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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. Shelly, I'd be more than happy to give it a new, loving home Have a peek at my trading post?
  2. Oh yes! I'd love a cherry vanilla, if it smells like real cherries & not cough syrup I still like the idea of rasperries too And I'd absolutely, totally LOVE a Synchronicity scent !!!
  3. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a scent like MeJane... It's soooo lovely! I'd also love something more tart...Elderflower, rhubarb, black currants or possibly raspberries
  4. Well ladies... Here's what not to do with OCCO Red.... Last night I applied some OCCO Red (just because I loooove the scent) and smeared the oil over the neck area using my fingers. Then I get into bed and after a li'll while my eyes itch a little bit, so I start rubbing them...with my fingers! Blimey....did that burn or what! LOL At least I learnt my lesson... no more eye rubbing with cops & cinnamon on the fingers!
  5. Why don't you trade your liquid EoW? Do you have a trading post?
  6. Rosebud

    Sand Witch

    I might be able to trade you my bottle... Do you have a trading post? My wanted list is in mine
  7. Jo Anna's review makes me even more tempted to try this one... I'm thinking since I'm not a big fan of florals I might layer it with OCCO white or LAM
  8. Oh, yes.... It's all about the "let's make babies", nesting, settling down, "let me take care of & protect you" vibe I'm a bit weary about my H&S... I think I'll keep that on hold for until I do meet a man and use it to add abit of intimacy etc... It makes me waaay too soft & cuddly LOL
  9. Have you tried this one? If you haven't, remind me to send you a sample the next time we do a trade This might just be your vanilla bean you've been looking for?
  10. Purple... OMG!!! I'm totally in love! This is so lovely, a gorgeous violet scent, I can't stop sniffing myself! It's a bright & sweet violet scent without being candy-like. It's not very dark, so I'd wear this as a dayscent...Layer with LP Black though and it's nighttime sexylicious though Red.... Oh, this one is just amazing! It's like LP Red on me! Sweet, creamy cinnamon all the way! I love this! White... This one is gorgeous too. Gorgeous creamy vanilla, not too foody but not powdery vanilla either, it's somewhere in the middle. Very long lasting too! In terms of scents, I prefer B's Blushing Milkmaid, but this one isn't as strong so probably better for daywear, and easier to layer without the vanilla being the super dominant note. I love all 3 of them, and I can't smell the cops in either one, not even when wet They are definitively there though because I got slightly wheezy when sniffing them whilst wet...not enough to really trigger my asthma though, and I had no wheeze after dry down
  11. I wasn't sure what to expect with this one, I'm not a fan of lforals but this one I actually really like! It's a very light floral, not in your face, and there is a sweetness blended in as well. It's light and airy, quite japanese or bamboo-ish with a touch of fruit but it's definitively not a fruit scent. This is very sophisticated and beautiful! Something I'd see myself wear for an interview, meeting the parents or when wearing an evening gown
  12. Rosebud

    Lava Rain

    Yeah, this could be a unisex one, but I don't see a super masculine guy wearing it, on me it's more metrosexual... I don't get any tobacco at all. When first applied it's a lovely citrusy fresh scent & do I get some amber in the background, possibly a touch of patchouli, but not enough to make it a dark scent. After a while there's an aquatic accord that comes in and the citrus mellows, but the two don't stay after complete dry down. After an hour or two it's a soft amber & patchouli scent. Very nice
  13. Rosebud

    Constant Craving

    I like this one It's very similar to Liquid Magix on me, but with more vanilla & less intensity with the spices. I don't want to say cardamon, because it doesn't smell cmpletely like cardamon to me, but there is a warm, comforting spice in there...
  14. Sigh... I was sooo hoping that my skin chemistry would like this one. I really, really want one of SB's dirty, smutty scents to work for me! But no... This one again had that musk that goes plastic play-dooh on me There was a bit of fruit (?) or sweetness that toned it down abit but not enough...the Play-dooh still dominated the scent. Sadly this will have to go to my trading post to find a new home with someone who'll love it...
  15. Rosebud

    Black Candy

    Hmmm.... Not quite Lolital Lempicka, but not too far off either. I'm thinking layering with a touch of vanilla might achieve that Wet when first applied it's mainly liquorice, then the violets come through to dominate. It's a very light/fresh & sweet floral without being too candy light, and I like that. I'm more into the darker or floral violets than the candied violet scents. About an hour later the anise is back but only in the background, the violets are still the main note. I don't get any darkness, musk or patchouli that others have talked about so it's not at all that dark & sexy scent I thought it would be. I'm betting it would be absolutely gorgeous layered with Mara's Rocket Fuel or LP Black though
  16. Rosebud

    Sand Witch

    I'm not sure yet if I love this or just like it...I have to try it a few more times. Initially it's a lovely vanilla & coconut scent, but on dry down the vanilla disappears and it's pretty much all coconut. It's definitively a beach/suntan oil scent on me. Very beachy
  17. Oh, YES!!! This one is totally lovely! It's like a slightly lighter version of Holle on me. I'm thinking it's possibly slightly less vanilla too, but I'll have to wear one on each arm to compare This is truly lovely!
  18. It's great to have a guy report on these! If you like that primal forest scent you might want to have a peek at Woodland Man I love that scent, & the TUTH is a nice bonus
  19. The below quote is from this old blog(?)... Unfortunately the author doesn't give you the references or I could have gotten the actual articles. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/5...-to-synchronize "Synchronous menstruation has been observed among mothers, sisters, and daughters who live together, and sometimes among women who simply work together. McClintock tells of seven female lifeguards who started out one summer with widely scattered periods. Three months later they were all menstruating within four days of one another. A study of 135 residents of a women's college dorm confirmed the effect. Most of the cycle shifting occurred within the first four months and was usually complete after seven months. Fortunately for the dorm's plumbing, the whole building didn't synchronize, just roommates and close friends. As often as not, the women were unaware of what had happened. Later research has suggested that synchrony is caused by some sort of scent cue, or pheromone. Scientists at the Sonoma State Hospital Brain Behavior Research Center in California identified several women who were believed to be menstrual pacesetters--they made other women conform to their cycles. The scientists placed cotton pads under the dominant women's arms for a day, and then wiped the pads on the upper lips of five female subjects three times a week. (One wonders how much the subjects got paid for this.) Within five months, four of the recipients were menstruating at the same time as their donors. Interestingly, men also have an effect on women's menstrual cycles--and not just because they make women pregnant. Women who associate with males frequently find that their periods become shorter and more regular. One woman told McClintock that she had a six-month cycle length until she began hanging out with guys, at which point her periods began occurring every 4.5 weeks. When she resumed her solitary ways, her cycle lengthened again. Another round of cotton pad experiments, this time using males as donors, confirmed this. Having sex with a man at least once a week will also do the trick."
  20. Normally I'd agree with Cheezy & try to get him to improve by asking for local anaesthetic, but I have a feeling that approach would be a waste of time with this guy. I'm going to have to go for PM's suggestion; GET A NEW DENTIST! He doesn't sound like he understands the concept of empathy & and if he's always in a hurry he wont like your suggestion of a local anaesthetic. It adds 10mins to your treatment time, more if you want cream before the injection/s...
  21. Well that's good news for me at least I hope it grows on you
  22. Yes, I know....I'm quite fuzzy with my darker scents though. I really like LP Black but I usually layer with extra vanilla (at least for daytime wear)... And I like Dirty Sexy... I reckon if it's dark but creamy amber but not an inscensy type resin note I'd like it... I could always add a touch of vanilla to it
  23. Hell YES!!! Whooop, whooop!!! Bring on da vanilla!!! I'm totally excited about this one...I'm hoping it'll be as amazing as Beth's Blushing Milkmaid which I adore! I also got the Red & Purple OCCO of course since I love my LP Red and am a total violet ho too I was debating the black one, but I have a feeling it's too resinous for me...
  24. Has anyone tried this one yet? I wasn't sure whether to get this one or not as I'm usually not a big fan of sandalwood, but I do love vanilla and patchouli... And for somre reason I just LOVE Sorceress, especially if layered with vanilla... So I acted on impulse and ordered a bottle... Does anyone have any sniffies/samples/bottles that they can review?
  25. Rosebud

    Black Candy

    Oh, me too The only commercial perfumes I still own are "Lolita" & "L" by the same company. "L" on me is all vanilla yumminess I bet layering Black Candy with Ail's Voluptous Vanilla would be amazing
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