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Most Holy

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About Most Holy

  • Birthday March 9

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  • REQUIRED: Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Alchemy, dancing with my shadow, inward and outward travel

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Sorcerer's Apprentice

Sorcerer's Apprentice (2/67)

  1. I am profoundly sorry for the distress you and yours are going through, Julie Luna. I just donated as well. Blessings and Love.
  2. I can't wait to dab these all over me! And the key Do we order these here in the forum, or will they be available in the online shop?
  3. Oh, these are beautiful! Standing by to purchase!!!
  4. These labels are SO STUNNING!!! Can't wait!!!
  5. Thank you so much! I do actually have a roller bottle of this which I bought a couple of years ago, sadly it does not smell yummy on me, not like a creamy doll head, but sharp and plasticky One of the very few LPMPs that don't work on me. Le sigh.
  6. What is BBM? OMG, a creamy vanilla doll head type scent sounds soooooooo yummy!
  7. Fantastic, thank you so much. I have been loving it! And my husband as well as my ferocious little Yorkie love it, too 😁
  8. I relaly felt drawn to the calming blends as well as those that will make others around me happy this time. I got the classics Heart & Soul and Drive By Fruiting and then I got Savage Beast from the new releases. I also had to get Rocket Fuel and OCCO Lavender & Buttercream. Because a little sexy never hurt no one
  9. I can't wait to get the new goodies! So very happy and grateful you concocted these potions. Savage Beast intrigues me for the scent alone, yum! And super curious abot the pheros. Any chance you can let us know what the blend is based on?
  10. @oceanjewel Thank you so much. It sounds like an intriguing scent (sooo many of those at LPMP )
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