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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yes, we have some! Just ask John to invoice you for your next order. Thanks!
  2. Yes, you may! And yes, I still have a few Aphrodisia salts left too. THANK YOU!
  3. Thanks, Lisa! April will be the next NRs.
  4. Have a peruse over on our Etsy site - I just finished adding the latest WAX MELT Clamshells, a TON of new THREEBIE sets (in the Specials section) and added months of PRIVATE EDITIONS that weren't yet posted. I'm going to add more B&B next week and some jewelry too. Keep an eye over there for exciting offerings!
  5. I added some oil bottles to Etsy today. Will add what is left of the others in couple of days - need to get a count. These went like wildfire in the shop!
  6. Me too! lol Probably a bit. Maybe not quite as much as some of the others, as I did not add extra oils to this one, I added coconut butters , but the goat milk is a major focus of this blend and that is not slippery.
  7. It's a collection of already released scents at a special price. It's 6 trials in a pink sequin bag - $30 value for $15. The set contains: Heatwave, Spring Fever, Summer Crush, Tangy Tart, Touch of Cerise and Guavas in the Mist.
  8. I have them up on Etsy now, but do not worry about the low numbers posted. I made a bunch more. Ask for an invoice if you do not see what you want. Oh, also check the SPECIALS section, I listed a BUNCH of new Threebies!
  9. March First Friday at Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie This month we are welcoming the return of the SUN! We've created a special collection of our sunniest scents to help cure the winter blues, and filled our shop with gorgeous hand crafted crystal sun catchers of our own unique design that will cast rainbows all over your home and let the sunshine in! Join us for complimentary summertime nibbles and libations, and free samples too! Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie 703 Main St 5-9 pm Friday, March 3rd, 2017 With the amount of rain and darkness up here, many locals yearn for the sun as the Winter hangs on, so we're throwing a sunshine party! Free samples at the party this month will be very upbeat and sunshiney, many citrus scents, and I've crafted a lavish bath soak and will give away free samples of this too! And, I've made over 100 new shiny sparkly dangly sun catchers in many different designs, colors and price ranges ($10-$48), so the store is full of rainbows! Coconut Butter & Goat's Milk BATHING SALTS A moisturizing bath indulgence of Organic Coconut Butter and Goat's Milk blended with lavish Himalayan Pink, Hawaiian Black and Dead Sea Salts. Fragranced with the Summery scents of rich Coconut, Vanilla and Pineapple. Makes your bath water feel soft and leaves your skin silky and lightly scented. 8 oz by volume, 12 oz by weight - $14.95 each We'll be grilling hot dogs and making popcorn, and I'm going to make a beautiful blue punch with watermelon balls, YUM! Come join us if you can! And let us know if you want to order one of these gorgeous salts or a suncatcher!
  10. We've just crafted a big batch of fresh Wax Melts! All original hand crafted scents, many pheromone enhanced too! I made them in clamshells this time - larger size! $8 with pheros, $5 virgin List of available scents: Berry Pie Berry Pie with Heart & Soul Caramel Apple with Treasured Hearts Currantly Incensed with Sexpionage Drive by Fruiting with Open Windows Irish Coffee Irish Coffee with Alpha-Nol Lemon Cake Lemon Cake with Treasured Hearts Love Potion Love Potion with Gotcha! Love Potion: Pink Love Potion: Pink with Est Spa Mint Sugared Resins Sugared Resins with Phero B2.2 and more to come soon! You can reserve these here until I get them up on Etsy, but I've got something just for you guys... My first round I experimented with, everything in larger sizes and larger melting containers, I got my math wrong - naturally, because I cannot be trusted with math. So my first round I made Drive by Fruiting with Open Windows. I ended up making them at HALF the scent they should have been, but THREE TIMES the pheros. GAH! I decided to keep them like this in case someone has need of this kind of strength, and let me tell you , it is STRONG phero-wise. Make sure you use them in a large space! And also - these are NOT pretty. lol. I thought I'd be cute and try to layer colors, and it's just a mess, but it's TONS OF PHEROS! So, if you are interested, same price as the above - $8.00 each clam shell.... 6-12 uses out the pack. Let me know if you want!
  11. Thank you! I am happy you are happy! Well, to my nose they all have some odor, but I personally find it a pleasant odor. They smell to me like very light flowery musk, and the ones with cops smell the same but with vinegar on top. They say there are three kinds of human nose configurations, and people will either not smell them at all, or smell them as pleasant, or unpleasant. You probably have the same kind of nose configuration that I do. Lace and LFM are two that I wear often and I do not find them objectionable in the least.
  12. Yes, Hearts! Just let us know when you are ready for it. Thank you!
  13. Thanks, BlueBear! We will hold one aside for you.
  14. Well, it's always said that you shouldn't keep an open container of B&B product more than 6 months because of the risk of getting water in there. (Water contains microbes, and creams are a good growth medium.) If it's sealed, it should last over 2 years.
  15. I am making a new batch of Cuddle Bunny right now, and wanted to see if anyone wanted me to save some aside Virgin for them? I feel like someone asked me for this a while ago. Post here if you'd like a bottle. I will save aside like 12-14 bottles. Thanks!
  16. Would your sister and dad be agitated if you were pregnant right now? Remember that is the chemical signal you are sending out when you wear it.
  17. The massage butters are $24.95 each. We also have the more solid balm variety in Coco Butter & Honey for $8.50 per 2 oz. I have more raw butters on the way so will offer some more choices soon!
  18. Perfume Oil is ready to go! Treat it just like a PE - you can order it in the cart for $24.95, or ask John for an invoice. I can make more of this one, so do not fear.
  19. Ok then, to keep it at this level of concentration in spray form, use 2/3rd alcohol to 1/3rd pheros.
  20. Yes, I have been adding the cops to the master bottles when I brew it.
  21. Yay! Glad you like! I think you can be pretty generous with the solid application, I am dabbing it in the cleavage area, probably pretty equal of what I would apply were it in oil Sure, I can offer it in oil! I still have several ounces in oil and can make more too. I just need to make a label. I was also thinking of making some bar soap as well. Post if you want some in perfume oil and I will make it by the end of the week. Thank you!
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