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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Ah good, I've learned something today: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libre#Libre Why no, I'm not embarrassed that I had to look that up
  2. G2's gotten me out of a ticket before & the cop was male
  3. You could always request it as a PE. I think that was the original idea behind offering them, to cut down on the Sugareds kept in stock.
  4. It's cinnamon heavy, so I'd definitely suggest it in oil.
  5. It's n Est. heavy blend which may slightly change the scent of your perfume, but I like the scent of est. I love H&S & I used to boost EVERYTHING with it, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it
  6. All I know, is that the this one calms my MIL. I don't mind having her over if she's in a good mood
  7. I put it on over S's J.O.W. yesterday & was completely cracking myself up w/ pics like these last night: Literally lollling!
  8. Let's see; 1.Monthly sampler 2. my Grapefruit/Lotus/Strawberry PE 3. Cougar boost for said PE 4.sample PheroGirl 5.sample JNM (gave my original to my oldest & my big bottle is getting low) 6.1 bttle Perfect Match in silicone carrier 7. Blessed/Dressed spell candles in pink (gave my last one of those away to Sugar awhile back)
  9. Ok so I wanted to comment the other day (when the forum was down), but now that I have my full sized bottle...I love the mica in there. After you shake it up & it's swirling around & glowing, it truly looks like a magic potion. So cool!
  10. I'm going to have to say Girl Nip. Seriously, I had to confiscate this from my 12 yr.old, because it was 2 damn sexy. & huffing my 12 yr.old boy was NOT an option!
  11. I don't find B2 to be a cuddly blend. If you want to get closer to your lady, then go with Perfect Match. It's meant as a snuggly blend by design.
  12. Hmm, I bet this soap is good for firming up the skin too.
  13. This is a lovely, water-y floral. The sweetness does fade, but it pairs beautifully with Sugared Honeycomb (accidentally combined 2 yesterday). My 1st perfume loves were Ghost Myst & Ming Shu, so this one is definitely a winner for me.
  14. I misread that then. Hmm, I can't see TH steering the emotional climate that way. Maybe you were already tired & the extra phero stimulation was aggravating? Then there's the factor that pheromones can only do so much. Even if my husband uses a blend on me, that turns my mind explicitly toward sex, or specifically designed to calm me, if he does something entirely aggravating, I'm still going to get angry, B2/Wingman Black withstanding, & I'm not going to give him his desired result. Pheromones may be nice social enhancers (you'd have to pry mine from my cold...well you know), but they do not change your basic nature. You could bathe in the most soothing blend in the world, but if you're child is repeatedly tamping on your "shiny red (anger) buttons", eventually you may snap darling. Trust me, I have 12 yr.old with an uncanny ability to hone in one's "buttons" (mercury sits in scorpio in his chart)...
  15. After testing this properly (out & about), & comparing it with Sugared Honeycomb, I know it's not the honey, but the civit that's the issue with scent for me. For some reason civit amps to an unbearably loud extent on me, leading me to smell waaayyy too musky. TT doesn't even care for what my chemistry does to civit & he likes the smell of a$$ On my trade page, if anyone's interested.
  16. Beccah

    Sugared Honeycomb

    I got my sample of this yesterday (woo-hoo). Anyway, having learned my lesson from testing out Sexology2 the other day (in my trade page if anyone's interested), I only applied a teensy bit to the side of my wrist. egads, it ha ssoem throw & I was a bit panicked, because it smelled intensely musky @ 1st, like Sexology, but thank heavens it lightened up quite a bit to a nice slightly floral, intense sweetness (like honey, duh). I think I tried PheroGirl in the very beginning of my time, but I need to retry it, as I'm really digging Sugared Honeycomb now. Also, as JOC puts it, honey seems to "stain" my skin as well, because I can still smell it on the spot where I tested it, even after showering last night.
  17. Or it might interfere with theirs, because they'll be too busy 'hero' worshiping her I think SWS would be better than Open Windows in a competitive sitch, because people get so chatty with OW thrown into the mix.
  18. There aren't any aggressive pheros in either blend, but H&S can make me more emotional. H&S is one of my ultimate favorites, but if my mood goes south because of say.....my husband texting/facebooking by the car, whilst my 4 yr.old & I are waiting outside the restaurant in the hot sun, when it's supposed to be family time (i.e. leave the f'n cellphone in the car, jackhole), me calling him out, then he's yelling @ cursing @ me in public (in front of God & everybody). Then my (justified) anger can get amplified, because I was already feeling more emotional (in a good way). IDK, did you feel weepy @ all afterward, because that's usually what happens to me. Treasured Hearts does not affect me that way @ all.IDK, mixing blends can be volatile, I would definitely not suggest mixing them in an important situation, unless you've tested that mix in a more neutral situation with good results. ETA: TH, by itself, has netted me great results. I wore it to my cousin's wedding, where I had to interact w/ my aunt & her husband, after not speaking to them for 4 yrs. (the fall out from the nasty custody battle I had with them), TH totally smoothed the awkwardness, to a point of non-existence. I can't say how that would've went with any other phero blend.
  19. I totally missed Luna's back in my delirium of exausted eyes, coming back in for just one last check! Luna! @PM Aww thanks! I need to email you about something, I was just reminded, lol. @Calii & Liz It's so easy to contribute over there when I have all this great information from women who've put in a lot of hard work like Ail, Dolly, Lor, & PM (amongst others) to draw from. Mark also does the hard work (programming), lol. ETA: emailed you!
  20. Totally O/T, but having worked nights for years....I still say noon:thirty, when I want to specify during the day
  21. I'm going to weigh in & add my two scents. Firstly, I second & third everything M & Bumbob said. Secondly, I'l describe a phero crash for me. I'm sensitive to caffeine, so I can't really drink it all that much & if I overdo it I end up feeling anxious & overly exhausted & crabby. When I have a phero crash it's very similar. I usually end up wearing pheros 2-4x a week @ most & sometimes going a couple weeks without wearing them. I've only crashed once or twice in over 2 yrs. of using them. The beautiful thing about them is that if they don't agree with you, you can easily wash the offending blend off & you're back to your comfort zone
  22. I use the Marshmallow Egg scrub exclusively on my face( it makes a faboo lip scrub), anyway I tend to get a teensy bit in mouth sometimes & it tastes yummy, lol.
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