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Posts posted by Calii



    What did you think Calii? This one has me intrigued! Is it good, and does it remind you of anything LP has done before?

    none that I can think of...



    This is wispy ethereal spun silk,I don't get the moss part yet,it is softy sweetened white musk on me,and while not the typical Calii scent,I can see this being an instant hit with many ... so many !


  2. HAH...am I the only one on the planet who has not tried Pink Sugar :lol: ... this does not last long on me,but I absolutely get the Cherry Sparkle Fuchsia feel,good call Halo...and yeah this could make an amazing spray boosted with Cougar !!!

  3. OH Yes,this is really beautiful,after dry down,altho maybe still just a little too much cherry just yet,on me,betting this will be Perfection in a few weeks! :hearts09793:


    ...and DUH at first I had it mixed up with where I had put Little Witches on,which could be account for the xtra cherry :lol:

  4. IMO,and definitely on me,EST works better in a blend ...I adore Lace, for example <EST & A-nol > :) EST in the spray can be used with lots of things though,especially cops,ie Cuddle Bunny,it just adds...more :) The lower strength can always be doubled in amount of sprays.


    Now I have to ask... I never seem to be able to pick up on any a-nol effects? Or am I just not clueing in to what this phero does?

    (I don't get particularly cheerful nor lively nor energetic. It's like meh... right now I have this on I just want to lay down and sleep.)

    Unfortunately not everyone gets self-effects from all pheros,or even any pheros,and/or you might have not found the right amount which can be more...or less...keep on eye out for changes in others,like more talking,friendliness,smiles,and just better attitudes in general.


    ...I am lucky/grateful in that I am "phero easy" ,so far :)

  6. :bday1029:YAAAAYY TO ALL THE MOVER-UPPERS! :bday1029: And Merrie, I love your avi, too! You and Calii have such beautiful avis. :wub:


    Calii, who is that painter, again...? I can't remember her name right now. Wait.....Google.........Tamara de Lempika! LOOOOVE her stuff!!!!!



    HAH,you are the one who told me...ummm you are seeing my Halloween avi right ???? ,not my T de L CallaCalli

    ...well yeah,beauty is in the eye of :001_302::rofl222:

  7. HAH...ok took me awhile to make the connection with so many scents on,but those who loved Draucla's Bakery will not be disappointed in this one...eeee cannot wait for Tyvey,Luna etc etc ,someone with a better nose than I, to confirm this :w00t:


    Calii, that is so beautiful...thanks so much for posting this so I could read it...


    You are welcome ! :)


    This is wispy ethereal spun silk,I don't get the moss part yet,it is softy sweetened white musk on me,and while not the typical Calii scent,I can see this being an instant hit with many ... so many !

  9. Well I don't know what benzoin smells like by itself,and have my nose full of too many NR's,but this is really yummy,and yes it smells just like you would think biting into a blackberry flavored marshmallow tastes :lol: ...someone should make such a thing,or maybe they do for Halloween :huh:

  10. Oh oh my,this is every bit as delicious as it sounds...a foodies dream scent, have my nose full of all the new releases,of course I will never learn so why keep trying :rofl222: ...but this is standing out! a makes Calii smile scent :lolipop:

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