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Everything posted by Rosebud

  1. If its sold out it wont... Unless alot of members beg sold out LP's are usually not re-brewed
  2. Oh dear, I feel the hoarding part of my brain activating My poor bank account!
  3. OH YAY!!! You ladies are the best!!! I'm so happy! I like The Figgin awesome because it's similar to my beloved Holle but I reckon TG's PE without chocolate & raspberries will be da bomb!!!
  4. KK, I've got a bottle of Mr Right now in my trading post...
  5. Was there really only 3 bottles brewed? :unsure: No vanilla-fig love for Rosebud? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  6. Yep! I reckon this combo would be fab for snagging a man but it definitively not for work. It gave me very much the "damsel in distress" vibe...Sexy damsel yes, but still a damsel & that doesn't fly at work I need alpha vibes there to compete with the lads & make them feel we're on the same level. I've tried TAH at work & it's not good...they treat me like a little clueless girl & try to walk all over me :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  7. Hehehe, this was my weekend with the air ambulance (I still do shifts every other w/end) So I decided to wear LAM (vanilla), UN-SS4W & Neanderlicious...just to tease the boys a li'll :angel: On the way to the airport I notice that the pedal on my bike is loose & since I have no tools with me I try & kick it back in place I manage to get the pedal wedged , 1/2 way in but "crookedly" slanting. As I get to the airport I pop downstairs to the firefighters that we share the building with. I ask if they have any tools I can borrow to fix my bike with. They are all smiles & winks and before I know it, 3 of them are busy fixing my bike I just asked to borrow tools but they ended up not only fixing my bike but when I get ready to head home I see that they've also oiled my chain, adjusted the brakes & cleaned it...including the tyres! It literally sparkled! My lads upstairs also seemed affected. They were very attentive...I got 3 cups of coffee... In 2 hours! There was a new pilot today that I've never met (probably late 40's/early 50's), who was particularly attentive. When the lads were cracking jokes (and I was laughing along) he suddenly shoots up from his chair & just roars "will you guys stop swearing infront of the lady" & points to me. The whole room goes quiet, he looks a bit flustered & sits back down again as the other lads begin to giggle...they all know I can swear & burp like the best of them :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: All in all a very successfull combo & an entertaining day! As I leave to head home I hear the new guy go "wooow, did you see her? They didn't make them like that in my day"
  8. Thanks for the advice ladies! I think I'm going to go with UN-IW and UN-OW with a few small swipes of UN-Dom... And as much as I'd love to wear one of my fave LP's because they make me feel confident and sexy, I think my fave's are all too heavy and/or sweet (Holle, LP Orig, LP Red, Dolly's Dark Side)...all a bit too strong, so since ladies are adviced to be very conservative & not to wear perfume I'll go with something light that would be least likely to be found offensive or inappropriate... I'm thinking something like a touch of Sugared Amber, Scarlet Silk or Tidesong's Honey, amber & neroli :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  9. Is this one anything like LP Original? It's one of my absolute fave's & I'd love a "berry version" of it Is it the fruit that's the most prominent, or is it the vanilla/cream/amber notes?
  10. Right ladies, I need your help. I have a super important day coming up on Thursday! I got shortlisted for my dream job & have my interview on Thursday. Since I'm in a very male dominated field I have to come across as intelligent, competent & above all mature (being blond & looking younger than my years doesn't do me any favours here ).... So, I reckon NO sexy phero's...What to wear though? Ignoring sexy phero's I've got the following to play with; UN-Dom, PheroGirl Dominance, UN-Intellectual Woman, Popularity Potion, Focus Potion, UN-Open Windows, UN-Heart & Soul, UN-Drop Your Guard, UN-Treasured Heart, EST & Woozy Floozy I'm leaning towards UN-IW & UN-OW with an LP that's not too sweet, heavy or in your face...maybe Scarlet Silk or Sugared Amber? Any ideas ladies?
  11. Hhmmm... I was just about to order some more Vanilla LAM, UN-Open Windows and Blushing milkmaid...I seem to be going through the first 2 like there's no tomorrow If there's more vanilla stuff on the horizon maybe I'll sit tight for a li'll while tho If I can....
  12. Oh! TG!!! Do you have any idea how much I love you for suggesting making another batch??? And of course I love the lovely ladies too for brewing up some more of that sexy vanilla goodness
  13. Ok, so I got my Dark Seductions.... but I still have more LP treasures I'd lovel to see rebrewed Sogni Incanti.... I really want my Sogni...I need to have a luscious vanilla scent. Beth's Blushing Milkmaid... If I can't have my Sogni, can I have more of the blushig milkmaid please? It's sooo fantabulous! Aussie L's One & Only...I can't believe I only got 1 bottle and then missed out in the sales I absolutely ADORE this one! It's right up there in my top 5 with Holle and MRF! Synchronicity...with or without phero's, I just love the scent NOX...I just love the mix of raspberries & dark resins Neanderlicious... I know it ain quite gone, but I'm betting it will be GGG in a few more days. Please give us more of this, it's fantastic!
  14. This one is sooooo lovely! It's almost perfect! Really lovely rich vanilla without being too foody... So sad it's sold out already
  15. Have you tried the new cougar version? I haven't tried it yet so I can't say if they are the same or not but some of the ladies have tried both and compared them in the phero review section I believe :kyrii_faerie_action: You could also try the new Actors Magic once that's released, It's supposed to have that sparkly flair to it
  16. Oh, yeah! Sexology and UN- Cuddle Bunny was what I was wearing when Hunkalicious broke things in surgery LOL I know that's a combination that works
  17. Right ladies... This weekend I'm off to Berlin to for one of my best friends wedding. I have most of my stuff sorted...dress is ready, new shoes and my packlist is done (yeah, I'm that anal ). But, what do I bring with me phero-wise? I don't know if there will be any "eligible batchelors", if I knew that there wouldn't be anyone there of interest I'd just go with socials but WHAT IF there's an absolute hunk there? I'm definitively taking my LAM, Open Windows and Popularity Potion... Should I bring something sexxay as well you reckon? And if so, what? I have Sexology, BI & UN-CB... What do you ladies think? Is a wedding the wrong setting for sexy phero's?
  18. I've only tried this at home a couple of times so far so I can't comment on the phero's but I could talk about the scent I'm not quite sure what to make of this one to be honest. I don't dislike it, but I don't love it either. I think it's the grapefruit that does it...I'm not a big fan of the initial grapefruit scent (though I don't dislike it either, it's just not a "me" scent), but after ry down that mellows and almost disappears leaving a lovely patchouli and musk scent It's a fairly light and soft scent though and unfortunatley doesn't last that long on me so if I get a whole bottle I'd have to layer it with something to make the scent last all day...
  19. I feel your pain TG This is soooooo bad! LPMP has got to be more addicitng than crack cocaine!
  20. They are in the store under New Releases & Private Editions
  21. I'm totally getting at least one bottle of this And I'm thinking I need to get a bottle of the Blushing Milkmaid too
  22. Methinks the lovely ladies are busy bee's today Ail's Voluptous Vanilla and the Blushing Milkmaid P.E scents can now be found with the search button in "new releases" section Can't be much longer for the other descriptions to follow surely?
  23. Rosebud

    Top Five

    My Top 5 just keep changing...though, some of the "oldies" are still there I can't put them in a definitive order either, so here are my Top 5... randomly, in no particular order; 1. LP Original 2. LP Red 3. Mara's Rocket Fuel 4. Holle 5. E's Sweelty smutty musky lusty
  24. I'm curious about that one too I first thought milk & roses (the blushing) but that would be too similar to La Fleur Cremeuse right?
  25. Oh dear! How is my poor bank account going to deal?? So far the definitive "MUST haves" are Dark Seductions II & Ail's Voluptous Vanilla... Other labels that get my attention are Mr Right Now, Evil in Carnation & Naughty in the Nile...And maybe Boy Bait and the Neaderthal one Thank God for eBay!
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