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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. For those who asked....I did the math! Individually, the full set of 11 bottles comes to $295.00. So, for the full bottle set this month, I'm offering it for $225.00 - a $70 discount. This will have to be invoiced upon request. Our email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thank you!
  2. I just checked. The bottle is gone, the 12 trials remain in the cart.
  3. I'm going to have to do the math and it should come out a little higher than normal as it's 11 potions and almost half of them phero'd. It will be at least a $50 discount for the set though, as usual. This time probably a little more. I will get back to you on it when I have a calculator on hand!
  4. I know, right? Androstadienone keeps me from wanting to twist the heads off of puppies some days, I swear.
  5. Halo has definitely become a Phero Wizard!
  6. FYI - current inventory - 1 bottle and 12 trial vials. LAST CHANCE!
  7. Sorry for the abrupt announcement, I was unaware our supply was down to nothing! I just turned it off in the cart. (Temporarily!) The exact molecule ratios of B2 are not available to us, and the person who blended it from the ingredients I supplied is no longer in the pheromone business. However, it was based upon Teddy BB during a time when we couldn't get that blend. It's exactly the same ingredients. What I know for certain about B2 is that Androstadienone is 50% of the mix. (Teddy BB is more evenly blended.) Halo and I discussed it, and we feel that crafting a variant of Teddy BB, adding Androsadienone to it to make it 50% of the mix, would give us an extremely close formula to that of B2. We also feel that there are enough fans of both varieties to continue to offer a B2 style formula. So, I am going to make a new version of B2, adding Androstadienone to Teddy BB, to bring the level of that molecule up to 50%, I am going to make a new or alternate label for this updated B2 so people can tell the difference between the blend versions. I plan to get this all accomplished within the next few days. Just wanted everyone to know what was going on. K?
  8. ...that I would have to look up to understand.
  9. The last few weeks I have been wearing either Flying Potion (I think 2011 version) or A Taste for Luxury. My newest obsession is Love Potion: Frais Citron.
  10. Luna is calling me CLUELESS. Clearly, Rose Blackthorn, you are much hipper than me. Also evidenced by my use of the word "hip".
  11. The heroin ice cream spoons? I still don't get it! You are so messing with me.
  12. Luna, I'm guessing less than 25% of us will get that joke...Echo had to explain it to me!...yet you laughed RIGHT AWAY when I first told you about that series of hers!
  13. Wow, Lovestruck, that's AWESOME!
  14. An overview of the coming months....this is what we have planned: July is a normal release month, featuring Summer fragrances. August is our yearly OMG SALE! so we have decided not to release a monthly set, but will be officially re-releasing the Sugars that month instead. I still need about 100 pix for those Sugared labels, people!!! And some of the images I have received are sooo tiny, that I cannot use them. Cel phone snaps, I suppose. So, those of you that sent me tiny pix...my FB friends, what I am doing is perusing your Facebook albums to search for larger versions or alternate images, so you may get an email from me asking permission to use a picture other than the one you emailed me. But I absolutely will ask your permission, and I am only doing this with people who have offered images already. Not invading anyone's privacy, no worries! Those of you who still want to contribute pix - you still have time, please do!! Thank you!!!
  15. This month we have a very special set: 11 Ltd Ed Love Potion Variants for women, (5 of them Phero Enhanced), featuring the artwork of the amazing Echo Chernik! I met Echo at the Portland Comicon earlier this year, and was of course instantly drawn to her gorgeous Art Nouveau style - especially because she paints these luscious women decadently covered in yummy foodstuffs. A match made in LP Heaven, and Echo agreed! I purchased 4 large prints from her that day that are currently adorning the walls of my brewing room. (3 of them are featured on the labels.) If you adore her work as much as I do, I encourage you to go take a look at her website and see all the stunning images she has on offer. www.EchoChernik.com I matched Echo's images with the type of scent I created...so, pretty much, if you can see what kind of delicacy she is highlighting in her images, along with my titles, you should be able to guess what the scent will be like. I plan to have these up and orderable the first weekend of June. Until then... have fun with your speculations! Love Potion®: Tropique Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins Love Potion®: Incandescence Pheromone Enhanced w/ Bang! Love Potion®: Terra Mater Pheromone Enhanced w/ Treasured Hearts Love Potion®: Rouge Pheromone Enhanced w/ La Femme Mystere Love Potion®: Fraise Citron Love Potion®: Exotica Love Potion®: Ceremony Love Potion®: Latte Love Potion®: Flutterby Pheromone Enhanced w/ Heart & Soul Love Potion®: Blue Love Potion®: Bittersweet PS: We're using the shiny laser labels for this set, and the pouch they will come in is extra special too!
  16. This is Wendy's entire review: You've done it again, woman! Hot and Humid nailed it!!!
  17. You only need 4 drops per GALLON to get a copulin response, so it is actually a lot! Compared to other blends tho...some have as many as 30 drops per bottle.
  18. Just checked and we have several bottles of each of these, so yes, we can accommodate these requests. Thank you! There were probably some reservations made but not purchased. I will put the remaining bottles on Artfire soon, so if anyone has them reserved, you should nab them up soon!
  19. LOL! That must have been some review, LadyV! Reserved, thank you everyone!
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