dr. Stone (the maker of the stuff) recommended to me 10% EoW / 90% perfume oil. I know many people use much more - I only use 6 drops per 10ml for my own mixes.
  19. Yes, we made the largest quantity of that one to start with, but I'll reserve one for you just in case!
  20. Thank you for the kind words mountainwitch. Actually, Danna was the one who came up with the inspiration for Dead Man's Float.
  21. The following order pages are ready: Fragrances for Women Fragrances for Men Sample Sizes New Releases Pheromone Blends The rest, by categories, will be updated tonight. But you can order everything now via those pages.
  22. Hey girls, I'd be happy to reserve your choices for you. Just let me know what you want and I'll hold it aside. ~ Mara
  23. Topic moved from reviews section to the pheromone section. Mahyar, they are synthesized. Most are synthetic human pheromones, some are synthetic hormones and other molecules with known or suspected pheromonal properties. But as an experienced phero user, you would know that.
  24. Yup, emailing of orders is ok since we is behind AGAIN this month. TimesSquareProductions@yahoo.com
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