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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. I know the the cops aren't very noticeable in Captivation Equation. I would assume they wouldn't be as noticeable in Closer, since it's probably @ 1/3rd strength, but it may come off as a dirtier scent with the honey & cops in it.
  2. Maybe you used too much? Too much of any perfume can be off putting. Or maybe Popularity isn't a blend that works for you. In my personal experience PP tends to attract the "silver foxes."
  3. There's no difference, but if you're applying copious amounts, then ordering in a 2x or 3x strength actually saves you time & money (& 2x/3x are only available in spray form): 1x spray: $44.95 2x spray: $79.95 3x spray: $114.95
  4. Zomg! I can't wait to order. I'm so happy the licensing worked out PM! I think this is my favorite month so far, well I think that every month though....
  5. This has aged so well! The pomegranate is still very prominent on my skin, but that could be the summer heat throwing the scent out like baked goods...
  6. I'm definitely garnering a greater appreciation for this blend over my last 3 workouts. It definitely gives me the harder edge I need to get it done. I'm actually able to focus & when I get tempted to quit. I'm able to reason that I'm only cheating myself by quitting.
  7. The best part is that if you get hooked on LP Red/Black, it's always available
  8. Hmm regretting decision to let bestie have this sample before testing... Aww who am I kidding? If I would've smelled it 1st, I NEVER would've let it go.
  9. I got a bottle of this in trade from Hmmb1 & I never quite reviewed it. I love this one, on me it's predominantly honeysuckle (bonus). It is the less green sister to Bethrothal Potion, very classy with a touch of sex appeal. Actually I think the sunflower amps up the presence of the honeysuckle on my chemistry, but I smell it now too.
  10. Hmm, but one could spray the linen spray on the outside of the clothes before putting them on, perhaps?
  11. Beccah

    Pillow Stuffing

    True, definitely an idea worth considering. I scented my little one's pillow before nap time yesterday & his whole room smelled of this. Very nice! ETA: in combination w/ his new bed & this pillow scent, his desire to sleep in our bed is gone. Nice.
  12. TT & I are getting along....so applied a teensy bit to his neck & wrists. He doesn't apply oils of his own accord, but he should, because his body heat radiates the scent out to a nice throw with a minimal amount of oil applied. The coffee & sandalwood dominate on him, finishing up to a nice sweetened sandalwood. It makes sniffing him addictive.
  13. Beccah

    Belle de Menthe

    I usually hate mint. I tolerate it in toothpaste...but there a couple mints that LP have turned me on to. The mint in LP Silver, for one. I actually like fresh mint, in a fruit salad, for instance & I also like the mint in this. It's prominent, but not overpowering. The way Mara uses mint, it's just refreshing in the perfume.
  14. Beccah


    This is another one that just smells high end It is definitely a scent worthy of adoration. The caramel whispers ever so slightly in the background on my skin (not a caramel fan, so this makes me happy).
  15. Beccah

    Pillow Stuffing

    I really like this one & the sachet sample. It's potent! I'd just had 2 glasses of iced chai tea & sniffing this was yawn inducing for me. My 4 yr. old settled down quite easily into nap time, especially considering the screaming fight he was putting up prior to me distracting him w/ the sachet sample. The sample looks like you used quite a bit of essential oils in this mix. I should scent my little ones' pillows w/ this one, it's divine. Hmm, it's too bad I couldn't get this in a linen wash form, lol.
  16. I like this one, I really like it! It seems that my skin amps the floral aspect in this scent. Ah I see what it is: It brings out the floral aspect of the honey as well, very nice.
  17. This smells so high end. I keep sniffing the part of my arm that this is dabbed on. Yum, just yum! For me it's not any one note that takes over, & the lotus is strong enough to assert it's presence against the grapefruit & strawberry. This perfume makes me feel like a Superstar, a classy one like Elizabeth Taylor.
  18. Oh My Glob (dang it, Lor, this phrase will not leave my vocab. now...)! This. Is. Dead SEXY! So far I've smelled it in vial, but I was totally DIHL'd. I caught myself sniffing vial & vacant't staring @ wall. If a man had this on, I would be under his spell. I was going to give this to TT thinking it might sweeten his disposition, but I may give it to one of my single guy friends, so they can find Mz. Right. It's distinctly a Love Potion, but on steroids (hahaha).
  19. I find Aerion Sky helps it to stick around a bit longer, if moisturizing isn't helping.
  20. I. Love. This. I can not wait until it arrives @ our doors. & I'm also grateful that this is one adorable fish that can't fall victim to my clumsiness, lol! ETA: I just caught that you DID put the lotus in there! You're AMAZING!
  21. Beccah

    Top Five

    LP:SE 2011 Love Drawing Rainbow Falls
  22. Yes, my favorite housekeeper @ the Super8, it was that way trying to speak w/her.
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