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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Tested out two sprays, I felt the initial head rush, & then TT seemed in a great mood. No rude comments toward my oldest or me. So maybe he's in a much better mood & the phero helped him get there?
  2. Ah well, my age too I guess, lol. Yeah me neither, well unless they're free, & then it's just rude to turn down a free drink (as I was told by a Brit tourist two yrs. ago)
  3. I'm goingto try testing around him again tonight, but if it aggravates him excessively again, I think I'm going to pass this one along to someone else that can more thoroughly test this. Safety first ladies.
  4. My favorite ad campaign from my teen years: Me thinketh the penguins moved on to LPs...
  5. Egads I hope not...well I know I really feel like murdering people when I'm exhaustively tired or hung over, but that's a feeling that passes
  6. I tested one spray on back of neck, before slip cover shopping w/ TT & 4 yr.old. I don't think I like wearing this & driving. I feel like hyper-aware when I'm driving, which in theory isn't bad, but when I'm driving & that hyper-aware it makes me more nervous than a long-tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs! That is to say, I feel a nervous wreck. It also didn't help that my giant husband was fixing his hair with his giant elbow about an inch from the side of my face (he looks like he's in a clown car when he rides in my PT Cruiser, in fact, just try to picture Lou Ferrigno in a PT Cruiser, because he's the same size), so having that in my peripheral vision was not conducive to relaxed driving either *hrmph*. We ended up getting into it & I ended up pulling over & telling him to get out of my car, a block from the house, which he refused to do. He can't get out in our garage, because we park both cars in it, so I made him get out in front of the house, not even in the driveway. Then I left w/out pulling in, because he said "I feel like hitting you hard right now, & that IS a threat". IDK, if he was already just tired & the 140 ml. of caffeine + being close proximity to my phero cloud was just pushing him into grouch-land or what.
  7. Why don't you try a dose, just on the very back of your neck. You know hold your breath while getting it back there & see what happens if it's not right in your grill. I had an LP with pheros in it, it was almost two year ago, so I can't remember which one, but it made me nauseated. So I tried it on the back of my neck only & that helped a lot.
  8. Every situation where you need to soothe the Savage Dragon known as PMS, or be worshiped in a platonic manner.
  9. Tested out one spray last night & I didn't really notice anything. That may be because I've been using so much lately, though.
  10. I'm going to toughen up my lemon-aide with a shot or two of vodka, I think..
  11. Most Valuable Player, as in they worship in much the same way they would idolize their favorite sport star. It's really quite novel receiving non-sexual hero worship, lol.
  12. Ah well, it only exists in theory in the virtual world of FaceBook, but it's such an eye-grabbing title isn't it?
  13. Hmm, I like the self effects I get from both, but....guys only treat me like an MVP when I'm wearing B2.
  14. What have you no confidence in the CDC's preparations for the Zombie Apocalypse? Thank Goodness I'm attending the Massive Lesbian Orgy Before The End Of The World... & stalking May releases.
  15. Buena suerte! Red shoes on over here...
  16. Yeah she's just kind of crabby anyway & super possessive of her little mama's boy. Probably a visceral reaction to the attention being so effectively siphoned away from her
  17. Eeks, how does this have that effect for you??? I wore this around MIL, completely not thinking about it & she bristled like a bitch in heat @ me!
  18. Welcome Gaby. We're about the same age (I turned 30 in March), so can I ask, are you on birth control? That can make a difference on how much to use, because I think BC inhibits cop production. I'm not & I can still use up to three rolls of the oil based LAMs/EoW, for about two weeks after Aunt Flow comes to town anyway. I would suggest screwing off your lid & dabbing your alcohol based cops on @ first, so you have little more control of the amount your applying, this method works pretty well for me. & if its hotter you could give them a 10-15 minute dry down & cover with an oil based scent to slow diffusion. I like the alcohol based pheros a little better for covering, because sometimes I feel like an oil slick when I'm trying to cover oil with oil, lol. Especially in the 90-100 degree summers we get where I live. I will say straight alcohol base gets to be too much in that kind of heat though, in summer I've even had better success with 1/3rd strength phero enhanced LPs.
  19. WOre to grocery store with my 4 yr.old today. Applied my Iron Angel sample first (gah this one smells so good, why don't I go full bottle???). Actually, I originally had on Ashes 2 Dust, but after it accomplished the job, I wiped off & applied Iron Angel. Then I went with 1 spray to back of neck & one spray rubbed all over wrists/forearms/backs of hands. Egads, it worked better when I used less!!! I thought about pulling my car over for a minute, because I got a bit of a head rush, but rolling the car windows down helped a lot. I'd already eaten dinner, so I can't say, but the salt n vinegar chips I bought as a splurge, were just waaayyyy too salty. Couldn't eat them. Also I can't say, because normally I'm in the small town over from me with my bi-racial 12 yr.old, (yes it's MO, but we're still south of the Mason-Dixon line y'all) & this time I had my little white-boy with me (my bestie is always amazed @ how pale he is & she calls him a little white-boy), but people were so much nicer to me than usual today! I got lots of smiles & friendly looks. Very unusual occurrence for me in this little hick town. Curiouser & curiouser...
  20. I do. I've been purposely using massive amounts to see what the overload point is & so far, it's pretty effective without any negatives when I over do it. I can't wait to test out a conservative amount tomorrow!
  21. I've been using a TON. Like first testing round was 2 sprays to arms/ 1 spray to back of neck. Yesterday was 5 sprays. This next testing round I'll stick with two sprays.
  22. I don't know WHAT I was thinking last night, but I went into OD territory just to see what would happen. I sprayed about 3 sprays total on wrists/forearms/backs of hands, then a spray on each shoulder. I didn't feel bad, though. I just felt a little off & didn't get the great self effects I did initially. I still got the appetite suppression and increased alcohol tolerance. I told my friend on the way to the club about the testing project & the increased alcohol tolerance I was experiencing & she joked that it hopefully makes my BAC lower to This is definitely social, but there isn't an ounce of sexual attraction in this blend for me. I was dressed in an outfit that highlighted the goodies, but the fish weren't biting. I wasn't looking for that, I was just curious if it would be there. The bartenders were extremely attentive. My friend & I were booted from our table when we walked off to get another drink, but the next table over was occupied by a couple of acquaintances of mine, so they let us squeeze in. I did get asked to dance by the nice lady I didn't know @ the table & that was fun. My friend & I did get approached by a couple older gentlemen. I'm sure it was a hit, because I'd walked in the sniffing range & they developed the courage to approach. I didn't view it as a sexual hit though, because they were from out of town & looking for people to make them feel more comfortable. IDK, she & I weren't in the mood to cater to tourists, we were polite, and it went well. In that the out of towners intuited very quickly that we weren't biting, and left politely. In my experience these situations usually get waaayyyy more awkward. I also noticed that I want to smoke. I asked for one of my friends cigarettes & she didn't know what to think, as she's never seen me smoke. Off topic & to definitely show how long it's been since I smoked until 2 days ago, but do any other smokers HATE the firesafe paper they use in cigs. now???? Ack, now I know why hubby's been importing cigs from the UK! Anyway, I noticed I had a cigarette when I tested Sunday night. Monday night I had about 4 mixed drinks & 2 beers and really wasn't feeling tipsy, but that could've just been due to drinks being watered down at bars. My poor friend got approached by a swinger couple, which was hilarious! She got a free shot out of it, lol. I had the most vivid dream last night, but I've been having a lot of them lately anyway. ETA: I think I recognize the smell of Est. in this blend, but I've been wrong before.
  23. K I'm testing & using lots of Love Drawing & SE:2011, lol.
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