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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Need some opinions. Should I test this mix @ the bar tonight, I could be interacting with some potential hostility & I don't want to be wearing anything to enrage anybody?
  2. Yesterday's testing results: I applied my beta of SE:2011 to forearms & backs of hands first, let dry a little, then two sprays of Phero M. Also sprayed one spray to back of neck. Gave 10 minute dry down & applied SE:2011 oil to backs o hands & forearms. Self effects: I felt this shiver-y good rush. Slightly reminded me of something illicit. Not scary in anyway @ all though. Over @ MIL's house, I felt great & in a great mood as well. There is an aspect of emotional detachment to this blend which lends a surreal quality to the self effects for me. It just reminds me of being on shrooms a teensy bit (I'm sorry I had to say it). Even after TT & I got into it later. I felt emotionally unattached to the situation. Everything was going good, but after TT consumed his second (original formula) 4 Loco, he was on the back porch smoking with his mom & brother. I'm sitting on the other side of the glass door with our youngest playing Ipad with him, when I hear him talking crap about me & our very recent last argument. I immediately got up & left with my 12 yr.old. I didn't feel the normal boiling rage I get when Aunt Flo's in town. I felt angry, but completely rational. I separated myself from the situation, so that I wouldn't say something regretful in front of his mother. I did get tempted to send a nasty text in response to his phone harassment, but instead chose to respond calmly & reasonably. I feel like this blend gave me the tools to cope with my husband & in-laws usual craziness.I also noticed that I really didn't feel the two glasses of wine I had & that even though I hadn't eaten, I wasn't very hungry. My MIL pushed some food on me, so I ate to be polite & eating had more of an intense quality to it, like the food had some super flavor concentrator on it, making it extra delicious. Effects on others: This did have a calming aspect for everyone withing sniffing range of me. My MIL complemented the LP I had on, which is unusual, because she doesn't usually care for sweet scents. TT was probably past the point of ANY phero blend working on him last night. ETA: My twelve yr. did talk to me about a couple unusual things in the car, usually he talks about his favorite manga & YouTube vids (I call this "filler" speak & I tune him out, because it's just ssooooooo boring). In car we're listening to music & he talks about his friend & how much his mom & I have in common. I don't "know" her, but I know of her. Actually I knew her sister that died in a car wreck in 2000 (very sad, she left behind two young ones & was my age), & I know she's had it rough. So I commented that I know she's been through a lot. My son also comments that "somebody else will probably want to marry me if I divorce dad." My response, "I'm only getting married once." Then he says his 7th grade friend was saying that "his mom was hot." His response:"No she's not!!! She's my mom!" His friend,"Well she looks like she's 20, she HAS to be @ least 30 & she doesn't have any wrinkles." So I explained to Isaiah that he shouldn't get to angry, because he might think the same thing about one of his friends' moms one of these days. Later we're listening to Adelle & he starts crying, I ask him whats wrong & he says:" Mom know matter how bad you have it, you can also feel bad for someone else, like _'s mom." Me: "Well someone else always has it worse, & you should always have empathy for others."
  3. Got my test mix yesterday, but didn't have chance to test. Going to dinner @ MIL's house, so I gotta shower & I'm going to test today. I'm going to do fore arms & backs of hands & I will probably dab under LP first, than over it.
  4. Lol. I should probably get mine tomorrow then.
  5. Alright, I got 4; 1. Miss America (or should I say Canada?) 2. Carrie 3. The chick from a different Stephen King novel (oh what IS her name??) 4. Wonder Woman Who's the 5th, pretty please?
  6. Ah yes..& hubby hitting garage door opener to pull in right as the neighbors are fetching their papers (my SO works nights, so this would happen to me)
  7. Boost is a reference to a full strength pheromone add-in to your choice of perfume. A beta is a reference to pheromones and/or perfume in the 1 oz alcohol based sprays. The pheromone add-ins are the same strength as the unscented pheromones, the only difference being that the perfume is the carrier for the pheromone. The strength is the same either way, it's just a matter of preference. Also, if it's a scent and pheromone you frequently wear together anyway, then you get a $10 discount on the perfume if you combine them.
  8. GOt my ship notice & now I'm getting nervous! I hope I give a thorough enough review.
  9. Pheromones usually dry down faster if you spray them on first. The oil has a longer dry down time, which lengthens the pheromone's dry down time v. just letting the alcohol in the pheromone spray dissipate first. Giving my un-Sexpionage spray 10 minutes to dry down & then covering also gives me great results & that one is cops + 'none. Horrible stank in a bottle, that stuff! If the stank is unbearable during dry-down Raq-On, I would suggest hanging out in the bathroom with the window open & the exhaust fan on. That's what I have to do when waiting out my EoW dry down time. Otherwise, my fam complains of the terrible sweaty cheese smell.
  10. Beccah

    Top Five

    I have to say that LP SE:2011 is still @ the top of my list.....
  11. *hands imaginary flowers & crowns with invisible crown*
  12. Well I haven't ried it straight up, but I know that this method works for cops (& they stink to high heaven)
  13. If it's in a spray I suggest opening the bottle & dabbing it on, then giving a 10 minute dry-down, then applying oil. (A-nol, hehe)
  14. Oh my I iz definitely guilty of not thoroughly reading as well
  15. That sounds best, reporting by email. Hey PM, I forgot this is my last week of the session & I'm off for the summer. I'm still volunteering, but if you need to pick another candidate, I won't take any offense.
  16. LOL @ EVERYONE If you need me I'm here. I interact with at least one male daily, and I have a fairly even mix of the sexes in my classes. I don't mind testing there, or at the grocery store, or at the post office. Hmm, & it would give me an excuse to go out n get all dolled up. Although I understand if you'd like to send it to the California girls for faster testing results. No biggie either way.
  17. I've been covering the cops, but I give them twenty minutes to dry down & I use my twelve yr. old as a guide for if I have them covered. After dry-down, & when I cover them if he can't detect "nasty b.o. cheese", then I'm golden.
  18. I didn't get any pink from Sparkle Fuschia @ all. LP SE:2011 is deliciously tangy to me. I have noticed that there's a communicative aspect to this LP, I think form the blueberry. It's been great to wear for my speeches.
  19. I did a cougar/pop. boost before & it had wonky effects on people. I've experimented a ton with mixing molecules and blends. At this point I find that if a blend works great on it's own, it's better to just wear as is. If you want to add a little extra glow to the blends, maybe adding cops would be the better option? You can pretty much mix those with anything to no ill effect.
  20. I wouldn't add any additional Sexpionage to CompP though, I did that & went into OD mode. There's a TON of cops in that blend.
  21. Chiming in now, lol. Sexpionage works wonders on HB for me. The 'None + heavy wallop of cops in this does make this one a challenge to cover for someone not too experienced in covering (I'm lazy). It did help that I got my Un-Sexpionage in a spray though. I just dab it sparingly like an oil let dry down & cover like I normally would an oil. I don't think I'd go out in public with it on though, too sexy
  22. The oils are super concentrated & should last you quite awhile. It just depends on usage, I think using a roll-on heavily & daily it took me three months to get through a bottle. I would definitely recommend sticking with oil based scents @ the school though.
  23. Why do I get the image of a Batman style utility belt & your hand reaching in to grab the H&S vial to throw down smoke bomb style? Heck I need the whole get up that I just described!
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