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Posts posted by xev

  1. Not to inundate you with choices, but something else to experiment with is the base that the phero is in. In addition to the oil bases, you can get silicone, oil/alcohol, and alcohol.


    If you want male passersby to swoon, the alcohol or oil/alcohol base will produce a farther-reaching silage (and more like the androtics products you are used to).


    In terms of a sexy mix you can't go wrong with Blatant Invitation.

  2. Go see your doctor and ask about getting a beta blocker, such as propanolol, to take before performances. It does not interfere with your cognitive or motor functions. It just blocks some of the adrenalin receptors in your heart, which stops the cascade reaction of physical symptoms of anxiety. It is an inexpensive medication and does not have many side effects.


    There are also deep breathing exercises that can be very effective and fast acting. There are also cognitive behavioral therapies that can help control it, especially if you are unconsciously engaging in negative self talk (e.g. thinking to yourself that you are going to mess up, you are going to trip on stage, say something stupid etc.)


    But really, the beta blocker can go a long way towards making the whole problem go away.

  3. Oxytocin is the only one that I know about Synergist. In this case, from what I have heard, it is unlikely to be successfully used in a spray form because it is not very volatile, and I have read several sources say that one would have to spray a huge amount up someone's nose to dose them with it. In any case, oxyocin is absolutely NOT a pheromone, and it can have very profound effects (it induces labor in pregnant women for example), so I would not consider it ethical to use it at all under any circumstances.


    Beccah, pregenolone is produced in pregnant women, and everyone else as well. It is a precursor to the production of numerous other hormones (NOT just the sex hormones) that are needed in a normal healthy adult, as well as being a hormone itself. Hormones control everything in the body, not just sexual attraction. Hormones control your blood sugar, the functioning of your kidneys, the oxygen levels in your blood, etc. every minute of every day. And hormones work in such a way that very tiny amounts of them have profound affects on one's body. Anyone who has ever had a medical problem involving hormones being out of what knows this -- diabetics, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, adrenal issues, etc. Just look at the list of symptoms associated, for example, with hypo- or hyperthyroidism. The list goes on and on. Most hormones have not one but many complex functions. They affect other hormones, which in turn affect other hormones. It is mind boggling and complicated. They are not something to mess around with outside a doctor's care.


    It is all pretty scary. I personally will never buy another phero product that doesn't list all the ingredients as clearly being pheromones.


    And yep, I have a pile of products right now with "secret" ingredients, including some I recently got in a trade because I hadn't really thought this whole thing through carefully. I have only recently come to realize that when other companies talk of secret molecules, they are probably researching hormones. It is unethical in my book and I will never do business with them again, or purchase a proprietary secret phero blend.

  4. Idk, users have reported good results with it, & honestly most pheromones *are* human hormones/steroids, so if you have qualms along those those lines I suggest foregoing pheromones altogether, imo. (I hope you don't take what I said the wrong way. You are super intelligent & I really respect you & enjoy debating things with you {even though you're smarter than me})


    No, Beccah, pheromones are not hormones. That simply isn't true. There is a very distinct difference between a hormone and a pheromone. (Although it is possible that a molecule could function as both, but I don't know of any in humans).


    A hormone's adaptive function is to signal within the body of an individual. For example, when you see a grizzly bear, epinephrine is produced that travels throughout your body to make your heart beat more quickly so you can run away from it. That epinephrine produced in your body cannot get to people around you, although it could trigger the production of pheromones, that might affect the people around you. Hormones have no natural way of getting from one individual to another.


    A pheromone's adaptive function is to signal from one indiividual to another individual of the same species. These have natural ways of getting to from one person to another -- they are volatile and emitted as body odors, and because we have evolved these chemical communication systems, they work under very specific parameters, and have been "proven safe" if you will by millions of years of natural selection, at least under normal conditions and in normal doses or concentrations.


    "Steroid" is a chemical type. Most animal hormones (but not all), a few plant hormones, and all the human pheromones or putative pheromones I know of are steroids, but this doesn't make hormones and pheromones the same thing. Cholesterol and Ergosterol are steroids but iare not hormones or pheromones. There are other steroids that are not hormones or pheromones.


    Do we know what a hormone precurser like pregnenolone will do if used in this unnatural way? It is a precursor to progesterones, which in turn control the other sex hormones. The cascade reactions might be very difficult to predict. Its one thing to sniff, take, inject yourself, and something else entirely to do this to other people. Plus there are so many endocrine disruptors polluting the environment anyway, do we need more?


    The first line of evidence for me, that a compound is pheromone, would be that it is 1) volatile and 2) emitted in body odors of normal healthy adults. That would be what I would want to see before using this molecule.

  5. What is the evidence that it is/might be a human pheromone (as opposed to its known function as a hormone). A quick and dirty google scholar search didn't turn up much that would point to that. Have there been any publications cited in your readings about this?


    I'm more than a little creeped out by the concept of trying to sneak hormones into other people's bodies, though.

  6. Hi MeriendaTime:


    Sorry you had such an unpleasant day, and on your birthday too. It is possible to OD on androstenol, which is in lace. But usually that comes from super high doses, such as what you'd get by overusing an alcohol-based product, maybe one that is 2x or more the normal concentration. It is probably less likely to occur from using the phero-enhanced perfumes as they are not as strong with respect to the pheros. Ditto for causing ODs in other people. When you use an oil-based phero, it really doesn't travel far from your body, and mostly affects people who really get in your personal space.


    Of course, it may be that Lace just doesn't meld with your personality, and people were responding to that discord. It is also possible that it was just a bad day for other reasons that have nothing to do with the scent.


    In any case, I hope today will be a better day!

  7. Could someone tell me what "warn status" means? Am I in trouble already?


    Everyone sees that on their own status. No worries!


    If you love vanilla and sweet fragrances, you absolutely must try the LP line: LP original, pink, red, and black. Also sugared honeycomb, my all time favorite. All of these are permanent fragrances. Most of the other fragrances are special monthly editions and are gone forever when they are gone.

  8. Personally, I think that if you want to get a positive reaction from pheros and you're new at it, you really can't go wrong with androstenol (or something that is a blend with mostly androstenol like open windows) in an alcohol or 60:40 alcohol/oil base so you can get enough diffusion.


    Also, I do think at least a little bit of scent is important. It is not just a matter of "covering up" the phero smell (which is often not needed unless copulins or androstenone are involved), but it is the physics of creating silage and making the silage last -- the top notes and base notes of the perfume help with this, and carry the phero molecules around.


    You can order unscented pheros lightly scented (as opposed to boosting a full strength perfume with pheros), which might suit you if you do not like strong scents. Or, if you are still experimenting with the scents here, you could order an unscented phero (alcohol or alcohol/oil base) and later dump one sample vial into it. That would create a very light scent.


    And finally, if you haven't tried LPMP perfumes, you might be in for a very pleasant surprise. They are concentrated but not strong in the same way that conventional perfumes tend to be. They tend to hang close around the body and diffuse just at the right rate so as not to overpower the wearer or other people around the wearer. They tend not to induce headaches and ill effects the way regular perfumes do to me and some other people, and in general they don't have that "can't get it out of my nose" reaction that I get everytime I open a fashion magazine or get attacked by perfume sprayers in department stores.

  9. Just a question girls Don't we produce oxytocin during labor? Cause their are products oxi pheromone based ( is call the trust phero) but I keep thinking this can be dangerous for pregnant women to scent it don't you think?

    I remeber that my obstetrician told me that oxytocin also functions as amnesiac for women to forget childbirth pain and is the hormone that causes labor contractions. So I wonder if it isnt kind of dangerous to use it near pregnant women or kids.


    Oxytocin is not the "trust pheromone" because it is not a pheromone, isn't volatile, and can't get from one person to another through the air the way that pheromones do. I don't think oxytocin products that are designed to be worn externally like pheromone products can do anything at all really, except part a fool and his (or her) money. So I would say no, those products would not be dangerous for a pregnant woman.


    You would have to get oxytocin into someone's body by an invasive method, like an injection, or perhaps squirting a large amount of it directly into their nasal passages. Either way, without consent, that would be a criminal assault.

  10. Oxytocin is a hormone, not a pheromone, which means it affects the body of the person producing it. It is not volatile, so it is not emitted from the body and can't get from one person to another.


    Also, claims that products that contain this hormone cause bonding or any other effect are unlikely to be true, because it isn't volatile and can't get from the atmosphere into one's body.


    If someone does come up with a way to unknowingly get oyxytocin into someone elses body, that would be highly unethical in my opinion. It would be like injecting someone with adrenalin, testosterone, estrogen, serotonin, or any other hormone or body chemical without their permission. Ethically, that is a whole different thing than pheromones.

  11. I just nabbed a bottle of this after receiving a sniffie in a trade. Wow, I'm so glad I got a chance to sample it. After drydown, the mango is still juicy and full-bodied, with the caramel (and vanilla to my nose) hanging around as well. It is a really glorious summertime scent. And it is so hot here that my LP black/pink/red favorites sometimes feel a little heavy, so this is the perfect time to indulge in such a beautiful fruity scent.

  12. I'm wanting Mango-ish, OCCO God, and Unreasonable Pumpkin (haven't actually tried the latter, but it sounds hopeful). I'm thinking I should go with one of the first two since I've sampled them and know for sure they work well on me. Can probably do just one this month since the budget is tight.


    I guess I should probably do Mango-ish, since its a PE and OCCO Gold is a regular offering.

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