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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. I know we don't normally do politics here...but with Cthulu being in the news.... http://www.moonmontchronicle.com/supreme-court-rules-jcpenney-allowed-to-sacrifice-employees-to-appease-cthulhu.html
  2. Happy Summer! Thought we couldn't make your eyes pop after last month, eh? heheheh. Enjoy the eye candy! Honey Whip Sweet Surrender Tonka Musk (unisex) Pherodise w/ Lumina Midnight Rhapsody A Kiss of Nectar Caressful Breeze w/ Blatant Invitation Heatwave Crescendo Spray - w/ Topper Contains 500 mcg of Topper per bottle Vampire Bait OCCO: Ambrosia w/ EoW Copulins Phero B2.2 You may have read elsewhere on the forum that B2 is now sold out and gone forever. This is our rebrew of B2, which is itself a variant of Teddy BB. So, we took Teddy BB and crafted a variant, like B2, with 50% of the content Androstadienone. We believe this will provide near identical results to B2. ~~~~~~~~~ This month's set contains 11 potions. 10 are for women and 1 is unisex. 4 of them are phero enhanced. 1 of the women's blends is a spray. If you order the full bottle set, you will get the ten oils, the spray will NOT be included so that we can keep the 10 bottle price the same as usual. If you order the sampler set, you will receive all 11 perfumes, including a 5ml spray. You will also notice the new label for "Phero B2.2" at the bottom - I lengthened the name so that it is searchable in the forum. This is obviously not included in the NR perfume sets as it is an unscented phero blend. ALSO! We are trying to reclaim the review threads for reviews, so after Beccah posts them this month, we will lock them for a few days to give us time to deliver people their orders. We ask that you please keep speculations and wonderings to this thread, and reserve the review threads strictly for reviews so that people will not have to scroll through pages of speculation before they get to a review. Thanks for your consideration in this matter - the review threads are really important for customers who are trying to decide what to order. Thanks!
  3. D'oh! Just found out about an error in the packaging department! All the new releases this month, the LP Variants, were supposed to be packaged in the special purple velvet bags I purchased just for this collection. I am hearing that some people were sad not to receive them. If you are one of the people who was left out, please let me know. I will make a list and make sure you get your pretty baggie with your next order. So sorry!!!!!
  4. We run the sale for at least 30 days, so no worries there!
  5. @ Xev! Newbies...you will have to wait and see! We have established a tradition of doing this every August. Save up your ducats, huge selection of freebies with every purchase!
  6. We are holding our yearly clearance sale in August. This takes so much manpower, that we have decided not to release a regular set that month, but will be releasing the Sugared Collection instead. ALSO, I will not have time to make PEs during that period, so the Private Editions will be shut off for the months of July and August, and back up again in September. So you know your time windows if you are planning a PE - you have to either order within the next 2 weeks or wait until September. Just wanted to let everyone know!
  7. I thought step-mom would like this one because it's not a foody, more perfumey notes, and she DOES like it, but said, "I SMELL LIKE CAKE!" I was all, you do NOT, you smell like flowers! She told my father to sniff it on her, and my dad said, "You smell better now than before you put it on." Such useful reviews!
  8. We wanted to use a special bottle, and the glass dipper stick we thought might be useful for application. By the way, the 1/4 oz bottles with glass dipper sticks we are using for AJA are the bottles we originally used for the first generation of LPs back in the 1980's! We have had a few dozen orders for AJA in spray form, but I believe from ladies who are not forum members, and I have not heard back from anyone about the choice. Personally, I have not tried it in a spray.
  9. Welcome! LP Homme is part of the permanent collection, it is still available if you want more!
  10. This is Jessica's fave of the month. Also the one my step-mom requested a bottle of.
  11. That got a huge laugh from John and me. baha!!
  12. Halo is right. Good sniffer, girl! My plan for this one was to try to combine an Allumette Variant with an LP Variant.
  13. No, it says there's 5 SPRAYS in the cart, but still 37 bottles.
  14. My ONLY contribution to this was the name...YES. STAR TREK! ...ok, and the label...but the scent was created by a former employee intended to be like a lime and chocolate martini she once had...or something like that. (No Green Musk in IDK Green)
  15. bows out of the room, walking backwards, as befits your station.
  16. I just made another brew of this. I want to make LP White a permanent offering, but there's one ingredient that after it is gone, I cannot get any more. I thought I had used it all up in the original brew, but just found it in my drawer when I was looking for a replacement! (It's the White Tea note, for the curious.) I was able to make another large edition, and after that, I've got enough to make another small brew - and then that's it. So this current rebrew is pretty darn identical to the last. When eventually I have to replace that one ingredient, I will let everyone know. But for now, the cart has been restocked. Hooray!
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