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Posts posted by Calii

  1. Sounds like a creamy and deeper than my PE. Just wondering what it's boosted with and if (yes, I have to raise this) it comes in virgin .....


    Yes it is ... but Mara posted in the November NR thread that she will stop offering the virgin scents next month,it's just too much extra work,extra inventory etc for the very few who do buy them.


    What is eNone? Haven't seen that before?


    enone = Alpha Androstenone,found in Blatant Invitation,Sexpionage,Dominance,Leather,Audacious, and most Alpha male scents. This is gonna be stellar :001_302:


  2. Mmmm, looking forward to trying this,even though I have a nice bit of the original left, it is one of my go to comfort association scents. :D


    Was lucky enough to snag a few bottles of Rosebud's Vanilla Maplewood in the year before sale,it is a sweeter,but similar scent,and it takes cops nicely,so betting this would too :)

  3. Heh...I left off reading the descriptions here last night,just before logging off to watch DWTS & Castle :lol: ...I just knew it was Dolly,just sayin :001_302:


    Not a Calii kinda scent,but sheeesh I have been wrong about that a lot lately ,will definitely try a sample,am intrigued by using with OCCO Pink,and already know I can rock the Dom :P

  4. Just catching up to some of the descriptions...and I am 100% for NOT offering virgin bottles of a scent designed to BE phero'ed,way too much work :( we already have way way more options than ANY other place. Mara we love you and it breaks my heart to see you ever feel you need to apologize for ANYTHING,we are so blessed to have you in our lives :abfx:


    oooohhhhhh I love this for Strange Attractors!!! :

    The universe is a vast and lonely place. One attractor string, colorful, unique, none other like it in the whole universe, floats through space. Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, another of these attractor strings drifts across its path. Whether it's fate, destiny, or just random chance, these two attractors collide. They whirl around each other, entwining under the starlight that causes them to gleam like rainbows against black velvet. No longer are these lone entities traveling alone through the cold darkness of space. Now these two strands are woven into one, a stronger unit, fortified against the continuing journey that lies ahead.



  5. I have this on today,it is more marshmallow now with the berries just sweet enough...I do have it on with some Beth's Blushing Milkmaid fairly close by ...smells like light pink frosted cookies :o

  6. Xev, Halloween is over, no more scary stories!!! LOL!!


    I think the other side of the story is more likely, Mara is a true artist, and as such, she can never stop being creative!! We are all so lucky to have found her and LPMP, and, one way or another, we will always be able to share in her genius!!


    Mara, I know you're working hard today!! Take some time to enjoy the beautiful weather with your sweet kitties!! xoxo

    Good grief Xev :o :o

    ...but yeah,the rest to Da Mara goes for me too!!!!!!!! :hearts09793:

  7. More than patient here :D ...heck i'm still trying last months goodies,and the month before :o ...it totaly boggles my mind the work involved in this operation,geeeez what, 16 new scents,2 new blends,new melts,I mean damn!!! ...and the labels,the scribing,the website,the cart :w00t: :w00t:


    ...well ok maybe,one or two descriptions? :666:

  8. Woo-hoo glad you posted this JOC,I enjoyed reading it !!! :) I had seen what your plans were in the daily thread but forgot to comment ...no secret that LP Red & OCCO Red is one of my all time favorite combos,especially after a few hours on,mmmmm,and it is a true man magnet :P


    One small note of caution though to any new users inexperienced with that amount of cops,the only uncomfortable experience I ever had was with it,so always be aware,it can attract attention you may not be prepared for....just sayin.


  9. Gosh they are all gorgeous,I just don't know how you do it Mara,you are truly beyond amazing :abfx: ... hee, Balls!,the gold Alphas,the image and placement,LOL and w/Sexpionage,no less :w00t: and Fuzzy Wuzzy :lol: Strange Attractors,ohhhh and with Topper in a spray,perfect !!! ... The boy in Shade is appealing to me,in an androgynous but compelling way,hmmmm.

    Will be interested also in content of La Femme Noire & Gotcha...and eyikes unscented Dirty Old Man :o



    It's been said before, but just that little tweak in amount or placement of the phero in a blend can make all the difference.


    :yeahthat: !!!!!!!!! ...plus a blend with a scent can be completely different to everyone...scent memory and/or association is a powerful thing.And then there is individual reaction to any pheromone at any given time...soooo many reasons that continuous experimenting truly is the only way!

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