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Posts posted by Calii

  1. I get more Pink from SP than pumpkin,just an awesome spiced Pink :hearts09793: LOL,maybe cause I always wear it with OCCO Pink :lol:


    Sparkle Fuchsia Zircon Glace Glitzy Clashy Wildy Trashy ...http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/SparkleFuchsia/

  2. Last night,did not want to use up any more of my hoarded Sparkle Fuchsia Zircon Glace Glitzy Clashy Wildy Trashy :lol: that I wore most of the day ...so tried Lick of Pink with Lick Of Cream ...nom nom nom :icecream:


    Can someone with more experience than I chime in here.

    Thanks in advance!


    Well... don't have any experience with this because mixing two complex blends is something I would not even want to do :huh: ...fine to experiment with simpler mixes,like Lace,CB,Topper, or even some singles like DHEAS or A-nol,for example, and of course cops goes with everything :lol: <IMNSHO> But complex blends are as they are for a reason!



    Great post Dolly! I certainly agree with and relate especially to the attitude part ;) if you have you don't need much more,and if you don't, you can't *buy* it :love:


    The point is I can't be arsed to care because I am an infinitely more interesting person now than I was at 27. And you can't avoid the aging process, truly, so why allow yourself to be tortured by it? There are lots of other things in life to enjoy (and if not now, then when?).


    :) ...WORD!


  4. Well...I would not know what labdanum smells like if it bit me :) I get the peachy nectarine,mmmm, and seems like apple,except there is no apple in here :huh: light feeling woods,soothing,ummm,like a clearing if that makes any sense ...have a lot of LP EQ 2011 on still so will try again later.

  5. Tryed this again after seeing Tyvey's post in the daily thread cause for a moment,or two lol, could not remember which one this was...oh boy this has aged nicely :) granted I am kinda slathered in Baskery,but this is much more the pumpkin frosted ginger cookies on me than it was before! ...every bit as good Bunns of Cinn.

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