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Everything posted by Curiouschic

  1. Sooo exciting! I am glad that wine and dead roses is back I am so curious of this one
  2. lol, I am at a loss...must be a lil slow. It is nice having those retired goodies. Hope you can find a spider silk!
  3. Ok, now I am curious of this long sold out sample...unfortunatley I do not have a Spider Silk to trade...any hints?
  4. Yeah the scent didnt work for me either, however trying it with one of the sugared vanillas might be perfect. I am so going to have to try it.
  5. WOW SB you are great at thinking up and at describing. FABULOUS my dear!
  6. Yes WELCOME SR! I absolutely lve cuddle bunny. I have stocked up a lil but I wish I had more. I wear it to work, for late night outs and just general relaxing days! I slathered BI with it last night and OMG did I drive my man CRAZY!!!!! Ahh Pheromone fun...
  7. Oh! I haven't got my package yet as the team is just getting back. Did you manage to slip a sin city in there?! I can't wait!
  8. Did you get the finished result already? How would you compare the two?
  9. Id also reccomend trying some Blatant Invitation. Based on your other posts it ay be just perfect for your situation. It has Cops in it so you will get a lil stinky cheese but it dries down to a softer finish than EOW. Hey Shelly, SOOO glad you are getting such great results AND that you had the patience to find oyur perfect mark. HAVE FUN!
  10. You can do both. I reccomend reading in the pheromone tips area of this forum for tips and tricks. Drydown is SOOO important!
  11. Thought about that...but oh man I see blackmail from them! lol Either that or a lot of "interest" coming my way all of a sudden! LOL
  12. I have been having trouble with the site, but i find when it messes up I just press the back button and try again and it works the second time. I want to order me some fun stuff but I am worried about shipping to Canada. Cant find shipping amounts or info on the site. can anyone see it? I am wondering if they ship here AND/Or how much it costs....
  13. I sat by and watched it go If anyone wants to do up a sampler of this one for me...I'd be indebted
  14. Curiouschic


    Ooh I am SOOO going to try this...Hmm I wonder what other scents this would be good with
  15. I ditto this response, those are my fav places to apply and me nuzzled ETC. I have never had a problem. SO I wouldnt worry about it
  16. Oh yes Ajia, thank-you SOOO much for the sniffie! I really like it although the cinnamon totally makes my skin feel crazy! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  17. Oooh!!!! Thanks Darbla! I cant wait to get my tester of PCMP now!
  18. YOU DID teach me, VERY Well!!! I was going to mention the back of hands part but I am sometimes worried about it washing off, any thoughts (oh and back of hands IS great!)
  19. Thanks! I am ssoooo exhausted from work, that I wasnt sure if that would make any sense lol.
  20. Ok, so my hockey boys are headed to anchorage next week. I AM SOOOO STOWING AWAY! I am coming to visit you and smell all your goodies! VERY JEALOUS
  21. LOL, very nice SO TRUE! And, well... I am not Dolly but I will chime in. Best way to start using Pheros is to start with a little and work your way up. There is no point in wasting the pheros if you can get the same, if not better, results with LESS. With LP pheros I like to apply a lil to each wrist dot to start, (line if you need a lil more) and then a teeny bit in my cleavage. I may then take my wrist and dab it on either side of my neck. (For when the men come up close and smell me... ) Try a lil every day. Be patient and dont expect to have SUPER OBVIOUS hits. Also u have to put your personality into it. It is a lot of fun so be careful With regards to scent application. I usually put on and then after about five minutes (if it is an ESPECIALLY stinky one, like EOW, wait ten to 15) then apply your chosen LP fragrance right beside the Pheros. Applying right on can slow diffusion, but isnt a bad thing. Since its in oil base it will diffuse nicely and last for awhile. Have fun and feel free to give us your comments and come here for help anytime OH, AND... :dancingfruits0nm: WELCOME TO THE FORUM :dancingfruits0nm:
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