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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. The Scent of a Man Michael D Lemonick. Time. New York: May 23, 2005. Vol. 165, Iss. 21; pg. 61, 1 pgs IF YOU WANT TO STIR UP TROUBLE AT A party-or better still, a bar-try bringing up the question of whether homosexuality is something people are born with or something they choose. The issue has always been controversial, and it's currently at the center of a national political debate as well, thanks to the question of gay marriage. As a result, whenever science has something to say about the biology of sexual preference, it's bound to make headlines. That's exactly what happened last week. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who had earlier shown that hormonelike pheromones stimulate the human hypothalamus-a part of the brain that governs sexual arousal-took the experiment one provocative step further. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they re ported that gay men don't respond to the chemicals the same way that straight men do. "It clearly substantiates the idea that there's a biological substrate for sexual orientation," says Dean Hamer, a geneticist at the National Institutes of Health and the author of Science of Desire: The Gay Gene and the Biology of Behavior (Simon & Schuster; 272 pages). "This is a highly significant result." Rest of the article can be found here; http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1061508,00.html
  2. Pheromonal influences on sociosexual behavior in postmenopausal women. Journal of Sex Research. v. 41. no. 4. 2004. p. 372 - issn: 0022-4499 To determine whether a putative human sex-attractant pheromone increases specific sociosexual behaviors of postmenopausal women, we tested a chemically synthesized formula derived from research with underarm secretions from heterosexually active, fertile women that was recently tested on young women. Participants (n = 44, mean age = 57 years) were postmenopausal women who volunteered for a double-blind placebo-controlled study designed, to test an odorless pheromone, added to your preferred fragrance, to learn if it might increase the romance in your life. During the experimental 6-week period, a significantly greater proportion of participants using the pheromone formula (40.9%) than placebo (13.6%) recorded an increase over their own weekly average baseline frequency of petting, kissing, and affection (p = .02). More pheromone (68.2%) than placebo (40.9%) users experienced an increase in at least one of the four intimate sociosexual behaviors (p = .04). Sexual motivation frequency, as expressed in masturbation, was not increased in pheromone users. These results suggest that the pheromone formulation worn with perfume for a period of 6 weeks has sex-attractant effects for postmenopausal women.
  3. Until I figure out how to post PDF's all I can do is cut & paste the abstracts... Effects of putative male pheromones on female ratings of male attractiveness: influence of oral contraceptives and the menstrual cycle. Neuroendocrinology Letters. v. 23. no. 4. 2002. p. 291 - issn: 0172-780X Previous research has revealed that natural and synthetic pheromones can enhance ratings of opposite sex attractiveness. The present study investigated the effects of exposure to male axillary secretions on female ratings of the sexual attractiveness of male stimuli. Thirty-two female undergraduates, half of whom were contraceptive pill users, rated male vignette characters and photographs of male faces on aspects of attractiveness. On two separate study days, corresponding to different phases of their menstrual cycle, stimuli were presented while exposed to male axillary pheromones and under a control condition (no pheromone). The order of testing was balanced with respect to pheromone/control condition and menstrual cycle phase. Pheromone exposure resulted in significantly higher attractiveness ratings of vignette characters and faces. Use of the contraceptive pill or menstrual cycle phase had equivocal effects on some vignette items and neither had any influence on female ratings of male facial attractiveness. The results of this study suggest that exposure to natural male axillary pheromones can significantly enhance female perceptions of various aspects of male attractiveness.
  4. If your hubby complains I'd love to swap your LAM Have a peek at my trading post & if there's anything you fancy I can put it on hold while you & your hubby decide
  5. LOL I reckon I did good! I managed to stay up until past 4am.... 5 hours later and still no "On your marks.... get set... SHOP!!! :2215:
  6. Me too... and it's 2.10am here PLEASE ladies, have mercy
  7. Ajia's Misty Lavender - 1/3 fl.oz. A misty, powdery, soothing scent comprised of delicate Tassi Lavender, a non-foody Vanilla, and sheer powdered Sugar.
  8. Shelly B's Waves of Lust - 1/3 fl.oz. Shelly B designed this one to evoke a favorite memory...warm sand, hot, oiled bodies in the bright sunlight, and lust filled teenaged kisses... Comprised of the scents of warm Coconut oil, Orange Blossoms and sexy Honeyed Musks (Civit & Tonquin).
  9. Carolyn's Vanilla, Amber & Fig ~ 1/3 fl.oz. A juicy, delicious-smelling combination featuring the scent of sweet ripe figs on top with a touch of their signature earthiness, rounded out with a full-bodied Vanilla and the grounding influence of sweet Amber for depth.
  10. [ Lynne's Temple of the Goddess - 1/3 fl.oz. Lynne describes it thusly: ...imagine the Goddess, creamy skin and red curls tumbling down her back...her skin is warm with love-making, the honey-musk scent close to her breasts, a warm vanilla swirling with her movements...wafting above, exotic incense... Indian vanilla and honeyed musk, with incensey notes of nag champa and sandalwood blended in.
  11. Focus Pocus - Pheromone Enhanced Aromatherapy Fragrance for Women & Men - 1/3 fl.oz. Modern life has brought us a lot of joy, but for all the comforts and luxuries it provides, it brings its own fair share of daily headaches, anxieties and distractions that turn little things into big deals. Streamline your life and harness your energies with Focus Pocus, a phero-charged blend of aroma-thearapeutic extracts of cedarwood, lemongrass, peppermint and basil to sharpen your concentration and strengthen your sense of purpose. We've blended in elements of Mandarin, Bergamot, Fennel Sweet, Grapefruit and Tassi Lavender for balance, confidence, clarity and rejuvenation to aid you when the devil shows up in those pesky day to day details. With Focus Pocus, you'll be able to handle whatever the world throws at you with such grace and cool-headedness that everyone will be shaking their heads wondering what your secret is. Shhh.... Pheromone enhanced with our exclusive Focus Potion pheromone blend!
  12. OMG!!! Red, White & Purple for sure!!! Black is tempting too though
  13. No way! It can't be Monday! Tomorrow is Friday the 31st, the LAST day of July! They have to give us the descriptions before August for sure...right?
  14. Ladies, please!!! For the love of God, I beg you Have mercy on us poor addicts Give us the descriptions.... P L E A S E
  15. Synchronicity sold out quite a while ago which means it's gone I'm afraid. Once the LP goodies are sold out they don't come back, at least not unless enough members want a rebrew. If you want to "vote" for Synchronicity to be rebrewed you can post it in the thread for rebrew requests http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...0&start=280
  16. "Heady blossoms of Tahitian Gardenia melded with the luxurious sensuality of island Vanilla and rich Thai Coconut. Powdery Jamaican Sugar Cane adds a touch of sweetness, while silky sheer White Musk caresses the skin and enhances your own natural allure. " Has anyone tried this one? I'm really tempted to get it but I'm skint so I thought I'd wait to see if anyone has tried it yet?
  17. That sounds lovely! I can't wait to try it I wonder if it's similar to Le Sommiel des Anges? I really love that one!
  18. Oh wow!!! I wasn`t sure about this scent before tryingit, mainly because of the green tea & dill. Boy was I wrong though! This is absolutely lovely It really is elevating. The scent has vanilla musk notes that remind me very much of one of my absolute fave's; Aussie L's One & Only. Elevation Potion is more refreshing & less cosy/creamy than AL's O&O. I don't notice the dill at all but I do notice the green tea; it's quite similar to Elizabeth Arden's Iced green tea. I'm not sure if my nose is just imagining it but I think there's a slight hint of mint or something else "cool " that makes the scent refreshing...
  19. Thanks for the explanation Ail, it makes a lot more sense to me now. Another phero? Oh, yay! I can't wait! I'm sure it'll be fabulous
  20. LOL We are soo demanding aren't we! We're like kids all of us, totally impatient. But hey, I make no excuses and I'm quite happy to admit I'm an addict with the patience of a child the night before christmas
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