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Posts posted by hedgehog

  1. This is really lovely. Very balanced: the juicy sweetness of the papaya, the creamy coconut and sandalwood, and the magnolia in the foreground. I don’t always love water accords (especially in commercial perfumes, where it goes straight to my sinuses), but Mara’s aquatic notes are always well blended into the scent and part of the overall “story” as opposed to being a jack in the box that punches me in the nose.  This is a lazy afternoon in a tropical garden.  Maybe it’s the creaminess, but there’s something a little gracefully languid about it.  I’m imagining a woman in one of those massive summer hats and chic sunglasses lounging with an icy drink.  

  2. Realized I never reviewed this.  This smells like an oatmeal raisin cookie without the raisins. Its not fluffy like a cake, definitely fresh baked oatmeal raisin cookies!  It’s one of those cookies that are chewy and buttery and melt in your mouth in a pool of spiced sweetness.  
    It’s not quite as creamy and a little different, but I think if you like Crème Cake, you would like this too. 

  3. @citrineI also picked up a bottle of Odalisque virgin! The most delicious sounding scents always come with BI and Bang! 😅 I’m glad I was able to snag a virgin one so I can slather without…unintended consequences, haha.  

    I realized that I prefer having phero enhanced scents to UNs - simpler and less stuff to carry! So I have some Luxurious, Liebchen, Yazmina, PCMP, and my trusty Sensual Harmony coming.  And some TVs and Threebies.  

    Now my wishlist is cleared out…until PEs come out! 

  4. On 7/30/2023 at 11:07 PM, Femmefatale said:

    sexy huff-addicting date gourmands. Yummy, comforting, and delicious 
    1. Something very buttery. Vanilla, whipped cream, in a very sexy direction so maybe some musk or spice or amber or flower like orchid or lavender but to heighten the buttery vanilla whipped cream which is the lasting scent. 

    Ooh, this sounds good. I love a good creamy sexy AF vanilla, and LPMP's vanilla drydown is incredible. I don't know what that super creamy buttery vanilla note is in the drydown of LP Pink/Fraise Citron, but it's so good that I sometimes surreptitiously sniff my cleavage, haha. 


    I feel like my "scent education" hasn't progressed far enough where I feel ready to make a PE (still haven't figured out musk, resins, or the less instantly recognizable flowers like orchid, orange blossom, etc) but I'm looking forward to everyone else's creations! 




  5. My bottle of Oleander got a bit overlooked until now - I’m always jumping between certain scents I get periodically obsessed with so sometimes bottles get forgotten!

    This is very light and neutral - I don’t know if I’m noseblind to something or if it’s just really light and unobtrusive.  This could easily be mistaken for soap or just a general natural “clean” vibe.  Not the more in-your-face laundry kind of clean, but more subtle and natural, like clean air.  You could 100% get away with this even in workplaces that discourage perfume.  

    This and Gossamer Threads are the ultimate “stealth phero” scents for me. They don’t feel like perfume at all, but the scent still leaves the desired impression.   In this case: clean, fresh, and pleasant.   




  6. This is definitely a masculine leaning scent. But something about it just feels so cool and fresh, like the refreshing feeling after a shower when you're all clean and the water evaporating off your skin keeps you nice and cool.  I don't know if I could pull it off in public, but I like wearing it at home on hot days while drinking ice water.


    I'm always astonished by the range of "musk" smells. How can musk be the masculine, cologney musk in LP#9 AND the soft, vanilla-y fuzzy musk in Gossamer Threads AND the silky, humid musk of Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat AND the clean, woody musk of Ebil-ish???  I know different musks are different molecules, but when I see "musk" I never know what to expect!

  7. SWS for sure! I think LFM is fantastic once you're settled in a role and is great for some specific people, but SWS can't be beat for all-purpose professionalism and networking, especially in large groups.  My policy is to start with SWS, then later switching in to LFM for one-on-ones or smaller group meetings with the team, depending on how they respond. 


  8. Finally got around to testing this. I tend to have issues with travel shock, so I think I put this away to avoid temptation and just now came across it again! This is definitely reminiscent of Warm and Toasty, but somehow even Warmer and Toastier! I think the cinnamon helps gives that feeling of extra toastiness. It's sooo buttery - I love how mouthwateringly delicious LP's foodie notes are. I can practically taste it!

  9. 6 hours ago, CosmoTea said:

    @hedgehog Oooh, I didn’t think of that. So do you decant some of the fragrance from the roller first (somewhere?), add 2/3 of pherotine bottle into the roller bottle and that’s it?

    Yes, that's it! Or if you're lazy like me and dont' want to decant the fragrance out, you can just wait until you use up 1/3. 

  10. 5 hours ago, CosmoTea said:

    Thanks ladies! I keep using phero enhanced scents, but only because they don’t have full strength pheros in them and I find it easier not to overdo pheros that way, going by the strength of scent. I can safely use a fair bit of the oil that way, as opposed to only being able to use 1-2 swipes of full strength pheros in a scent. I have decided to just order several non-phero scents, including LP Red, because I discovered unopened UN Gotcha, Heart and Soul and trials I need to use up.

    You can always phero-enhance your own scents too-- just pry the roller off the top of a normal scent and add in about 2/3 of a pherotine, and pop the roller back on - tada!

  11. 6 hours ago, Artemis said:

    If you Google pheromones you get all sorts of science and news websites that say the effects we get are impossible. I feel like it's a secret they work. 😁 So the fact he was so dead on just startled me. And further proves that their effect isn't in my head. 

    Yep, there are articles and studies saying otherwise, but I see proof that pheros work every day! And the fact that your man guessed it exactly is pretty amazing. Almost like he knew on a subconscious level.

  12. I wear LP Red everywhere, lol. But I tend to have to a more unapproachable vibe (just the way I walk and carry myself, I think?) so I don't get any inappropriate responses, just occasionally people who follow me like ducklings or hover in my vicinity. 


    I think a lot of the LPs are really versatile when it comes to pheros!  I think Perfect Match and Leather would be fine, as long as they're congruent with what YOU feel when you smell LP Red. 


    I actually am the opposite of Vika - I like mixing them pheros in a fragrance or getting the phero enhanced scents. To me it's a lot easier to keep track of (one bottle instead of 2!) and its' easier to keep track of how much of the phero you're wearing. The scent is also a good reminder of what phero you have on and when it might be time to reapply.  


    Overall: UN pheros is best for flexibility,  phero-enhanced is best for simplicity. I do keep some Pherotines of my favorite pheros, but I find that I almost always reach for my phero-enhanced scents. 

  13. @Vika I think we like the same scents! I got a bottle of this in the sale too, and I think I saw that you liked Sensual Harmony?


    You might like Gogo too if you haven’t already tried it! I get a sweet, clean musk vibe from it even though I don’t think musk is a note.  


    This is such a versatile scent-sweet but clean, perfect for both summer and winter.  Some of my favorite LPs are the ones that are foodie but still are perfumey, if that makes sense.  This is a great example- definitely caramel, but no one is asking me where the caramels are. :P 



  14. @RosesArePink  It's not just you - Gotcha is like a gravitational field for men!  They will magically just place themselves in your vicinity.  During the height of Covid, when everyone was wearing a mask and distancing, I had to go to a library to use a computer for conferencing because my home internet was having some issues. I sat in the very back of the library, far, far away from everyone else, so I wouldn't bother anyone. A guy literally came all the way across the library, past dozens of computers, to sit right next to me. I don't think you could even see me from the entrance!


    I don't think he ever spoke to me, so it's not like he consciously came over to talk to me. But it's like he subconsciously wandered over to me. Mind control! 😄

  15. Yay! So glad you had a better experience the second time! 


    I will say that LFM can make me a little sad in a detached, alienated way if I'm worn down and it's during certain times of month. So maybe that could be what was happening as well? But the other 99% of the time it's AMAZING. 



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