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Everything posted by cinnamonmel

  1. i moveD up! I have no idea who i am, again, haha.
  2. Carnation, sugared roses, vanilla marshmallows and the purple puff musk. I cant wait!!
  3. pe's are out of stock for now, i know because i tried to order mine the other day.
  4. Stalking fever's setting in! I cant wait mara, will i need to rob a bank in preparation??!
  5. Heh, it wasn't me being punished, I just needed a decision made in the past to be found to be unfair to me.
  6. I just don't know, maybe Garland and Lace then, the only lace i have has cops, and Treasured Hearts makes me anything but treasure-y. ETA thanks for the well wishes everyone.
  7. It's not a punishment Matter. I do need them to be empathetic though. Empathy and harmony makes me angry though.
  8. I have to attend a very important tribunal tomorrow, I really really need this to go in my favour. What would be the best thing to wear? Also if anyone can send some positive thoughts my way I would be really grateful. I am really nervous
  9. cinnamonmel


    Love the review lady v, and fruit punch should make my sweetie swoon
  10. I think by the sounds of things, had you been up for it, she'd have eaten you on the spot!
  11. Sent the scent notes to my friend, asking would he be into it? He replied 'oh yeah, i'll take two gallons please'. Sample first then if he approves, that's his birthday pres sorted
  12. Sounds like this packs a powerful punch qg!
  13. Nice review! Thanks. I can't wait!! I knew my instinct was good on this one. I'm mentally filing this with sneaky clean and the new scent that has cougar in.
  14. Mara, could you save me a phero bottle if at all possible? Until after xmas day when i should be receiving an lp gc
  15. I think my friend would love this, mara would the cops make it unwearable on a guy?
  16. cinnamonmel


    I ordered. Paired with ss4w this is going to rooooock!
  17. Love the label, my eldest said woooh,hogwarts!!! I passed on the scent though, i just don't think i would wear it enough.
  18. i Ordered...merry, indecent exposure, mistress Xmas, lady v's panther, a grab bag and some wax melts, plus a sample of pthvier, happy and i forget the last one! I should've also gotten goal for my best friend since he is currently very taken with it.only i only found out post order he loves it noow.
  19. I reckon like sneaky clean honey :D fingers crossed!! I think I will love it whatever
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