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Everything posted by Eve

  1. I'm (obviously) not Midnight Requiem, but here is something written in 2014 by another forum member, and she cited references. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9076
  2. I'll keep that in mind. Every time I've written off Creamed Honey, coincidentally I'll get another one as a free sample sized gift with an order, and I'll think, maybe I was wrong about this one.....But. No. I've not tried Honeyed LP yet. *adding to my "to try" list.
  3. I am envious of those who can wear this! I got a sample with such high hopes, but, honey just does not play nice with my chemistry. I amp honey like there is no tomorrow. The same thing as Creamed Honey and Sugared Honeycomb which I adore when first applied, happens with this one too. If I could get it to stay exactly how it smells when first applied, it would be a home run! It has phenomenal silage. It really does last a long time! Like as in through showering before bed, it is still lingering the next day. (Big sigh) It has a cool name - so cool that I had to try it, even though I'm well acquainted with what honey does on my skin. I don't think it is meant for me.
  4. Thank you for this! And bring on more novels anytime I bookmarked a post from 2014 that has links to studies done comparing the effects of beta-androstAnol vs beta-androstEnol http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8945&hl=
  5. Thanks, Stacy. I think I must have had the two mixed up as far as proprietary blend, or not. The "sweet spot" thing, Absolutely don't have that figured out! I'm looking forward to playing though. I was on Etsy this afternoon (not on the LPMP store, but I did stop in haha) looking for a scented hair perfume to spritz either before or after the LFM. I really don't notice a lingering scent with it when I cover with a fragrance on the nape of my neck, but (someone here) had said that hair was great for diffusion, so I'd like to spray into the back of it, or on the top, whatever, and the shampoo/conditioner I'm currently using does not have a very long lingering scent. (wish it did! Milkshake brand, yum!) You veteran LPMPer's keep on posting, and I'll keep on reading
  6. This is my very first review here I decided to try LFM after reading volumes here on this forum. It seems like when I first discovered LPMP a couple of months ago, that the permanent site said the ingredients were "proprietary" (?) Am I just mistaken, or did this change recently? The reason I ask, is because I remember - or think I remember - liking the description of it, but ultimately deciding I wanted to know what was in it, Which is really pretty silly, as even knowing what the pheromones were wouldn't have exactly armed me with enough knowledge anyway. But, more recently, I was convinced I should at least try it, because of all of the social/sexy blends, this one seemed like it would be *me* amplified. And it is! I kept reading about *selfies*, and I got nada with UN Cougar (and yes, I know that one doesn't have the ingredients listed, which is why its so funny that I kept avoiding LFM.) I also like that it doesn't have cops, so I was able to get it in spray form, which is my first phero blend that isn't in oil. Wearing it makes me feel uplifted, energized, chattier, and really more graceful, although I don't really remember reading if this last attribute as something it is supposed to make the wearer feel. I guess I'm normally pretty much approachable, friendly, that sort of thing, and I don't really notice a difference in how other people treat me. But, I've only worn it in social/settings outdoors so far, and each time its been kind of windy. (I remember thinking which way is the wind blowing? Am I upwind or down wind lol) So, time will still tell if I notice a difference in how others perceive me. Even though this part is still pretty much an unknown, I still went ahead and ordered a backup bottle, so I could have one to take with me . Thank you EVERYONE for contributing. It really helps.
  7. A good thing about Etsy (IMO) is the Ebates 1% cash back. But, I confess, in my latest buying frenzy it was just easier to do credit & no ebates. I like PayPal better too though. I'm going crazy here, a package has been "out for delivery" all day. Called PO, they said a couple of zip codes got mixed up and they're trying their best to still get parcels out today. I *need* to know if I like something in this order, because it was in the going going gone section, and I think there is only one left. (What to do!) I think I'll go check the mailbox again! .... and then that's it for a while. Really.
  8. Thanks I'm not yet ready to write a review yet, but my arsenal continues to multiply! I find it especially helpful to read the in depth reviews and philosophy of what works and does not work. I appreciate each and every one of you that take the time to do this. For example, talking about whether a pheromone has congruity with the person wearing it. (I hadn't a clue about this at first, of course.) When I read references talking about "selfies" at first I thought it meant a purely sexual effect, but I quickly learned it applied to attitude, confidence, etc. My first purchase was UN Cougar, and BI. The BI I still have yet to wear in anything but a private setting, but Cougar I have, and sadly have not noticed any self effects in any way with it. I did not feel any sparkly-er. I think maybe I could have gotten better effect if I'd gotten it in a spray form, but have it in oil. The thing is, I generally am considered by perfect strangers to be approachable and attractive (even at my advanced age ha ha). So I dunno, maybe the UN cougar just doesn't have an effect on others that I pick up on. Possibly it does, but I don't notice it. People usually seem to enjoy being around me. It doesn't seem different when I wear it. I wore it to an FDA conference I spoke at, there was mingling before and afterward, and I got a lot of friendliness from both men and women, but seeing as how I don't usually hang out with the FDA, its not as if I have a comparison model. Maybe they're just friendly people. I tried Cougar again today I had an eye doctor appointment. I've gone to him for years, and he is always cordial. He complimented me, saying I looked nice, which is possibly the only thing different. His assistant was chatty, and the receptionist too, but, as I said, these are not out of the ordinary interactions. I have LFM in spray on the way, and I'm super excited about that! I think it is more "congruent" in that it would magnify what type of personality I already have. And, I will write a review once I've had a chance to take it for a test drive. AND I also just ordered Velvet Kisses with Cuddle Bunny. (Promising myself that this really is *it* for a while, in my fragrance/phero/cops buying madness!)
  9. Thank you everyone Luna, I've added Tonka Musk to my ever growing list, and Tink, yes, you're right. I've started down the path and probably won't be turning back lol. I did read (somewhere here) that it is an option to send Mara samples of fragrances we'd like to have her interpretation of, and this is something I may try down the line. I'd barely just found LPMP when the site went down, and it took me a few days to figure out that I could (thankfully) still access the forum. There is so much to learn when it comes to the pheromones. My only past experience with any sort of pheromones, was using the anxiety soothing (canine collar) for my dog, and it did not help him as much as I'd hoped it would. Maybe he's a non responder. What a friendly and informative community, I'm happy to have found you!
  10. Hi Everyone, I've been lurking for a while, and reading, reading, and reading some more! The ironic thing is that I originally landed on the main site (Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie) because I was searching for unscented pheromones. As it turns out, I LOVE many of the fragrances I've tried that are offered by LP. Thank you to all of you who take time to review, share research, and your own methods and thoughts. One of the scents I just went full bottle on, is Odalisque 2017 w/Bang. The fragrance notes listed are not similar, other than the vanilla, but, on my skin, it smells very much like Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. I kept sniffing my wrist, trying to figure out what it reminded me of, and finally I figured it out, sprayed a spritz of the TF on my other arm, and yes, so similar. My all time favorite love from the big perfume houses is Guerlain's Tonka Imperiale. I also treasure a bottle from the 1930's (that I was able to purchase still sealed) of Tabu by Dana. And some Tabu skin oil that is very vintage. Both smell incredible. Another LPMP fragrance that I now have a spray version of, as well as the oil rollerball bottle, is Aurora. ....AND I have the unscented BI, Cougar and Bang. I really have to stop shopping! Don't I? But, before I do, if anyone is familiar with the Tonka Imperiale, and they know of a similar LPMP fragrance, please let me know. Okay... going back to lurking now
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