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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. My exclusive Love Potion shelf is very excited about Homme, lol.
  2. 1st of all welcome to the forum Secondly, I'm in total agreement w/ Dolly. After all, if it worked great for you, then why mess w/ success? A little extra cops never hurt any mix, so just add a smidge of those
  3. Foodie scents have a mollifying effect on my cravings as well. It's like, if I smell it all day, I have no actual interest in eating it.
  4. I'm under the impression that NR's are being programmed starting Friday...
  5. *giggle snort I wish I was THAT clever....M already told me, tee hee. I guess I won't feed the fish anymore...
  6. Yum! Lol. Definitely a new Love Potion...
  7. Yes, I did buy a lot of LP Spring 2011, also I bought: Lucky In Love Potion#7 (:'-( that one didn't work on me) LP Autumn 2010 LP Sunfire LP Passion & Desire LP Red LP Original LP#9 LP Silver LP Pink LP Autumn 2009 LP Summer 2009 LP Spring 2009 LP Autumn 2008...
  8. Great response Elizabeth I would definitely second Cougar, for male attraction, especially if you enjoy being fawned over by a circle of male admirers (I swear this is what it must be like to be a Leo *j/k). LP Red with or without pheros will net you DRAMATIC hits (in my experience). I paired it with Sexpionage the other day & my SO was dragging me off to bedroom & pulling off my pants, within 10 minutes of exposure. The other Love Potions (LP Pink, etc.) draw the love out of everybody & draw men in like bees to honey. Love Drawing nets the same reactions, but it's more fruity, incensey. Whereas, the Love Potions make you smell like delicious baked goods, or candy. I also LOVE the LAMs for male attention, but they act like happy sauce too. I love Jinx No More for general protection & to turn around a bad day, or streak of bad luck. Wall Of Protection has worked to protect me when I was in a potentially dangerous situation before. I also love Mapacho for when I get the vibe that malicious intending gossip is being directed my way, or @ night when alone & I get the heeby-jeebies. Rainbow Falls is very uplifting, Aerion Sky is in the same vein & just seems to be like bottled sunshine as well. Dark Seductions3 is a comforting, happy scent to me. I love Money Honey for work situations/bringing in the green (since I only have one bottle, it's in my vault, lol). Egg or Sarasvati are great for when you need creativity for writing or projects. I like Dirty, Pretty Thing for getting things done in stealth mode.
  9. Oh, alright... If you pay attention, then you know which NRs I buy unsniffed & w/out question. This month I shall be purchasing this one for TT, even though I've sworn off buying him anymore...but it shall stay on my rack to keep the others company.
  10. Oh this scent is lovely...every time I put mine on, it makes me desire cookies that taste like this smells.
  11. Muahahaha...this also means I have knowledge of exactly 1 new release...
  12. Yowza! Looking forward to this one Indeed!
  13. I could..but I may only be half-right as in, they charged it today, but I'm not sure it's going to be released in this month's line-up.
  14. LMFAO! Gah, you're hilarious. I believe all of the permanent Love Potion line are charged on days of power & variants are released @ Equinoxes & Solstices. ETA: I do haz a clue on one release coming up
  15. I believe the LP crew is empowering certain brews today...
  16. Me too! Now how do we get this to come about?
  17. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. My husband gets great results w/ PP, so I can't wait to hear your reports on using yours & I'm really excited to hear all the rest as well. Good luck Jaycee ~Beccah~
  18. I finally gave this a shot the other night & I love it. It smells like something I want to eat or drink. Honestly, I'm going to have to experiment with adding Sage to fruit punch now, or some kind of fruit pie, yum!
  19. Haha! I took a half-bath & soaked in 1/2 the contents of my wonderful giftee & now I'm in hoarding mode on the other 1/2 of the little container, lol.
  20. Ah Schneikes! I know what you mean, I think I have lik e50 samples, that everytime I wear them, I go; "I really need a full bottle o' this one..."
  21. Rainbow Falls & my forum freebies of Flowers In The Moat, & Sugared Honeycomb (I still haven't tried this one yet).
  22. I was wearing Liquid Flourite today. It was gifted to me & I'm so grateful because this a lovely scent to wear, when you want to be clear headed & get things done. The papaya adds a nice touch of sweetness to the greenness of this blend & balances the bergamot very nicely to keep it from becoming too sharp. This is a very sweet scent that screams PINK. The musk is present enough to keep you from going into a diabetic coma.
  23. Oh good, I knew I was off. I thought the idea derived from Isa wearing Woodland Man with cops ? My brain goes to odd places @ times :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:
  24. Actually, I think this started as a men's blend originally & Isa tweaked it with cops (please correct me if I'm wrong). It has quite a bit o 'none in it, so I bet it would translate easily for a man to wear.
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