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Posts posted by Calii

  1. HAH,yeppers experimenting is the only way,I probably have said that a time or twenty, fun stuff huh :lol: I always wear extra cops with Cougar,and pretty much wear extra cops with everything :P 10 drops in 5ml is a lot,but if it works on you that is all that will ever matter...it is so important to get that what works for one will not work for all,it simply is what it is ... How you feel effects how others react,in my experience at least,hard to be grumpy around someone who is all smiles, I never want to lose my self-effects !


    Wow really? So the raisin doesn't come out on you at all? I wish I got more chocolate out of it!


    I am sooooo not good at this :lol: ...ok,just for you :P have a small dab of dbao...TD on my hand now,umm does not go well with CE,just sayin :) Not getting what raisin smells like to me,ie what I smell when I open my container full,I think what I get most is the black amber :huh: and actually I don't care for this by itself,just not a Calii scent...but the combo of it with OCCO SlF was so sexy yesterday,but than hey... it's OCCO SLF :D


    ...wait a minute,am huffing further and getting that evil grin feeling again,hmmm



    Come on, what are you waiting for, Calii? Btw, there seemed to be endless bottles in the cart.


    Heh,you noticed that cart thang too...mz ebil enabler :001_302:


    *hope it is not mistake and they are suddenly ...gone :w00t: or on teh bright side,a new permanent LP fixture,as is a definite instant classic scent!!!!

  4. Just in case anyone has not seen/read the Midnight Masquerade thread ...teh Sparkle lovers would not be dissapointed with a boosted bottle of MM & Cougar in a spray...just sayin :P


    hmmmm,well actually that would be a pretty strong dose of Cougar.

  5. I am waffling on getting a full bottle,unless maybe a spray,boosted with Cougar hmmm :) the cherry amps a bit too much on me but it is still really yummy... I do like Sparkle Fuchsia better and fortunately still have a stash :D

    but but but,if I wait it might be too late -_-

  6. While not a Calii scent,or rather not one I would wear out and about with so many of my favored foody delights to choose from,I tried this last night with OCCO SLF,and liked it enough to wear it again today!!...smells totally sexy,dark and dangerous! ... am going to add a generous spritz of Leather in a few hours,just feels like it :snake1:


    ...no grape,a touch of very dark chocolate,the SLF blends so well with the amber making a dark dark honey...try it ! :D

  7. Anyone had a bizarre reaction like that?


    Nope,but since she was "normal" without it,it sounds like a definite reaction to something in the blend...have you tried others around her,would be an interesting experiment :) ...endlessly fascinating how different people react to different stimuli !!!!!!!!

  8. Luna Chick thought you would enjoy this,from a good friend of mine I sent your Spider Silk poem to,and believe me,coming from her,high praise indeed :abfx:


    A writer after my own heart! All the delicious assonance and alliteration~uhmmm. And the so cozy slithering in of the spider's intentions~"....Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly~"

  9. I am glad someone else gets the Garland and Lace comparison.


    :lol: ...hee, thought I came back and said,yeah,I get it now that Halo mentioned it,I planned on it...and even quite a bit of Jo Anna's Xmas Candy vibe from the cinnamon...I LUV it! :D

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